Chapter 73: The Old Ones'

"Manipulating?" The Dark God chuckled, a low, sinister sound. "Is that what you think I'm doing? I'm offering him strength, the power to protect himself in this unforgiving world. Without it, he'll be devoured by those stronger than him. Or do you want him to end up like the others? Forgotten, lost in the annals of history?"

The Golden One's gaze hardened, his form glowing even brighter as his anger rose. "Enough of your justifications. I know you, brother. This isn't about helping him—it's about feeding your own desires. You want to mold him into a weapon, a tool for your own ends."

The Dark God's shadowy figure seemed to ripple with amusement. "And what if I do? Wouldn't that make him stronger? The world he lives in isn't one of peace and harmony. It's war, conflict, survival of the fittest. If he's to stand above the rest, he must be honed, sharpened like a blade."

The Golden One took a step forward, his aura flaring with a light so intense it seemed to pierce through the darkness surrounding his brother. "That's not for you to decide. We are here to watch, to guide, but not to dictate his fate. He is the Divine Prince, not a pawn in your schemes."

Their argument might have continued, escalating into a full-blown conflict, had it not been for a sudden shift in the Sea of Qi. The energies that had been swirling chaotically began to stabilize, and a faint presence made itself known—a presence that both Gods recognized immediately.

Dao Wei was awakening…

The Golden One immediately reined in his anger, his expression softening as he turned his attention to the young man who was now beginning to regain his senses. "He's awake," he whispered, almost to himself, as if reminding his brother of their unspoken agreement.

The Dark God's form flickered, the shadows retreating slightly as he too acknowledged Dao Wei's presence. "It seems our time for banter is over, brother. The boy approaches."

And as Dao Wei's consciousness fully returned, the two Gods shifted their attention to him, their argument momentarily forgotten.

Dao Wei blinked as his vision cleared, the swirling energies of the Mysterious Qi realm gradually coming into focus. The two figures before him were no longer mere shadows in his mind—they were clear, distinct, and overwhelmingly powerful. One radiated a golden light so pure it seemed to banish all darkness, while the other was a being of shadows, dark and menacing.

For a moment, Dao Wei was struck by their sheer presence. These were no ordinary entities—they were Gods, beings of unimaginable power. But something about their earlier exchange lingered in his mind, a sense of familiarity in their bickering that made him question their divine status.

"Are… are you guys really Gods?" Dao Wei asked, his voice still a bit shaky as he tried to grasp the situation.

The Golden One smiled warmly, his golden aura softening into a more welcoming glow. "We are, but perhaps not in the way you might expect," he replied, his tone gentle yet filled with authority. "I am the Golden One, a guardian of light and purity, and this is my brother, the Dark God, a guardian of the shadows."

The Dark God's eyes gleamed with a hint of mischief as he inclined his head slightly in acknowledgment. "We've been waiting for you for a long time, young us. Watching..."

Dao Wei's mind raced as he tried to process their words. "But… why are you here now? What do you want from me?"

The Golden One stepped forward, his golden robe billowing slightly as he moved as if carried by a breeze that existed only within the Mysterious Qi realm. "We are here because you are at a crucial juncture in your journey. Your choices now will shape your future, and it is our duty to ensure you understand the path you tread."

The Dark God's voice was like a whisper in the dark, low and compelling. "Martial arts, cultivation, the pursuit of power—it's a path fraught with danger and temptation. But it is also a path of immense potential, one that can lead you to heights few have ever reached."

Dao Wei's eyes narrowed as he listened, the weight of their words sinking in. "And what about Tian?" he asked, his voice steady despite the turmoil within him. "What is his role in all of this?"

The Dark God's form seemed to darken even further as he answered, his tone serious. "Tian is a part of you, a manifestation of your power and will. He is both your greatest ally and your greatest challenge. To control him, to harness his strength, is to master a force that few could ever hope to wield."

The Golden One nodded in agreement, his golden eyes reflecting Dao Wei's determination. "But with such power comes responsibility. You must understand the consequences of your actions and the impact of your decisions. That is why we are here—to guide you, not to control you."

Dao Wei absorbed their words, his mind working furiously to piece together the puzzle before him. These beings were powerful, yes, but they were also bound by their roles and their responsibilities. They could guide him, and teach him, but in the end, the choice would always be his.

And that was a burden he would have to bear alone.

As Dao Wei stood in the presence of the two Gods, he couldn't help but feel a deep sense of awe. Yet, beneath that awe, there was a burning desire—a desire to understand, to learn, and to grow stronger. He knew that the path ahead would be treacherous, but he was determined to walk it, no matter the cost.

Sensing Dao Wei's resolve, the Golden One began to speak again, his voice calm and measured. "There is a realm, young me, that lies beyond the reach of most mortals—a realm where the body and soul are pushed to their absolute limits, where the boundaries between man and god blur. It is known as the Ultimate Mortal Realm."

The Dark God's voice joined in, a dark counterpoint to his brother's light. "It is a realm of extremes, where every breath is a battle, every heartbeat a test. To reach it, one must stall their breakthrough, delaying the ascension that would grant them immortality. Instead, they push their mortal bodies to the brink, enduring pain and hardship beyond measure."

Dao Wei listened intently, his heart pounding with a mixture of excitement and fear. "But… why? Why would anyone choose to endure such suffering?"

The Golden One's expression was solemn as he answered. "Because it is only in the face of such adversity that true strength is forged. The Ultimate Mortal Realm is not just a test of physical endurance—it is a crucible of the soul, a place where one's will is tempered into something unbreakable."

The Dark God's voice was softer now, almost contemplative. "Few have ever reached this realm, and those who have are legends, their names whispered in awe and fear. But the path is perilous, and there are no guarantees. It is a journey that can consume even the strongest of hearts."

Dao Wei's breath caught in his throat as he imagined the trials that awaited him. "And you think I should try to reach this realm?"

The Golden One's gaze was steady, unwavering. "We believe that you have the potential, young me. But the choice is yours. No one can force you down this path. If you choose to pursue it, you must be prepared to face the consequences—both the rewards and the risks."

The Dark God's eyes gleamed with a dark light as he added, "But if you succeed, you will stand at the pinnacle of mortal power, a force to be reckoned with. You will be more than just a warrior—you will be a legend, a being whose name will be spoken with reverence and fear for generations to come.