Chapter 77: Flow of Autumn and Thunder

The crowd continued its stir while Huang Ling bowed and swiftly departed. But a ripple of curiosity was running through the disciples. Where had the Evil Star been? Why was he not at the coronation?

Cheng Fang, however, couldn't let the moment pass without adding his own flair. "Haha, Evil Star!" he sneered, loud enough for everyone to hear. "The Evil Star dares not show himself on such an important day? Pathetic."

His words sent a wave of murmurs through the audience. Some laughed, others whispered in concern, but all eyes turned to scan the arena. Would the Evil Star answer the challenge? Or would Cheng Fang remain unchallenged?

But as the minutes ticked by, Dao Wei did not appear.

Cheng Fang smirked, reveling in what he perceived as a victory. "As I thought," he said confidently. "The Evil Star is nothing more than a coward."

The coronation procession continued, but the murmurs of Dao Wei's absence lingered in the air like a dark cloud, casting a shadow over the Sword Kings' triumphant day. 


In the stillness of the Mysterious Qi Realm, Dao Wei's Sword Avatar stood alone, its form ethereal yet solid, as if made of pure energy. The Avatar moved with a grace and lethality that would be impossible to capture in words alone. It was as though a storm brewed within the depths of its eyes, a controlled chaos that manifested in every step, every slash, and every twist of its body. The Autumn Bloom Sword Art was no ordinary technique; it was an art that required both the heart and mind to resonate with the season. As the Sword Avatar executed its strikes, it did so not with the rigid patterns of ordinary martial arts, but with the fluidity of falling leaves in a dying autumn wind.

Dao Wei's mind was tightly linked to the Sword Avatar, feeling the progression of his sword Tao deepen with each strike. The Sword Avatar executed a barrage of sword strikes, each one delicate yet powerful, precise yet wild. It was a dance, a hauntingly beautiful one, where his feet led the rhythm and his sword followed in perfect harmony. His movements defied logic, often leaving no clear distinction between attack and defense. One moment he would move forward, his blade flashing like sunlight piercing through a forest canopy, and the next, his body would twist, retreating with the fluidity of water before striking with the force of a falling boulder.

There were no wasted movements. Each step, each turn, each slight adjustment of his wrist or ankles held profound meaning. His feet moved in unorthodox patterns—two steps forward, one back, a sidestep to the right, two to the left—yet there was no confusion in these steps. Instead, they formed a seamless whole, as if the very ground beneath him was guiding his path.

Suddenly, the Sword Avatar paused, and the air around it seemed to thicken. Its lips moved, whispering, "Falling Leaf of Destruction."

The voice was light, almost a breath, but it reverberated through the Mysterious Qi Realm like a divine command, shaking the very foundation of the world.

With a soft swish, a single, giant leaf materialized, floating serenely in the air before the Avatar. It shimmered in shades of gold and crimson, as though plucked from the oldest and wisest of autumn trees. The leaf drifted lazily, but each movement was deliberate, following the command of the Sword Avatar as though it was not a separate entity but an extension of its will. The leaf moved in concert with the blade, every motion perfectly synchronized.

The Golden One and the Dark God, spectating from the shadows, watched in utter disbelief.

"What in the heavens are we witnessing?" The Golden One's voice trembled slightly, betraying his shock. He glanced at his dark counterpart, who wore a broad grin.

The Dark God chuckled, his voice filled with amusement. "This brat! Outclassing us, his own ancestors. The nerve! You must admit, it's funny."

The Golden One scowled but couldn't help the faint smile that tugged at his lips. "Funny? It's outrageous! We spent eons perfecting our arts, and here comes this mortal child, surpassing us in less than a decade."

"Oh, come now, brother," the Dark God said with a mischievous glint in his eye. "You always liked a challenge, didn't you? Consider this one you'll never beat."

They exchanged glances, the shared frustration of watching their younger self grow beyond them heavy in the air. Despite their banter, they couldn't deny the pride swelling in their chests.

"Still," the Golden One said, shaking his head in disbelief, "how can this be? He's fifteen years old. Even for us, that level of understanding wasn't possible until…"

The Dark God cut him off with a hearty laugh. "Does it matter? What's the use of being the pinnacle of existence if we can't even enjoy being outdone? Just wait till I scold the brat. Showing off like that, tch."

As the Sword Avatar concluded its Falling Leaf of Destruction, the leaf dissolved into a thousand tiny motes of light. The Avatar then twirled its blade in a final, graceful arc before sheathing it with a sharp, echoing click. Without another sound, the Avatar floated back behind Dao Wei and disappeared into his glabella, its essence merging seamlessly with his soul.

Dao Wei remained still for a moment, breathing evenly, the echoes of his training reverberating in his body. He could feel it—the evolution of his sword Tao, the deepening of his understanding. It wasn't just about the strikes anymore. It was about the intent behind them, the flow of energy through his entire being.

But just as he opened his eyes, intending to meditate further, the Dark God's booming voice interrupted his thoughts.

"Enough of this! Out you go, brat!"

Before Dao Wei could react, the Dark God waved his hand, and Dao Wei's vision swirled. His body felt weightless, the ground beneath him giving way as he was abruptly ejected from the Mysterious Qi Realm.

"W-What?!" Dao Wei's voice echoed faintly as everything went dark, the last thing he saw being the retreating lights of the realm.


Dao Wei materialized within his room at the Dragon Cubs Residence. He blinked rapidly, trying to regain his bearings. His body still tingled from the sudden expulsion, and his mind reeled from the training he had just undergone. The Old Ones had thrown him out without any warning. Was it because he was making too much progress?

"Ugh… those two really are a handful," Dao Wei muttered to himself, rubbing his forehead.

The room around him was quiet, though not empty. Huang Ling stood at the center of the room, her arms crossed and an irritated expression on her face. She had clearly been looking for him but was lost in her thoughts, completely unaware of his sudden appearance.

"Where could this Evil Star be?" Huang Ling muttered aloud, her brow furrowing as she tapped her foot impatiently.

Dao Wei, despite his grogginess, couldn't help but smirk. The situation was too perfect. She hadn't noticed him yet. He stepped lightly, his movements utterly silent, and a mischievous grin spread across his face.

"She seems to have not realized my presence yet... hehe," Dao Wei whispered under his breath, clearly enjoying himself. He had always loved a little fun at someone else's expense.

He crept closer, intending to give her a small scare, but just as he was about to act, Huang Ling's eyes snapped toward him.



Dao Wei's smirk vanished, replaced by shock as Huang Ling's palm connected with his cheek. The slap was more out of reflex than anything else, but it still stung.

"Ouch! What was that for?" Dao Wei rubbed his cheek, bewildered.

Huang Ling's face turned red. She was caught off guard but quickly regained her composure. "I-I'm sorry… wait, where did you come from?"

Dao Wei blinked, still trying to process what just happened. "Where did I…? Well, I've been here all along. You were just lost in thought, so I didn't want to disturb you."

Huang Ling narrowed her eyes, clearly unconvinced but too flustered to argue. "You—you… argh, never mind! Come with me, the elders are looking for you!"

Without waiting for a response, she grabbed Dao Wei by the wrist and dragged him out of the room, her earlier irritation now replaced by urgency.

"Huh?! Wait, what's going on?" Dao Wei stumbled after her, confused and slightly amused. He could still feel the residual sting of the slap on his cheek, but more than anything, he was curious about what had the usually composed Huang Ling in such a state.

By the time Dao Wei and Huang Ling arrived at the grand arena, the atmosphere was thick with tension. The Sword Kings' Coronation was in full swing, and the three other chosen Kings had already performed, each one outshining Cheng Fang, much to his dismay. Now, the crowd's attention was fixed on the Situ brothers—Situ Rong and Situ Ba—as they prepared to perform the Flowing Mirage Sword Art.

"Perfect," Dao Wei smiled mischievously before wrapping both him and Huang Ling in space. This way he could watch and learn about everything without any commotion.

The two brothers stood side by side on the massive platform, their swords drawn. Their synergy was palpable even before they moved. Their eyes met briefly, a silent understanding passing between them, and then they began.

The crowd watched in awe as their movements blended together, a perfect harmony of speed and power. Situ Rong, the elder, moved first. His sword slashed through the air with the precision of lightning, each strike accompanied by the faint rumble of thunder. His movements were calculated and efficient, with no energy wasted. Every step he took resonated with the ground beneath him, a testament to the raw power he wielded.