Custom Rune Spells:

Protection Spell: Guardian Shield

Purpose: To create a protective barrier around the user or their home.

Runes Used:

Algiz (ᛉ): Protection and sanctuary.Thurisaz (ᚦ): Defense and warding off negative influences.


Create the Talisman: On a piece of wood or stone, carve Algiz and Thurisaz.

Charge the Talisman: Light a white candle and focus on the flame. Visualize a protective shield forming around you or your home.

Chant: Repeat the following chant while holding the talisman:"Algiz, Thurisaz, shield and protect, ward off all harm, deflect and reject.

"Place or Carry: Place the talisman at the entrance of your home or carry it with you for continuous protection.

 Prosperity Spell: Wealth's Embrace

Purpose: To attract wealth and abundance.

Runes Used:

Fehu (ᚠ): Wealth and abundance. Jera (ᛃ): Harvest and rewards for efforts.


Create the Talisman: On a piece of green cloth, draw or embroider Fehu and Jera.

Charge the Talisman: Place the cloth on your altar and surround it with green candles. Light the candles and visualize abundance flowing into your life.

Chant: Repeat the following chant while focusing on the talisman:"Fehu, Jera, wealth's embrace, bring forth fortune, fill this space.

"Keep or Use: Keep the talisman in your wallet, cash register, or a place where you manage finances.

3. Healing Spell: Renewal Touch

Purpose: To promote physical and emotional healing.

Runes Used:

Uruz (ᚢ): Strength and vitality.Berkano (ᛒ): Growth and healing.


Create the Talisman: On a piece of clear quartz, inscribe Uruz and Berkano.

Charge the Talisman: Place the quartz in a bowl of water and add a few drops of essential oil (such as lavender or eucalyptus). Hold your hands over the bowl and visualize healing energy flowing into the water and the stone.

Chant: Repeat the following chant while focusing on the talisman:"Uruz, Berkano, heal and renew, strength and growth, pure and true.

"Use the Talisman: Carry the quartz with you or place it near your bed to promote continuous healing.

4. Love and Harmony Spell: Heart's Harmony

Purpose: To attract love and foster harmony in relationships.

Runes Used:

Gebo (ᚷ): Gift and partnership.Wunjo (ᚹ): Joy and harmony.


Create the Talisman: On a piece of pink paper, draw Gebo and Wunjo.

Charge the Talisman: Place the paper on your altar, surround it with pink or red candles, and light the candles. Visualize loving and harmonious energy flowing into the paper.

Chant: Repeat the following chant while focusing on the talisman:"Gebo, Wunjo, love's embrace, joy and harmony, fill this space.

"Keep or Share: Keep the talisman in your bedroom or share it with your partner to enhance love and harmony.

Tips for Effective Runic Magic:

Clear Intentions: Be clear about your intentions when working with runes. The more specific you are, the more effective your magic will be.

Respect the Runes: Treat runes with respect, understanding that they are powerful symbols with deep historical significance.

Consistency: Regular practice enhances your connection with runes and improves your magical skills.

Record Your Work: Keep a journal of your rune spells, experiences, and results to track your progress and refine your techniques.

By combining traditional runic meanings with focused intent and ritual practice, you can effectively harness the power of runes for various magical purposes.