Chapter 50: Masterclass

The arena fell into a stunned silence as Zhao Lin, a feared warrior of the Late Nascent Spirit Realm, crumpled to the ground, dead at the hands of a mere Golden Core Realm opponent.

Dao Wei stood over the lifeless body, a dark smirk playing on his lips. "What a close call," he muttered to himself, his voice barely audible. "They're indeed warriors who slaughter in the earths. Insanity is etched in their bones. Luckily, I've made great advances in my Swordsmanship. I've progressed greatly, if I can fight warriors in the Late Stage Nascent Spirit Realm while retaining the Golden Core Realm level. This is great, I'll have to check my body after this."

The crowd remained in stunned silence, unable to process what they had just witnessed. A rank-skipping challenge had not only occurred but had ended in a shocking victory for the underdog.

The middle-aged man in the loose green robe, who had initially watched with mere interest, now looked grave. His earlier curiosity had given way to deep concern. "The sword art the little beast used earlier… Is it the Ninefall Lunatics Sword Art?"

He stared at Dao Wei, his mind racing. "I am not wrong. That's the Ninefall Lunatics Sword Art, Ninefall Lunatics Sword Art from Sword God Sect! He's even concealing his true cultivation; he must be stronger than what he showed."

He could not shake the memory of a similar technique he had witnessed five years ago. An old man had entered the Sword God Sect, defeating the Supreme Grand Master with the same terrifying swordsmanship. Before leaving, the old man had handed over the technique, warning that he would return one day.

Ninefall Lunatics Sword Art.

The supreme sword art of Sword God Sect, a legendary technique so profound that few could master it, even after decades of study.

"This little beast actually managed to use the Ninefall Lunatics Sword Art. Though it was only the First Move, it's nevertheless incredible," the man marveled, his gaze locked on Dao Wei. "He's so young and already this powerful. He's also capable of using so many sword arts from different Sects. He can even use the legendary Ninefall Lunatics Sword Art. He must be…"

The man trailed off, a knowing smile tugging at the corners of his mouth. "Interesting."

Dao Wei paused for a moment, catching his breath. He could hear the distant sounds of battle as more Death Zen Sect members rushed to the scene. He knew he had to keep moving.

Outside, Liu Mingxia and Xuner watched the chaos unfold from their vantage point on the hill. They could see the flashes of light and hear the distant sounds of battle. Liu Mingxia's heart pounded in her chest, her worry for Dao Wei growing with each passing moment.

"Wow," Xuner whispered, her eyes wide with awe. "He's really fighting them all."

Liu Mingxia nodded, her eyes never leaving the fortress. "He's incredible. But we can't let our guard down. We need to be ready if he needs us."

Inside the base, Dao Wei continued his assault. He fought his way through waves of opponents, each battle pushing him closer to his goal. 

The Death Zen Sect's forces were numerous, but Dao Wei's skill and determination were unmatched.

As he moved deeper into the base, Dao Wei encountered more powerful opponents. 

The Blue Robe elders, formidable warriors with years of experience, stood in his way. One elder, a burly man with a flowing beard, stepped forward, his eyes blazing with fury. The air around him reeked of rotten flesh, and he gave off an eerie vibe.

"You dare challenge the Death Zen Sect?" the elder growled, his voice echoing through the corridor. "You will not leave this place alive."

Dao Wei's expression was somehow funny when he saw the Blue Robe Elder, his grip on his Void Sword steady. "Ehh… I'm not too sure if you've got what it takes to stop me though."

The elder charged at Dao Wei, his claws glowing with dark energy. Dao Wei met the attack with his own, their blades clashing in a shower of sparks. 


The force of the impact sent shockwaves through the corridor, but Dao Wei held his ground.

The battle progressed and the Blue Robe elder's attacks became more powerful and relentless. But Dao Wei's mastery of the sword gave him the edge. 

"You have some skills, little beast!" the Blue Robe elder acknowledged Dao Wei's talents.

He moved with unparalleled speed and precision, each strike pushing the elder back. 

"Silent and invisible." Dao Wei whispered.

The energy waves he produced by the Sword sliced through the air, making it extremely difficult for any opponent to block or dodge.

Dao Wei's attack bypassed all defense sending both of the blue robe elder's arms flying across the arena. The elder fell to his knees, his expression one of shock and disbelief.

With his arms cut off, it was the same as becoming trash. His techniques made use of his hands and now they were cut off by some little beast.

"It's over," Dao Wei said, his voice firm. 

The elder glared up at him, his eyes filled with hatred. "You may have defeated me, but the Death Zen Sect will never be destroyed."

Dao Wei's eyes hardened. "We'll see about that."

With a swift and clean strike, the Elder's head flew off his body and fell a few feet away.