Chapter 40: Secrets of the Tower

Dao Wei sat in the SkyTower, his mind focused on the breakthrough he was about to achieve. His breathing was steady and controlled, the energy of the heavens coursing through his veins. He could feel the threshold of a breakthrough within reach, a tantalizing promise of greater power just beyond his grasp. His mind was focused, his spirit calm, until a sudden ripple in the air shattered the stillness.

The energy around him was dense, almost tangible, and he could feel it pulsing in rhythm with his heartbeat. Just as he began to tap into the source of his power, the atmosphere in the room shifted abruptly. A sudden chill swept through the chamber, disrupting his concentration.

The temperature in the chamber dropped as an oppressive presence filled the room. Dao Wei's eyes snapped open, and before him stood a figure that seemed to have stepped out of the darkest myths.

A figure materialized before him, emerging from the shadows. It was unlike anything Dao Wei had ever seen—tall and imposing, with the head of a jackal. It resembled a humanoid creature with the head of a jackal, but there was something different—faint golden lines traced intricate patterns across his body, pulsing with an ethereal light.

"Who are you?" Dao Wei's voice was steady, though his heart raced with uncertainty.

The being's jackal-like head tilted slightly, and a voice, deep and resonant, echoed through the chamber. "I am Ra-Hotep, Keeper of the Tower. My duty is to maintain this place, ensuring it remains as you left it."

Dao Wei's expression softened slightly, though he remained guarded. "The Light God? What do you know of him?"

Ra-Hotep's eyes, glowing with ancient wisdom, met Dao Wei. "Very little is known to me about the Old Ones'. What I do know is that the SkyTower, this very place, was once the stronghold of the The Golden One. The legends say that the two were created as equals—neither stronger nor weaker than the other. Yet, they were constantly at odds, their battles shaking the heavens themselves."

Dao Wei listened intently, the words stirring something deep within him, a faint echo of memories he couldn't fully grasp.

Ra-Hotep continued, "Their conflict was endless, each striving to prove their superiority. But in the end, they destroyed each other. Or so it is said. Yet, the nature of these gods is such that they are destined to be reborn, time and time again. Not always at the same moment, but inevitably, they return."

"The Tower… tell me more about it," Dao Wei urged, curiosity growing within him.

Ra-Hotep nodded, his golden lines flickering slightly. "The SkyTower is no ordinary structure. It is a true time-space artifact, a fortress beyond comprehension, created by the Light God himself. It has nine floors, each with its own purpose. Currently, only the first and second floors are accessible to you."

Dao Wei raised an eyebrow. "Why only the first two floors?"

"Because the Tower responds only to its master," Ra-Hotep explained. "And while you are the master now, your connection to the Tower is still growing. As you unlock more of your potential, the Tower will gradually reveal its secrets to you."

Dao Wei absorbed this information, nodding slowly. "What's on the first floor?"

"The first floor," Ra-Hotep began, "is where the essence of the Tower's power resides. It holds various rooms—each one crafted for a specific purpose. There is an Alchemy Room, where the most potent elixirs and pills can be concocted. The Master's Training Room, where you can cultivate and train in a space where time flows differently. The Garden, which houses an unusually large pool that holds mystical properties. There is also a Portal Room, which can transport you to various locations within and possibly beyond this world. The Bath is unlike any other, offering rejuvenation that restores both the body and the soul. And finally, there's the Hall—a place of gathering, of contemplation."

Ra-Hotep paused, allowing Dao Wei to process the information before continuing.

"The second floor," Ra-Hotep continued, "is designed for comfort and recovery. It has fifteen bedrooms, each with its own unique atmosphere. There are four living rooms, a gym for physical training, a storage room with an endless supply of everything you might need, and four dining rooms. But perhaps the most intriguing is the Creation Room, where raw materials can be molded and shaped into powerful artifacts."

Dao Wei's eyes widened slightly. "This place… it's like a world unto itself."

Ra-Hotep inclined his head. "Indeed. The Tower is hidden somewhere in this world, its location known only to you. You can summon it at will, and it will respond to your call."

Dao Wei's thoughts raced, the implications of what Ra-Hotep was saying slowly sinking in. "And the other floors? What lies above?"

Ra-Hotep's expression grew serious. "Those floors remain hidden, shrouded in space until you are ready. The Tower holds many more secrets, and some of its rooms are concealed even from me. But in time, as you grow stronger, you will uncover them."

Dao Wei nodded, feeling a sense of awe at the sheer magnitude of what he now possessed. "You mentioned that you are the Keeper of the Tower. What exactly does that entail?"

Ra-Hotep's golden lines pulsed gently as he spoke. "I am tasked with maintaining the integrity of the Tower and ensuring that its power remains stable. I also serve as your guide within its walls, though there is much I do not know myself. The Tower's true guardian, however, is something far more formidable."

Dao Wei leaned forward slightly. "Guardian?"

"Yes," Ra-Hotep replied, his voice low and reverent. "An advanced mechanical construct, powered by an endless energy source. It was designed to be a god-killing machine, with capabilities beyond comprehension. It will protect you and the Tower, but it only obeys the true master— you."

Dao Wei felt a shiver run down his spine at the thought of such a powerful being under his command. "This must be Kvlt," he thought, determination in his voice.

"In time, you will learn more," Ra-Hotep assured him. "But for now, there are other matters to attend to. Come, I will take you to your personal training room."

Dao Wei stood, his mind still reeling from everything he had learned. As he followed Ra-Hotep through the corridors of the SkyTower, he felt a deep connection to this place, a sense that he was finally beginning to understand his purpose.

But he knew that this was only the beginning. The Tower held many more secrets, and with them, the key to unlocking the full potential of the Light God's power within him. He would need to be patient, to take each step carefully, but he was ready. The SkyTower was his to command, and with it, he would shape his destiny.

As they reached the entrance to the training room, Ra-Hotep paused. "Remember, Master, the Tower is a reflection of your own power. As you grow, so too will the Tower. Use it wisely."

Dao Wei nodded a newfound resolve in his eyes. "I will. Thank you, Ra-Hotep."

Ra-Hotep stepped aside, allowing Dao Wei to enter the room. As the door closed behind him, Dao Wei felt a surge of energy, the air thick with potential.