Roles and Functions of Angels

Messengers and Guardians:

Annunciation: Announcing significant events and messages from the divine.

Guardianship: Watching over individuals, communities, and nations.

Guidance: Providing spiritual guidance, insights, and protection.

Agents of Divine Will:

Execution of Commands: Carrying out divine mandates, including judgments, blessings, and interventions.

Intercessors: Advocating on behalf of humans, pleading for mercy or divine favor.Study and Interpretation

Scriptural Sources:

Biblical Texts: References to angels in the Old and New Testaments, detailing their appearances, roles, and interactions with prophets and humans.

Quranic Verses: Descriptions of angels in Islamic scriptures, their roles in revelation, and cosmic order.

Interpretation and Symbolism:

Symbolism: Angels often symbolize virtues, protection, divine presence, and the interconnection between heaven and earth.

Cultural Variations: Different cultures interpret angels based on their religious and spiritual contexts, influencing art, literature, and belief systems.