Chapter 30: Divine Blood

The barrier was a complex network of runes and sigils, each one meticulously placed to create an impenetrable shield. Dao Wei examined the barrier closely, his eyes scanning every inch for a weakness. He activated his Divine and Demonic Eyes, hoping to see through the layers of enchantment.

"Still nothing," he muttered. "But I won't give up."

He was learning more about the ancient arts than he ever thought possible. His mind absorbed the knowledge like a sponge, his understanding deepening with every attempt.

Time passed in a blur as Dao Wei continued his study. His focus was unyielding, his determination unwavering. He had now lost count of how many times he failed, but each failure fueled his desire. His spiritual powers were increasing at a menacing rate, but he never noticed the difference. He was too engrossed in the ancient mysteries before him.

The mythical beings watched in silence, their awe growing with each passing moment. Dao Wei's persistence was something they had never seen before. He was a force of nature, a man driven by an insatiable curiosity and a thirst for knowledge.

Dao Wei circled the barrier once more, his eyes scanning the runes with renewed vigor. He felt a surge of energy within him, a connection to the ancient power that resonated through the runes. His understanding was growing, his mind expanding to encompass the vast knowledge of the ancients.

"This time," he whispered, "I will succeed."

As he prepared to make another attempt, Dao Wei felt a strange sensation wash over him. It was as if the runes themselves were responding to his efforts, their ancient power reaching out to him. He closed his eyes and took a deep breath, feeling the energy flow through him.

With a determined expression, Dao Wei placed his hands on the barrier. The runes glowed faintly under his touch, their power resonating with his own. He focused his mind, channeling his energy into the ancient symbols.

For a moment, the barrier seemed to waver, its surface rippling like water. But then, with a burst of energy, it pushed back, sending Dao Wei stumbling.

He caught himself and laughed, a sound filled with excitement and determination. "Not yet, but soon."

At this point, even those mythical beings who'd been watching Dao Wei had lost count of the number of times he failed.

He himself didn't even know how much time had passed since he began his god-forsaken quest. Countless days and nights have passed, yet Dao Wei was not even an inch close to cracking those Runes.

However, instead of giving up or getting frustrated, Dao Wei decided to give it one more chance.




After falling more than ten times again, he got up and began to round the dome again. This time, he was completely absentminded...

At this point, his body was covered in an ethereal majestic aura. It covered him like clouds at the mountain top.

The energy was different... Raw... Untamed... And most importantly pure.

It could affect almost anything it came into contact with.

Flowers blooming as he passed by them, those that had withered regained life and the entire garden like place seems to come alive.

The animals seem to feel the shift it energy and they stood alert. They looked both curious and worried.

After all, the sort of raw power Dao Wei was emmiting right now was able to intimidate even those so-called True Gods.

Plants seemed to mutate when blessed by the aura, and one in particular caught Dao Wei's attention.

Well that was because its thorns had scratched him, actually causing a cut.

It must be noted that Dao Wei had cultivated his body to the extreme. Not most weapons could cause him harm, yet he was cut by a plant.

He carefully examined the plant, finding nothing interesting. However, he plucked 9 thorns and kept them in his spatial ring.

Turning his attention back to the runes, he couldn't believe his eyes.

The blood that was sprayed onto the dome was being absorbed by the runes, at the same time small rifts appeared on it.

Standing back, Dao Wei pondered on a few reasons for such things to happen.

"Could it be that this has something to do with my blood or something?"

Without any hesitation, he took out a dagger and cut his palm. As soon blood began oozing from the wound, he placed his palm on the protective dome.

The entire dome shook violently with ancient and mysterious characters appearing and disappearing.

The runes began sucking Dao Wei's blood like a gluttonous demon, devouring crazily.

At this point, Dao Wei was loosing so much blood at an alarming rate. His face turned pale as paper, and it seems as if there was a vacuum in his body sucking and shrinking everything.

The pain was so unbearable that he fainted twice during the process, however, no matter how much he tried, he couldn't pull his hand back.

If this continues, Dao Wei would be sucked dry and there won't be any difference between him and a mummy.

Regardless of the dilemma Dao Wei was in, the runes didn't show any signs of stopping.

Dao Wei had lost track of how much time had passed and by this time he was completely at peace with himself.


"I guess this is my last stop, huh" Dao Wei laughed bitterly. "I can't even keep a simple promise I made to the little demon princess, how do I even think of keeping the one I made to Rogan?" Sigh.

"Mother... Father... Old man... It seems I've reached the end of the tunnel, I won't be able to accompany you any further."

"Haa, it's not like I was going to be here that long anyway. So why not a little early Death train, huh"

His sorrowful waves of laughter and remarks reverberated throughout the entire Zaraland. The animals, plants and every little creeper seemed to mourn with him

"It's so amazing how I'm supposed to be dying yet I'm so at peace."

Chaos had tugged her head between her knees and she sobbed bitterly. She didn't know how to comfort him, neither did she know what to say.

She felt extremely helpless at the moment and it annoyed her.

She hated seeing Dao Wei hurt, talk more being sad.

All this years Dao Wei had already made peace with the fact that he wasn't going to be in this world for long. Each day he took it as his last, he had made the most of every single moment he had ever since he learnt of his predicaments 12 years ago.

He had never been a fan of having people pity him or worry over him. Dao Wei had always been different, he embraced both life and death as equals and never for a moment did he forget he was living on 'borrowed' time.

At this point the only thing that was actually holding on was his will. His skin has literally become one with his bones and one could clearly see his skeletal outline.

Somehow his clothes were also burnt out for some reason and his aura dropped bit by bit.

The animals, birds, and trees sobbed at the horrible sight. It was only a horrible sight, but Dao Wei gave off a soothing and calming aura, much like a god of life. Full of life and energy... It was a complete contrast to the actual view of things.

The entire momentum had completely changed. The abundant and vigorous energy had now turned somber, sadness and mourning took over the entire ruins.

It was as if a True God had fallen and the entire Heavens and Earth mourned the great loss.

As if the land has done something wrong and the entire Heavens was frowning at it.

You should bear in mind Dao Wei was only a Saint and he had yet unlocked his divine blood nor his demonic blood. As a matter of fact, he was but just a mere mortal, the reason why the land was sad was something even the gods couldn't explain.

Dao Wei's calmness grew even more intimidating, and his peace was as contagious. It made no sense as to why someone would be so calm when facing death, but Dao Wei had no regrets in his life.

He'd lived most of his life as it came, he never really got involved with anyone. And those he did, he had already tried his best to ensure their success. At this point, one could rightfully say that he had been living a life of complete fulfillment.

If he could ask for one thing, it would be to meet his parents before he died, but he didn't have much hope for that either. The one who wanted him dead even when he was still in his mother's womb, is said to be a very powerful being and his parents had been missing for 15 years without a trace.


"If this is how death really looks like, it's not as scary as they make it look..."

"It's peaceful..."

Dao Wei's eyes began shutting slowly and one could feel his faint breath dying out.

This was it, the end he's always been waiting for. And now that it had come for him, he welcomed her with open arms. He'd embrace death and be her company for eternity, he'd become a forgotten soul and this world will continue to live on.

"I... I only wish that one day order will be restored in this chaotic world... So th..."

Hard cough!

"It... Would b... Be... Peace...peacefu—"