Chapter 91: The Crowning - Part 2

The grand arena, filled to the brim with disciples, elders, and dignitaries, buzzed with an electrifying energy that surged through the crowd like wildfire. The air was alive with the triumphant cheers of thousands as the six new Sword Kings were named, their titles echoing across the vast expanse of the sect. This was not just a ceremony; it was a spectacle that symbolized the sect's strength and promise for the future. The new Sword Kings, with their imposing auras and magnificent regalia, were the embodiment of hope, honor, and ambition. But as the cheers rose, a subtle tension began to ripple through the audience—one that was directed not towards the Sword Kings, but towards the man who was absent from their ranks.

Dao Wei, the newly to-be crowned Sword Childe, was lost in his thoughts. Despite his recent victory over Cheng Fang and the other contenders, his absent-mindedness at the ceremony was both a defiance and a statement. Many whispered in hushed tones, their voices tinged with anger, envy, and disdain. For some, Dao Wei was a symbol of relentless ambition and unmatched talent, a prodigy who carved his own path without bending to tradition. For others, he was the Evil Star, an arrogant usurper who had dethroned their beloved Cheng Fang, leaving the Silver Peak without a Sword King for the first time in its long history.

Among the audience, the tension was palpable. Fang Jingtian, a Senior Elder with sharp eyes and a sharper tongue sneered at the empty spot reserved for Dao Wei. "Typical," he muttered under his breath. "The boy has the guts to fall asleep during his own coronation. What arrogance!"

Next to him, Elder Hua Lan, known for her calm demeanor and sharp judgment, merely shook her head. "It's not arrogance, Jingtian. It's indifference. He doesn't care about what others think, and that makes him even more dangerous."

The discussions in the stands turned more heated as the Second Elder, a towering figure dressed in regal blue robes adorned with symbols of the Sword God Sect's heritage, stepped forward. His eyes scanned the crowd, and though he maintained a composed demeanor, there was a flash of irritation when he noticed Dao Wei's demeanor.

"We have crowned our Sword Kings," he began, his voice amplified by spiritual energy, reverberating through the arena. "They shall reign for the next fifteen years, striving to transcend mortal limits and bring glory to the Mortal World. But today, we have another announcement."

All eyes turned to the Second Elder, the murmurs quieting in anticipation. He let the silence hang for a moment, his gaze shifting to where Dao Wei was standing. 

"After careful deliberation, the Council of Elders has reached a unanimous decision. Dao Wei, the Evil Star, shall not only hold the title of Sword Childe but will also be bestowed the honor of Young Elder of the Sword God Sect."

The arena fell into stunned silence. For a heartbeat, no one moved, and then, as if on cue, an uproar of disbelief erupted.


"Young Elder?"

The words echoed through the crowd, bouncing off the grand pillars of the arena like a thunderclap. The title of Young Elder was not just a prestigious title—it was a rare and profound honor, bestowed only upon those who had achieved feats beyond the comprehension of their peers. The Young Elder was regarded as the Genius of the Century, a figure standing above regular Peak Elders and even surpassing many of the sect's most accomplished members.

The Second Elder's voice cut through the chaos, his tone authoritative and unyielding. "The title of Young Elder is reserved for those who transcend conventional limits, those who embody the very essence of our sect's ideals. Dao Wei has demonstrated unparalleled talent, resilience, and mastery far beyond his years. This is not merely a title—it is a recognition of his potential to lead our sect into a new era."

A wave of mixed reactions rippled through the crowd. Some disciples erupted into cheers, thrilled by the acknowledgment of Dao Wei's incredible achievements. But others, especially those loyal to Cheng Fang and the Silver Peak, wore expressions of outrage and disbelief.

Chu Yafei clenched his fists so tightly that his knuckles turned white. His face was a mask of suppressed fury, his normally calm demeanor shattered by the announcement. "This is a travesty!" he spat, glaring at the Second Elder. "The little demon is a reckless fool who disrespects the very foundation of our sect. How can he be named Young Elder?"

Elder Feng Li, who sat next to him, tried to calm his peer. "Control yourself, Yafei. The decision has already been made."

But Chu Yafei was not alone in his anger. A chorus of discontented voices rose from the Silver Peak disciples, their loyalty to Cheng Fang and disdain for Dao Wei boiling over. To them, the title of Young Elder was sacred, a beacon of hope that Dao Wei had no right to bear.

For a moment, the crowd fell into a stunned silence, contemplating the enormity of what was being said. The Young Elder was more than just a prodigy—he was a leader, a figure of reverence and authority. The weight of such a role was immense, and to place it on someone as young as Dao Wei seemed unfathomable.

Among the Sword Kings, Qin Feng, also known as the Phantom King, watched Dao Wei with a mix of admiration and wariness. "It's a heavy mantle to bear," Qin Feng said softly to the others, his sharp eyes narrowing. "The Young Elder's position is one of power, but also one of great peril. The Evil Star may have the strength, but does he have the wisdom to handle it?"

Dong Wushang, the Mountain King, grunted in agreement. "He's strong, no doubt about that. But this? This will put a target on his back. The sect isn't ready for someone like him."

Huang Ling, who had been silent throughout the ceremony, cast a glance at Dao Wei, her thoughts swirling with a mixture of admiration and uncertainty. 'Young Elder...' The title sounded grand, but she could not help but wonder if it was a blessing or a curse. She had witnessed Dao Wei's strength firsthand, but strength alone did not make a leader. Still, there was something about him—something elusive and compelling—that made her believe he could rise to the challenge.

Amidst the growing tension, the Second Elder continued, unfazed by the dissent. "The position of Young Elder comes with great responsibility. It is not merely an honor but a burden—a burden to lead, to protect, and to strive for transcendence. The Young Elder stands above even the Peak Elders, tasked with bridging the gap between the current and future generations. They are expected to push the boundaries of what is possible and to inspire others to do the same."

The Second Elder paused, letting his words sink in. "But make no mistake, this position is not a gift. It is a challenge—a challenge to prove one's worth every single day. Dao Wei has shown that he possesses the talent and the drive, but now he must demonstrate the wisdom and the fortitude of a true leader."

High up in the VIP stands, Lu Shen watched the unfolding drama with keen interest. As a senior to Dao Wei, he was not surprised by the announcement. "Well, this should be interesting," he remarked, leaning back with a sly grin. "Junior brother as the Young Elder… who would have thought?"

Beside him, Wei Jun nodded thoughtfully. "It was bound to happen sooner or later. The Evil Star is too powerful to be confined by ordinary titles. The sect needs someone like him to shake things up, even if it means ruffling a few feathers."

On the opposite end of the arena, Cheng Fang, who had been quietly nursing his wounded pride, felt a surge of resentment. The humiliation of losing his place as a Sword King was still fresh, and now, to see Dao Wei rise even higher, filled him with an almost palpable hatred. He clenched his teeth, his eyes narrowing as he stared at the empty seat reserved for the Evil Star. "You won't keep this title for long, Dao Wei," he muttered under his breath. "Mark my words."

As the commotion in the arena continued, Huang Ling found herself lost in thought once more, her emotions conflicted. She admired Dao Wei's strength and the way he seemed to carve his own path, yet she could not deny the growing rift his presence was causing within the sect. "Young Elder, huh…" she whispered, her mind drifting back to the brief moments she had spent with him. In a way, she envied him—his freedom, his fearlessness, his refusal to bow to anyone. But it also made her wonder just how far he would go and at what cost.

The Second Elder raised his hand, calling for silence once more. "The coronation is not just a celebration of titles and power. It is a reminder of our duty to the sect and to the Mortal World. We stand on the precipice of a new era, and the decisions made today will shape our future. As Young Elder, his role is to challenge the status quo, to push the boundaries of what we believe to be possible. He is not just a leader; he is the vanguard of change."