
Necromancy, often associated with communication with the dead and manipulation of spiritual energies, is a complex and controversial form of magic. Below are a couple of detailed examples of necromantic rituals, crafted with a focus on realistic elements and traditional practices:

1. Spirit Summoning Ritual

Purpose: To summon the spirit of a deceased person for communication or guidance.


Black and white candles

A personal item or photo of the deceased

A piece of parchment and black ink pen

A mirror

Protective herbs (e.g., sage, rosemary)


A small bowl of water

An offering (e.g., food, drink, flowers)


Preparation: Cast a circle of salt around your working area to create a protective boundary. Place the black and white candles in a circle, alternating colors, with the mirror in the center.

Writing: On the parchment, write the name of the deceased person and any specific questions or messages you have for them.

Personal Item: Place the personal item or photo of the deceased next to the mirror.

Lighting: Light the candles clockwise, starting with a black candle. Light the protective herbs in a fireproof dish and allow the smoke to purify the space.

Offering: Place the offering near the mirror to honor the spirit.

Incantation: Hold the parchment and chant:vbnetCopy codeSpirit of [Name], hear my plea, From the other side, come to me. By candle's light and mirror's gleam, Cross the veil, fulfill this dream.

Mirror Gaze: Gaze into the mirror, focusing on your intent to communicate with the spirit. Stay calm and open to any sensations, images, or messages that may arise.

Communication: If contact is made, ask your questions or convey your messages. Be respectful and patient.

Closing: Thank the spirit for their presence. Extinguish the candles in reverse order (counterclockwise) and scatter the salt outside your home to safely close the ritual.

Outcome: Successful communication with the deceased, which may come through as visions, feelings, or even spoken words. Ensure you perform a cleansing ritual afterward to remove any residual energies.

2. Bone Divination Ritual

Purpose: To gain insight or predict future events using bones as divinatory tools.


Animal bones (cleaned and prepared)

Black cloth

A piece of parchment and black ink pen

Protective herbs (e.g., sage, juniper)

A small bowl of water


Preparation: Cast a protective circle with salt and place the black cloth in the center. Light the protective herbs to cleanse the area.

Bones: Place the bones on the black cloth. Ensure they are clean and free of any residual organic matter.

Writing: On the parchment, write your specific question or the area of life you seek insight into.

Incantation: Hold the bones and chant:vbnetCopy codeBones of earth, spirits of past, Reveal the truth, from first to last. By ancient rites and wisdom's light, Show me the path, clear and bright.

Casting: Throw the bones onto the black cloth. Observe their positions, patterns, and any symbols that form.

Interpretation: Use traditional or personal systems of interpretation to read the bones. Each bone or group of bones may represent different aspects of the question.

Recording: Note down your observations and interpretations on the parchment for future reference.

Closing: Thank the spirits and energies involved. Scatter the salt and cleanse the area with the water to close the ritual.

Outcome: Insights or predictions related to your question, revealed through the positions and patterns of the bones. Perform regular cleansing rituals to maintain the purity of your divination space.

Ethical Considerations

Necromancy, due to its nature of dealing with the dead and spiritual energies, should be approached with utmost respect and ethical consideration. It is crucial to seek consent from any spirits you attempt to contact and to ensure that your practices do not harm others or disrupt the natural order of life and death. Always prioritize protection and purification in your rituals to safeguard against negative influences.


These examples of necromantic rituals provide a glimpse into the methods and intentions behind this form of magic. Necromancy can offer profound insights and connections but must be practiced with care, respect, and a deep understanding of the spiritual realms. Always remain mindful of the ethical and moral implications of your actions when engaging in necromantic practices.