Psychic attacks

Psychic attacks are a form of black magic intended to harm or manipulate someone's mental, emotional, or physical state through focused negative energy. Here are two examples of psychic attacks detailed for educational purposes only:

1. Mental Distress Attack

Purpose: To cause confusion, anxiety, and mental instability in the target.


Black candle

A photo or personal item of the target

A piece of parchment and black ink pen

A black string

A small mirror

Protective herbs (e.g., sage, rosemary)


Preparation: Create a protected space by casting a circle of salt around you. Light the black candle and focus on your intention to cause mental distress to the target.

Writing: On the parchment, write the target's name and the word "Confusion" repeatedly. Fold the parchment three times.

Mirror Placement: Place the small mirror in front of the candle so that it reflects the candle's flame.

Binding: Wrap the photo or personal item with the parchment using the black string. Tie it tightly while focusing on your intent.

Incantation: Hold the bound item in front of the mirror and chant: Mirror of light, candle of night, Confusion grip, distort their sight. [Target's Name], your mind shall fray, In chaos and doubt, you'll lose your way.

Reflection: Place the bound item in front of the mirror to reflect the candlelight continuously.

Sealing: Let the candle burn out completely, then store the bound item and mirror in a dark place.

Outcome: The target may experience confusion, anxiety, and mental instability. Perform regular cleansing rituals to protect yourself from any backlash.

2. Emotional Turmoil Attack

Purpose: To evoke strong negative emotions such as anger, sadness, or fear in the target.


Black candle

A photo or personal item of the target

A piece of parchment and black ink pen

A jar

Black ink

Red chili flakes

Thorns (e.g., rose or blackberry)


Preparation: Light the black candle and focus on your intention to cause emotional turmoil in the target.

Writing: On the parchment, write the target's name and the word "Despair" repeatedly. Fold the parchment three times.

Jar Assembly: Place the photo or personal item, the parchment, red chili flakes, and thorns into the jar.

Ink Infusion: Pour black ink over the contents of the jar until they are fully submerged.

Incantation: Hold the jar and chant: Ink of black, thorn of pain, Bring to [Target's Name] emotional strain. Anger, sadness, fear and woe, In [Target's Name]'s heart, these seeds shall grow.

Sealing: Seal the jar tightly and shake it vigorously while focusing on your intent.

Storage: Store the jar in a dark place where it will not be disturbed.

Outcome: The target may experience strong negative emotions and emotional turmoil. Regular protection and cleansing rituals are advised to shield yourself from any negative energy.

Ethical Considerations

Engaging in psychic attacks can have significant ethical and karmic repercussions. It is important to consider the consequences of such actions, not only for the target but also for the practitioner. Understanding these techniques can also help in developing protective measures and gaining insight into the mechanisms of psychic manipulation.


These examples of psychic attacks in black magic are provided for educational purposes. They illustrate the principles and components involved in such practices. Always approach the use of magical knowledge with caution, respect, and a strong ethical framework, prioritizing positive and constructive uses of spiritual and magical abilities.