Chapter 28: Central Ruins

Dao Wei looked at Liu Mingxia, who was totally in a state of enlightenment. The bird in the sphere had finally taken a visible shape. It looked like a Phoenix, but it emitted a cold aura that could even freeze the spirit.

"The Legendary Blue Phoenix!" Dao Wei was shocked.

Just like the Fire Phoenix, the Blue Phoenix was also a legendary figure. It was an Archean beast, magnificent and powerful enough to be on par with the gods. These beasts were the first of existence before mankind even came to be. However, the Archean age ended ages ago, and few and few people had been able to awaken their bloodline. This just went to prove that the Demon Sect indeed had a profound background.

"She should be fine," Dao Wei thought. Just to be safe, he wrote a short message informing her where he went in case she woke up and he was still not back. It would be a disaster if they actually separated in this godforsaken world.

With that, Dao Wei left the chamber and began trailing towards the center. Mythical beings of all sorts could be seen as he walked past the forest. Although they were not as strong and mature as those they saw in the vision, they were all in their own league. 

Dao Wei wasn't in a rush; he took his time to absorb and enjoy his immediate surroundings. It wasn't every day that one got to visit a world that existed ages ago, and he was going to make use of every bit of it. 

As he ventured deeper, the forest around him grew more enchanting. The trees were taller, their leaves shimmering with a faint, otherworldly light. The air was filled with the soft hum of magic, making each breath feel like a sip of ancient wisdom. Dao Wei's senses were heightened, his qi harmonizing with the mystical energy of Zara World.

He paused to observe a pair of Luminous Deer grazing in a clearing, their antlers glowing softly in the twilight. They moved with an ethereal grace, their eyes reflecting a deep, ancient wisdom. Dao Wei felt a sense of peace wash over him as he watched them, their presence a reminder of the harmony that once existed in this world.

Further ahead, a Water Qilin stood by a crystal-clear stream, its scales shimmering with an iridescent hue. The creature raised its head, water droplets glistening on its azure mane, and regarded Dao Wei with intelligent, curious eyes. He bowed respectfully, and the Qilin responded with a nod before resuming its tranquil stance.

Dao Wei's journey took him past a Pixu, a mythical creature with a lion-like body adorned with golden scales. It guarded a treasure trove of precious gems, its eyes fierce and protective. When their gazes met, there was a moment of silent understanding. Dao Wei acknowledged the Pixu with a slight bow, and it rumbled a low growl of acceptance before turning back to its vigil.

The deeper Dao Wei ventured, the more he felt the ancient power of Zara World coursing through him. Each step was a journey through time, a connection to an age long past. He reached a clearing where the ruins of an ancient temple stood, its once-grand columns now crumbling and overgrown with vines. The air here was thick with mystery and wonder, and Dao Wei could sense that he was nearing something significant.

The path through the forest led Dao Wei to a grove where the flora and fauna grew more extraordinary. Giant flowers, their petals the size of small houses, glowed with a bioluminescent light, casting a gentle radiance on everything around them. The air was thick with the scent of these flowers, a heady aroma that seemed to seep into his very being, filling him with a sense of euphoria.

A cluster of Golden Tigers lounged in the sun, their fur shimmering like molten gold. These majestic creatures watched Dao Wei with lazy, half-lidded eyes, their tails flicking idly. One of the tigers rose and stretched, revealing muscles that rippled under its gleaming coat. Dao Wei moved slowly and respectfully, careful not to provoke these powerful beasts.

Dao Wei's journey through Zara World had been nothing short of extraordinary, but as he ventured deeper into the mystical forest, he felt a new thrill surge through him. The forest was alive with a presence that was both ancient and powerful, and as he walked along the path made of pure jade, his senses tingled with anticipation.

The path gleamed underfoot, its smooth surface reflecting the dappled sunlight that filtered through the thick canopy above. Each step echoed faintly, as if the jade itself carried his footsteps forward. The air was rich with the scent of earth and foliage, but there was something more, something ancient that lingered just beyond his awareness.

As he passed the lions' den, Dao Wei noticed an unusual opening in the mountain ahead. It was a dark gap in the rock face, shrouded in shadows, but it called to him, piquing his curiosity. He smiled, feeling the pull of adventure. "Let's see what secrets you hold," he muttered to himself as he approached the cave.

Upon entering, the cave seemed ordinary enough at first. The walls were rough, hewn from solid rock, and the air was cool and damp. But as Dao Wei ventured further in, his eyes were drawn to something extraordinary at the other end of the cavern. Two massive doors, unlike anything he had ever seen, loomed before him. They were bronze, ancient and imposing, standing in stark contrast to the stone of the cave.

The doors were gigantic, their surfaces intricately designed with symbols and patterns that hinted at a time long past. There were no handles, no visible means of opening them, and the design was unlike anything in the modern world. Dao Wei's heart raced as he approached them, the weight of history pressing down on him.

"Do I need to blast this door or something?" Dao Wei mused aloud, his mind racing with possibilities. But as he examined the doors more closely, something caught his eye.

"This… this is the ancient language," Dao Wei whispered in shock. His pulse quickened as he traced the characters etched into the bronze. He had read a few historical stories about the three realms and recognized the script. The ancient language was believed to be used by the Ancients, the first mortal race. According to legend, all mortals—humans, elves, beasts—were descended from the Ancients, who were themselves created by the Old Ones.

But the meaning of the text puzzled him. 'It shall open once the Old Ones return home,' the inscription read.

"Ehhh… What does that even mean?" Dao Wei muttered, furrowing his brow as he tried to unravel the mystery behind the doors. Who were the Old Ones? And why would their return be necessary to open these doors? His mind raced as he searched for answers.

The legends told of the birth of the primitive world, when the Mother Goddess had two sons who were later known as the Old Ones. But beyond that, the details were sparse, shrouded in the mists of time.

As Dao Wei pondered these thoughts, the ground beneath him suddenly began to tremble. The entire cave shook violently, and the air was filled with the sound of grinding stone. "What… What is happening!" Dao Wei exclaimed, struggling to keep his balance.


The sound grew louder, reverberating through the cavern, and before Dao Wei's astonished eyes, the massive doors slowly began to open. The ancient mechanisms groaned under the weight of millennia, but the doors parted, revealing an older, darker cave beyond.

"Interesting… It shouldn't have opened for me… I'm not an Old One…" Dao Wei murmured to himself, his eyes wide with amazement. The air within the newly revealed cave was different, older, and it carried the weight of countless years. It seemed as if nobody had set foot there since the dawn of time.

The tunnel beyond the doors was unlike anything Dao Wei had seen. The walls were carved from the finest jade, their surfaces smooth and polished. At the center of the tunnel lay a golden chest, its surface gleaming with an otherworldly light. Beside it, a human skeleton lay sprawled on the ground, its bones weathered and brittle.

Dao Wei's breath caught in his throat as he approached the chest. The scene was eerie, the skeleton a grim reminder of the dangers that lay ahead. 'I wonder what happened here… The skeleton looks like it was digested though… Or at least fell in a pool of acid. But there's no acid anywhere here…'

As Dao Wei pondered the fate of the unfortunate soul, a strange sound emanated from the chest. The lid creaked open, revealing a sight that made Dao Wei's blood run cold. Inside the chest was a grotesque creature, its maw lined with rows of terrifying teeth. What should have been a tongue was instead a filthy demon with three sharp claws. The creature had several eyes inside its mouth, each one staring hungrily at Dao Wei.

"What the hell is that thing!" Dao Wei gasped, jumping back a step. But recognition dawned on him almost immediately. "A Mimic… and a Trapper Chest at that," he muttered, his shock giving way to a sense of wary excitement. Trapper Chests were rare, and this one looked particularly hungry.

Without warning, the Mimic launched its grotesque tongue at Dao Wei, its claws slashing through the air with deadly intent. But Dao Wei was ready. His mind raced with possibilities as he dodged the attack, his eyes narrowing as he considered his options.

The Mimic was a dangerous creature, but Dao Wei had faced worse. With a swift movement, he activated his Spatial Ring, a powerful artifact that could store objects and creatures. The Mimic, caught off guard by Dao Wei's speed, was sucked into the ring before it could react.

"Never expected to be fighting a chest, to be honest… Lucky me its strength hasn't matured yet or I'd have been in a whole lot of trouble," Dao Wei muttered, shaking his head in disbelief. He was disappointed not to find any treasures inside the chest, but he was content with the Mimic. It might come in handy someday, he thought as he continued to explore the cave.

As Dao Wei prepared to investigate further, he heard the sound of footsteps echoing from the tunnel. The footsteps were rapid, and they seemed to be approaching fast. "Is that… a spider?" Dao Wei wondered, his eyes narrowing as he peered into the darkness.

Out of the shadows emerged a creature that was both terrifying and grotesque. It was an abnormally gigantic spider, its fur glowing a menacing red. The spider was not just ugly; it was a creature born of nightmares, its presence exuding a primal fear that made Dao Wei's skin crawl.

"Seems like I can't avoid fighting today," Dao Wei muttered, his grip tightening on the hilt of his sword. The next instant, he launched himself forward, his sword gleaming as he aimed for the spider's head.

But before he could strike, a strange purple figure appeared between him and the spider. The figure was humanoid, but it had only the upper half of a body. Chains dangled from its arms, and its long claws glinted in the dim light. With a swift, almost casual movement, the figure slashed at the spider, stealing half of its life force in an instant before vanishing into thin air.

The spider, now paralyzed with fear, could do nothing as Dao Wei's sword sliced through its body with ease. The Celestial Sword passed through the giant spider as if it were made of paper, the blade leaving a trail of light in its wake.

Dao Wei landed behind the spider, his sword held at the ready. "Sigh… What was that?" Dao Wei wondered aloud, his mind racing to make sense of what he had just witnessed. He had clearly seen the figure that had aided him, but he had no idea what it was or why it had helped him.


The giant spider collapsed to the ground, sliced cleanly in half. The creature was so massive that even in death, its body towered over Dao Wei. He shook his head in disbelief as he stored the spider's body into his Spatial Ring, his mind still reeling from the encounter.

Pushing his curiosity aside for the moment, Dao Wei continued deeper into the tunnel. The air grew cooler as he walked, the walls of the cave narrowing until he found himself inside a stone room. Dao Wei couldn't believe his eyes.

The room was breathtaking, the architecture complex and otherworldly. Six massive pillars, three on each side, held up the ceiling. The stone was smooth and polished, the craftsmanship unlike anything Dao Wei had ever seen. It was impossible to imagine how such a place could exist inside a cave, but there it was, bathed in sunlight that somehow filtered in from above.

At the center of the room was a pure golden coffin, its surface gleaming with a light that seemed to come from within. The coffin was unlike anything Dao Wei had ever encountered, its shape alien and mysterious. The head of the coffin was shaped like a falcon, yet it retained a human-like quality. The body was covered in intricate carvings, geometric patterns that resembled scales.

"This is made of pure allesterium…" Dao Wei whispered, his voice trembling with awe. The significance of the discovery hit him like a tidal wave. Allesterium was the most powerful of all Spiritual Stones in the three realms, and here was a coffin made entirely of it.

The implications were staggering. Such a coffin could only have been crafted by a civilization older than the Ancients, older than anything recorded in history. But who or what were they? Very little was known about these beings, if anything at all.

Dao Wei's heart raced as he approached the shelf on the other side of the room. It was filled with

 golden scrolls, their surfaces inscribed with more of the ancient language. As he opened the first scroll, a strange feeling crept over him. It was familiar yet different, a sensation that sent shivers down his spine.

"Mmm… I'll need some time to go through all of these," Dao Wei murmured as he examined the scrolls. The weird feeling settled as he calmed himself down, but the mystery of the scrolls remained. Dao Wei felt uneasy in this place, and though the allure of the scrolls was strong, he decided not to linger any longer than necessary.

Carefully, Dao Wei gathered the scrolls and placed them into his Spatial Ring. He also took the golden coffin, marveling at its craftsmanship one last time before turning to leave. But as he prepared to exit the cave, something shiny caught his eye.

"What's that?" Dao Wei wondered aloud as he moved closer to inspect the object. It was a golden staff, but its shape was unusual. The upper part was round rather than straight, and it had twelve glowing stones lining the circular portion. The rest of the staff was covered in intricate markings, similar to the ones on the coffin.

Dao Wei picked up the staff, its weight surprising him. It felt heavy with power, its surface warm to the touch. Without hesitation, he added the staff to his collection and left the cave, the weight of his discoveries pressing down on him.

As he emerged from the cave, the forest greeted him once more, its mysteries still waiting to be uncovered. But Dao Wei knew that he had just taken a step into something far greater than himself. With the golden staff in hand and the secrets of the ancient world at his side, Dao Wei continued his search, the thrill of adventure burning brighter than ever.

Beyond the grove, Dao Wei discovered a hidden waterfall cascading from a high cliff into a serene pool below. The water sparkled with an iridescent glow, the droplets catching the light in a mesmerizing dance. By the pool, a group of Divine Lions were gathered, their silvery manes flowing like liquid mercury. They drank from the pool with an almost ceremonial grace, their movements synchronized in perfect harmony.

Dao Wei approached the pool and knelt beside it, cupping his hands to take a sip of the cool, clear water. As the liquid touched his lips, he felt a surge of energy flow through him, invigorating his spirit and sharpening his senses. This water was not ordinary; it was imbued with the life force of Zara World, a precious gift from this ancient land.

As he rose to continue his journey, Dao Wei's eyes caught sight of a celestial being perched on a nearby rock. It was a Vermilion Bird, its feathers a dazzling array of reds and golds, with eyes that glowed like embers. The bird regarded him with an intense, almost knowing gaze, as if recognizing him as a worthy visitor to this sacred place.

The path ahead led Dao Wei through a series of ancient ruins, remnants of a bygone era. The architecture was unlike anything he had seen before, with towering pillars carved with intricate patterns and symbols that seemed to pulse with an inner light. As he walked among the ruins, he could almost hear the whispers of the past, the voices of those who once inhabited this magnificent world.

The mythical creatures, the enchanted flora, and the remnants of a once-great civilization all spoke of a world beyond his wildest dreams.