Chapter 93: The Crowning - Part 4

Inside the magnificent arena, the coronation event was in full swing. Spectators' cheers filled the air, and the Sword God Sect disciples were abuzz with excitement and anticipation. Yet, amidst the spectacle, Dao Wei appeared unfazed by the commotion surrounding him. His body stood unmoving, yet the turmoil within him was far more tempestuous than anyone could have imagined.

Deep within Dao Wei's Sea of Qi, an intense and chaotic storm was brewing, threatening to tear apart his cultivation. His internal energy, which had always been calm and controlled, now raged like a violent tempest. Waves of spiritual power surged chaotically, slamming against the walls of his Sea of Qi as though seeking release.

For any other cultivator, this would have been a moment of celebration. The signs of a breakthrough were unmistakable. Dao Wei had been at the Peak of the Completion of Nascent Spirit Realm for quite some time. His Spirit had already taken a tangible form—an incredible feat that only the strongest Nirvana powerhouses could achieve. In theory, this would be the perfect time for him to advance to the Nirvana Realm.

But for Dao Wei, this was a calamity waiting to happen.

Dao Wei's brow furrowed slightly, his eyes shut in deep concentration. His skin glistened with sweat as he fought to control the energy running rampant within him. Even though the other disciples couldn't see it, leaks of energy erupted from his body in violent bursts, shimmering around him like waves of heat. 

Dao Wei clenched his fists tightly, feeling the pressure of the storm growing unbearable. The sheer power flooding his Sea of Qi was immense, almost enough to tear him apart. Yet, he knew that he couldn't allow this breakthrough to happen—not yet.


Thunderous bangs echoed through Dao Wei's Sea of Qi, each one like the roar of an angry dragon. His internal space quaked violently as if the very foundations of his cultivation were being torn asunder. Dao Wei winced, the noise reverberating in his mind and body as if his eardrums were on the verge of bursting. 

Every muscle in his body tensed, and he grimaced as discomfort spread across his face. The pressure was immense, far beyond what he had ever experienced. His spiritual energy was no longer responding to his will—it was wild, untamed, and constantly threatening to push him over the edge.

His heart pounded loudly in his chest, but Dao Wei maintained his composure. His body might be in the arena, but his mind was deep within his Sea of Qi, battling the storm that had erupted there. He focused all his attention on calming the raging tide of energy that surged through his meridians. Each breath he took was deliberate, an attempt to steady the chaotic flow within him.

His thoughts raced, but he knew he had to remain calm. Any moment of recklessness could result in a forced breakthrough. If he lost control now, the consequences would be dire. 

The Nirvana Realm was within his grasp—a realm that countless cultivators dreamed of reaching. Yet, Dao Wei knew that his path wasn't like anyone else's. He couldn't afford to follow the natural progression of cultivation like others. 

His goal was far more ambitious—he sought the Ultimate Mortal Realm, a state that no cultivator had ever achieved. The Golden One and the Evil God had both hinted at this near-mythical realm, a state of existence so profound that even the gods marveled at it. But there was no roadmap, no guidance, no records of anyone who had succeeded in this endeavor. Dao Wei had only his own instincts to rely on.

His breath quickened for a moment, feeling the immense weight of his decision. The Ultimate Mortal Realm was not just an aspiration—it was a necessity. If Dao Wei broke through to the Nirvana Realm prematurely, he would lose his chance to reach it. But every second he delayed the inevitable was a dangerous gamble. His body and spirit were straining under the pressure of maintaining the Peak of Nascent Spirit.

"Stay calm… stay focused," Dao Wei muttered to himself in his mind, his voice like a steady anchor amidst the chaos.

The rumbling continued to shake his Sea of Qi, and cracks began to form in the spiritual walls that contained his energy. Dao Wei knew this was a sign that his foundation was reaching its limit. The energy he had accumulated over the years was now too vast for his current state. If he didn't find a way to stabilize it soon, it would explode out of him, and his cultivation would either advance uncontrollably or collapse entirely.

For ten years, Dao Wei had cultivated frantically, pushing himself to the limit each day, enduring immense pain and pressure to strengthen his foundation. His efforts had allowed him to reach this incredible state, but now it was time to test the true extent of his control.

The Heaven Defying Chaos Scripture had always been his greatest weapon in cultivation. Its power allowed him to defy the natural order, but it also carried great risks. It was a scripture that devoured spiritual energy and refined it into something purer, stronger. However, the more energy he accumulated, the more difficult it became to control.

Dao Wei inhaled deeply and began to operate the Heaven Defying Chaos Scripture once again. His internal energy flowed through his meridians, guided by the profound techniques he had mastered. The storm within him resisted at first as if it were a living beast unwilling to be tamed. But Dao Wei's will was unshakable.

Gradually, the raging energy began to slow. The wild surges became more controlled and more manageable. His Sea of Qi, though still trembling, no longer felt like it was on the verge of collapse.

Dao Wei's spiritual sense reached deeper into his Sea of Qi, guiding the chaotic energy into the calm center of his cultivation. The energy swirled around him, and for a moment, it seemed as though the storm had finally subsided.


Another thunderous boom erupted within him, and the storm surged once more. Dao Wei's eyes snapped open in shock. It wasn't over yet. The energy that he had just tamed was rising again, more ferocious than before. His body trembled slightly as the pressure mounted.

"I can't… let this happen…" Dao Wei muttered, gritting his teeth as he forced the Heaven Defying Chaos Scripture to its limits.

The scripture roared to life within him, its power amplifying his control over the storm. Dao Wei felt the energy obeying his command once more, albeit reluctantly. The Heaven Defying Chaos Scripture allowed him to siphon off some of the excess power, but it wasn't enough. The energy was too much—his foundation was cracking under the pressure.

Dao Wei's thoughts raced. He knew he was running out of time. If he didn't act soon, his cultivation would force him to break through, whether he wanted to or not.

But Dao Wei was no ordinary cultivator. He had always defied the odds and always pushed the boundaries of what was possible. He had to find a way to hold on.

Once again, Dao Wei delved into his Sea of Qi, this time reaching into the deepest part of his spiritual power. He could feel the tangible form of his Spirit, it was strong, but it wasn't enough to contain the overwhelming energy trying to burst free.

"If I can just hold on a little longer… just a little longer…" Dao Wei's voice was strained, but his resolve remained unshaken.

The storm intensified, but Dao Wei's will remained like iron. Slowly, ever so slowly, he began to draw the chaotic energy into his Sea of Qi. His Sea trembled under the strain, but it endured.

The Heaven Defying Chaos Scripture worked its magic, refining the energy as Dao Wei funneled it into his spirit. His body felt like it was on fire, every nerve screaming in agony, but he refused to let go. His eyes glowed with determination.

Moments passed, then even more. The storm raged on, but Dao Wei never faltered. The spiritual energy continued to flow into his Sea, slowly calming the storm in his Sea of Qi.

Finally, after what felt like an eternity, the chaos began to subside. The thunderous rumbling faded into a low hum, and the storm clouds in his Sea of Qi began to dissipate. The energy, once wild and untamed, now flowed smoothly within him.

Dao Wei exhaled slowly, his body relaxing for the first time since the storm had begun. He had done it. He had calmed a bit of the raging energy without breaking through the Realm.

But this was only the beginning.

Dao Wei sat cross-legged in his Sea of Qi, his mind focused on maintaining the delicate balance he had achieved. The Heaven Defying Chaos Scripture continued to operate, helping him stabilize his internal energy.

The Ultimate Mortal Realm was still a distant goal, and Dao Wei knew the road ahead would be treacherous. But for now, he had managed to prolong the inevitable.

And that was enough.