33 Strategies Man Management:

Step 1: Unite Your Sect Around A Cause Make Them Fight For An Idea.

Step 2: Keep There Bellies Full.

Step 3: Lead From The Front.

Step 4: Concentrate There Chi

All Groups Have There own level of Chi Physical and Psychological.

A Leader Must Understand This Energy And How To Manipulate It.

Idleness Has A Terrible Effect On Chi.

When Your Soldiers Arnt Working There Spirits Lower,

Doubt Creeps In And Selfish Interests Take Over.

Aggressive Action Concentrates Chi And Concentrated Chi Is Full Of Latent Force.

Step 5: Play To There Emotions

Step 6: Mix Harshness And Kindness

Step 7: Build The Group Myth

Step 8: Be Ruthless With Grumblers.