Chapter 48: Good Luck Big Brother!

Emotions that were not his own flooded his mind—Anger, Hatred, and an overwhelming sense of Wrath. 

They consumed him, threatening to overwhelm his senses and take control. He could feel the darkness rising within him, and he fought to keep it at bay.

"Wei'er!" Liu Mingxia's voice cut through the haze of pain, her concern evident as she looked up from Xuner, still holding the girl close. "Wei, are you okay?"

Dao Wei forced himself to focus, his breathing heavy as he struggled to push the dark emotions down. "Yes... My head..." he managed to say, his voice strained. It took several moments of intense concentration, but finally, the pain began to subside, leaving him feeling drained and shaky.

"It's nothing, Mingxia," Dao Wei said, trying to sound reassuring as he straightened up. "I just had a sharp pain in my head, but it's all good now."

Liu Mingxia's eyes searched his face, worry etched in her features, but she didn't press him further. Xuner had calmed down a bit now, her sobs reduced to quiet sniffles as she clung to Liu Mingxia. The little girl's face was pale, but there was a new determination in her eyes, a fire that hadn't been there before.

Dao Wei's gaze softened as he looked at Xuner, seeing in her the strength that had allowed her to survive such a terrible ordeal. He knew that this was only the beginning of their journey, and that the road ahead would be filled with more challenges and dangers. 

The village around them was a graveyard, a silent testament to the cruelty of the world. But within that silence, there was also a flicker of hope—a determination to survive, to fight for those who could no longer fight for themselves.

As the three of them stood there, amidst the death and destruction, Dao Wei vowed silently to protect them both, no matter what. They would not face this darkness alone. They would move forward together, stronger for the trials they had endured. And in the end, they would find a way to make things right.

Dao Wei, Liu Mingxia, and Xuner walked silently through the remnants of what was once a thriving village. 

The air was thick with the scent of ash and destruction, and the ruins of homes and buildings stood as grim monuments to the tragedy that had befallen the villagers.

Dao Wei's heart grew heavier with each step. He could see the pain etched on Xuner's face as she looked around, her eyes filled with unshed tears. Liu Mingxia walked beside him, her expression hardening with resolve.

"This is unforgivable," Dao Wei muttered, his voice low but filled with even more conviction. 

Death Zen Sect had no more reason to exist.

Xuner led them to a hill overlooking the village. From there, they could see the layout of Death Zen Sect's base in the distance. 

The base was a fortress, built into the side of a mountain with stone high walls and magnificent watchtowers. Dao Wei and Liu Mingxia exchanged a glance, both of them taking in the formidable layout.

"We need a plan," Liu Mingxia said, her eyes scanning the fortress. "Rushing in without a strategy will only get us killed."

Dao Wei nodded, deep in thought. "We'll need to infiltrate the base and take out their leaders. If we can create a distraction, it will make it easier to slip inside and deal with them directly."

 Dao Wei wasn't planning on including any of them on this suicide mission, he just had to play along so the girls don't worry. He had already made up his mind to totally annihilate the sect.

Xuner, still shaken but determined, pointed towards a narrow path that wound its way up the mountain. "That path leads to a hidden entrance. It's not heavily guarded, but it's well-concealed."

Dao Wei looked at Xuner with admiration. "You've been very brave, Xuner. We'll make sure they pay for what they've done."

The sun began to set, casting a golden glow over the desolate landscape, Dao Wei decided they would need to rest before making their move. They found a small clearing on the hill, sheltered by trees and out of sight from the watchtowers.

"We'll rest here for the night," Dao Wei said, setting down his pack. "We need to be at our best when we confront them."

Liu Mingxia nodded, setting up a small campfire. "Agreed. We need to be well-rested and ready for anything."

Xuner sat down beside the fire, her eyes still haunted by the memories of her village. Dao Wei sat next to her, his expression softening.

"Xuner, you've been through so much," Dao Wei said gently. "But you should be safe with us now."

Xuner looked up at him, her eyes brimming with gratitude. "Thank you, Big Brother. I.. I don't know what I would have done without you."

Liu Mingxia watched the interaction, a small smile tugging at her lips. Despite the gravity of their situation, she couldn't help but feel a warmth in her heart seeing Dao Wei's kindness. She set about preparing a simple meal, using the provisions they had brought with them.

As they ate, Dao Wei laid out the details of their plan.

Liu Mingxia nodded, her eyes gleaming with determination. "We'll need to move quickly and stay out of sight. The element of surprise is our best advantage."

Xuner listened intently, her resolve strengthening with each word. "I can guide you through the base. I know some of the less-traveled paths."

Dao Wei placed a reassuring hand on her shoulder. "You've been a great help, Xuner. Together, we'll put an end to the Death Zen Sect's reign of terror."

As night fell, the three of them settled in for a restless sleep. Dao Wei lay on his back, staring up at the star-filled sky. 

He could hear the soft breathing of Liu Mingxia and Xuner beside him, and he felt a deep sense of responsibility to protect them.

"Wei'er?" Liu Mingxia's voice broke the silence. She shifted slightly, turning to face him.

"Yes, Mingxia?" Dao Wei replied, his eyes still on the stars.

"Thank you," she said softly. "For everything. You're a good person, Wei. More than you realize."

Dao Wei turned his head to look at her, his expression puzzled. "I'm just doing what needs to be done."

Liu Mingxia smiled, shaking her head. "It's more than that. You have a kind heart. It's one of the things I admire most about you."

Dao Wei felt a warmth spread through him at her words, but he struggled to find a response. Emotions were never his strong suit. "Thank you, Mingxia."

She chuckled softly, sensing his discomfort. "You're hopeless, you know that? But I wouldn't have you any other way."

Dao Wei smiled, a rare and genuine smile. "Get some rest, Mingxia." He still didn't understand what she was on about.

She nodded, closing her eyes and letting out a content sigh. "Goodnight, Wei."

"Goodnight, Mingxia," Dao Wei replied, his thoughts lingering on her words as he drifted off to sleep.

The dawn broke early, and Dao Wei was the first to wake. He stood and stretched, the cool morning air refreshing his senses. He glanced down at Liu Mingxia and Xuner, both still sleeping peacefully. 

As dawn completely broke, casting the first rays of sunlight over the Death Zen Sect's fortress, Dao Wei prepared himself for the task ahead. Standing at the hidden entrance, he took a deep breath, channeling his Qi and steadying his mind. He glanced back at the hidden on the hill overlooking the base. For a moment, he allowed himself to feel the weight of the responsibility he carried, not just for the mission ahead, but for the people who depended on him.

Dao Wei gave a reassuring nod before turning his attention back to the fortress. Using his Ethereal Step technique, he moved silently, his body becoming a blur as he slipped through the narrow entrance and into the Death Zen Sect's base. The Ethereal Step allowed him to traverse the shadows, almost invisible to the naked eye.

Back at the hill, Liu Mingxia stirred, opening her eyes. "Morning, Wei'er..."

To her surprise, Dao Wei was not there. At the spot he was sitting, only a small piece of paper remained.

'Stay hidden and only move if absolutely necessary. I'll signal you if I need your help.'

That was the message. Liu Mingxia quickly realized that Dao Wei never intended on bringing them along, he had always planned to do this on his own. At this point, she could only silently pray for his safety, "Be careful, Wei."

Xuner who had woken up as well clasped her hands together, her face pale but resolute. "Good luck, Big brother."

Inside, the base was a labyrinth of stone corridors and fortified rooms. Dao Wei's sharp eyes scanned the area, mapping out the layout and identifying key targets. He moved with purpose, avoiding detection as he approached the first group of guards.

With precise movements, Dao Wei unsheathed his Celestial Sword. The blade shimmered with a faint, otherworldly bright white glow. In a flash, he struck, his sword slicing through the air with deadly accuracy. 

Bang! Bang! Bang!

The guards fell silently, their expressions frozen in shock as they crumpled to the ground. Dao Wei's movements were fluid, his strikes a perfect blend of speed and power.

As he continued deeper into the base, Dao Wei encountered more guards and lower-ranked disciples. They stood no chance against his mastery of the Void Sword technique. Each opponent fell with a single, decisive blow, their Qi dissipating into the air. 

Dao Wei's expression remained unchanged, his mind as clear as the open sky as he executed his targets with precision.

The Death Zen Sect's elders, sensing the disturbance, quickly mobilized their forces. Alarm bells rang out, and the fortress buzzed with activity.