Chapter 1: Mysteries in the Mist

Jared, a skilled gamer, meets an untimely end on Earth. Betrayed by an online girl he loved, he shared the secret of a prized gun from the game Last Man Standing, which could be brought into reality.

In his last moments, Jared vowed never to trust another woman. Suddenly, he woke up in a new place. Groaning in pain, he held his head as a massive flux of information flooded his brain.

Jared, amazed by his reincarnation into another world and body, found himself in a boy also named Jared. The previous Jared's death was a mystery, and he vowed to uncover the truth and seek revenge.

Jared got up and walked around his bedroom, inspecting the exquisite and glamorous surroundings. Even as a wealthy professional gamer on Earth, he had never seen such riches.

A knock sounded on his door, followed by a melodious voice, "Master Jared, are you awake?"

An unexpected grin stretched across Jared's face as he heard the voice of his maid and only friend, Victoria.

Jared remembered finding Victoria on the roadside and begging his parents to take her in. Days later, his parents vanished without a trace. Victoria stayed by his side, defending him from those seeking his parents' wealth.

Victoria knocked again, not hearing any sound from inside the room. Realizing he had spaced out, Jared said aloud, "I'm awake, Victoria. You can come in!"

Victoria slowly opened the door and peeked her head into the room. "Master Jared, the mythical game cabinet you ordered has arrived, and the game's server will open in two hours."

 Jared jumped at the news and then asked, "Where is it?"

Victoria opened the door wider, saying, "This way, please." She was inwardly amazed by Jared. She knew he had not been interested in gaming before, but on his 16th birthday, something had changed. He became obsessed with purchasing this gaming cabinet, spending billions to get it.

Victoria mused while leading Jared to the room where she had placed the gaming cabinet, at least he is showing interest in something again after his parents disappeared.

When Jared saw the pristine gold and silver gaming cabinet with "Mythical" in stylish purple, he thought it was the most beautiful thing he had ever seen. Snapping out of his reverie, he hurried to enter the game on time.

Two hours later, Jared was in his Mythical gaming cabinet, waiting for the game Self-Actualization to begin. Though initially deemed boring, its stunning graphics and compelling storyline quickly captured global attention.

In the tallest building with "Self-Actualization" displayed at the top, Atlas watched the countdown in her loft. She thought, I did everything I could to ensure we survive the coming catastrophe. I hope it will be enough.

In the last seconds of the countdown, she entered another gaming cabinet similar to the one Jared bought, but with the word Goddess in blood-red letters. She too was eager to see what the game had to offer.

Finally, the countdown finished, and everyone with a Self-Actualization console descended into the game. For Jared, it was surreal; this was his first time in a VR gaming cabinet, having only used VR lenses on Earth.

He felt his soul leave his body, transferring to an unknown place. When he felt solid ground, he opened his eyes to see a kind, grandfatherly figure. "Welcome to Self-Actualization. What would you like to name your avatar?"

Jared pondered for a while and decided on the name Maslow's Law for its symbolic meaning. He laughed at the irony of the name to himself but felt it was fitting.

The granpa asked, "Would you like to make any changes to your avatar?"

Jared thought for a moment and said, "Make my hair pink and my eyes purple and yellow. Everything else shall remain the same."

The grandpa did as asked and then posed his final question, "What profession would you like to take on in the game?"

Jared thought long and hard about this because he knew this game was unlike anything he had ever experienced in his life on Earth. He understood from the name of the game that there was more meaning to it than just being a game.

Jared remembered the long nights of research and the two weeks as a beta player. He knew he could choose any profession in this world, whether magical or mundane.

Jared thought, in my previous life, I was betrayed by the woman I loved. I need to choose a character who can be self-sufficient. He decided on a profession: shapeshifter summoner.

As Jared pondered his choices, Atlas took them just as seriously. She decided to use her real name and change her appearance to blood-red hair and purple eyes, while keeping the rest the same as on Jupiter. After careful consideration, she chose the profession: shapeshifter pirate.

Just as Jared was about to enter the game, he noticed a red light flashing in the distance. Curious, he investigated and found a pristine white treasure chest with a red ruby latch. The chest gleamed under the light, casting reflections on the ground. Jared touched the cool metal, shivering. He hesitated, feeling a sense of foreboding. Who would leave this here, and why?

He glanced around, but the room was empty except for the silent chest. The air hummed with a low vibration, and an eerie silence was broken only by his breathing. He felt an urge to open the chest, as if it was calling to him.

As he lifted the lid, the chest creaked with a deep groan, echoing through the room. Cool mist seeped out, curling like ghostly fingers. The ruby's glow intensified, casting a blood-red hue on Jared's face. His heart pounded, each beat echoing like a distant drum.

With a final push, the lid swung open, revealing…