Chapter 97: This boy is disrespectful!

Dao Wei's wings, sixteen in total, fluttered gently behind him. Eight on each side—his left adorned with black wings as dark as the abyss, and his right gleaming in a pure, radiant gold. The crowd held their collective breath, the sheer sight of him sending shivers down their spines. His transformation was nothing short of divine—his very presence emanating a force that seemed to bend reality around him.

A hush settled over the arena as Dao Wei floated there, high above them all. It was as if the heavens had birthed a god, right before their eyes. Even the ever-boisterous disciples found themselves speechless, their eyes glued to the golden glow that surrounded him like an ethereal armor. And then, with a suddenness that seemed to echo through both the heavens and earth, the light dimmed, settling into Dao Wei's very being.

His eyes opened. Golden jasper orbs, lined with the faintest hint of baby blue, stared down at the world beneath him. His hair, once as black as midnight, now shimmered like strands of pure gold, cascading down his back. A smirk played on his lips as he took in the stunned expressions below.


The sudden flash of golden light forced everyone to cover their eyes. When they reopened them, Dao Wei was standing tall, and the shift in the atmosphere was palpable.

He was no longer just Dao Wei. He had become something more—something untouchable. Even the title of "Evil Star" seemed inadequate to describe the overwhelming might he now embodied. His Sea of Qi had expanded to levels no one had ever dreamed possible. The power surging within him was immense, his aura suffocating those in the stands. For the first time, even the elders found themselves shifting uncomfortably.

Eight pairs of wings, black and gold, stretched from his back. The sky around him seemed to bend to his will. Thunderclouds crackled in the distance, as if heaven itself feared him.

The silence was broken by a sudden, guttural growl. Cheng Fang, still nursing the wound of his severed arm, clenched his fist and snarled like a wounded beast. "You dare look down on me?!"

Dao Wei's smirk deepened as his gaze fell upon Cheng Fang, the one who had been so full of venom and arrogance. He remained floating just above him, his eyes glowing with a dangerous light. "Look down on you? Of course, I am." Dao Wei's voice was cold, mocking, dripping with disdain. "After all, isn't that where you belong? Beneath me… like a peasant groveling before his king."


The words hung in the air, heavy with venomous superiority. For a moment, the arena was deathly quiet, the tension almost unbearable. Then—


Lu Shen couldn't contain himself. He burst out laughing, clutching his stomach, his voice echoing through the arena. "This boy…! He's something else! Truly brazen!"

Wei Jun chuckled, shaking his head in disbelief. "He always knows how to drop a bomb. Just when things are calm… Boom." He laughed lightly, a bemused smile on his lips. "He's truly unpredictable."

Zhang Ruolan sat beside Lu Shen, her eyes wide in disbelief. "Is this… really Dao Wei?"

Even Huang Ling couldn't help but blush at Dao Wei's audacity, her admiration growing as she stared up at him, her heart racing. 

Cheng Fang's face twisted in rage, his veins bulging as his anger reached a boiling point. "You…! You arrogant—" 

"Enough, Fang'er!" Elder Chu Yafei barked, but even his voice couldn't completely hide the irritation beneath. It was as if he was trying to rein in a wild beast, one he no longer had control over. His eyes darted nervously toward Dao Wei, a flicker of fear and anger dancing behind his cold gaze. 

Dao Wei's smirk only widened. He knew he had won. Not just the battle, but the war of dominance. He descended slowly, his aura growing heavier with every inch. His golden wings flared out behind him, casting long shadows over the arena. As he touched the ground, the entire stage seemed to tremble beneath him.

He strode forward, every step echoing with authority, approaching the Supreme Elders and Grand Elders. The once ethereal vision of Heaven and Earth had dissipated, but Dao Wei retained the godly aura, his newly-formed Halo still glowing brightly behind him.

The Halo was a sight to behold—a Silver Circle lined with ten void stars, their edges gleaming gold. Five of those stars had filled with light, representing the elements Dao Wei had mastered—Light, Darkness, Water, Metal, and Time. Each star was a different color—yellow, black, deep blue, orange, and white—forming a hexagonal pattern. And now, Light and Darkness dangled in the center of the starry void, spinning as if they were drawn to him like moths to a flame.

The elders, who had been standing calmly with ethereal grace just moments before, found themselves taken aback by this sight. They exchanged glances, their expressions unreadable, but the tension was undeniable. Dao Wei had surpassed all expectations. He had achieved something that even they couldn't fathom.

Hushed whispers broke out among the disciples. "Did he really just…?"

"The Evil Star… No, that's not enough anymore. He's something else now…"

"He's practically a god now… How can anyone stand against him?"

In the crowd, however, not all were awestruck. Cheng Fang's rage had reached its peak. His one remaining hand trembled with fury, his eyes burning with hatred as he glared at Dao Wei. And beside him, Elder Chu Yafei's face darkened, his expression twisting with something far more dangerous than mere jealousy.

'This… demon!' Chu Yafei thought, his mind racing. He could no longer deny the threat Dao Wei posed—not just to Cheng Fang, but to him as well. The Sword God Sect had crowned a new champion, and it wasn't one of his disciples. It was someone he despised.

'I need to remove him…' Chu Yafei's thoughts grew more sinister with each passing second. 'This cannot go on. If I let this continue… he'll surpass even me. I'll have to call them. It's the only way.' 

As Chu Yafei's mind churned with dark plans, Dao Wei's steps continued forward, his eyes never leaving the elder's. His gaze was unyielding like a lion staring down its prey. The crowd held their breath, sensing the growing tension.

But instead of attacking, Dao Wei merely smiled—a cold, knowing smile that sent shivers down the spines of everyone present. "Do you feel it, Elder Chu? That fear creeping up your spine?" Dao Wei's voice was low and dangerous. "You should. Because this…" He gestured to his Halo, the void stars shimmering behind him. "…is just the beginning."

The words hung in the air like a guillotine, poised to fall at any moment. Chu Yafei's fists clenched tightly at his sides, his mind screaming at him to strike, to do something—anything—to wipe that smug grin off Dao Wei's face. But he couldn't. Not here. Not now.

Dao Wei turned his back on Chu Yafei and Cheng Fang, his golden wings fluttering softly as he faced the Elders. The crowd cheered before him as if an invisible force propelled them to bow.

"So, what do you think just happened?" A disciple whispered, his voice barely audible, still shaken by the event.

"I… I don't know," his companion stammered. "But whatever it was… we just witnessed the rise of something beyond mortal. Maybe even the rise of a god."

"Do you think Elder Chu Yafei can still control this situation?"

The disciple shook his head. "The Evil Star… No. Not anymore. The Golden Devil… he's beyond their control now."

From a distance, Huang Ling watched Dao Wei standing magnificently at the center of the arena. Her heart raced as she clutched the edges of her robe. "Dao Wei…" she whispered softly, her face flushed.