Chapter 16: The Echoing Caverns: Unveiling Secrets

Maslow's Law thought deeply about which direction he should develop in. When he was on Earth, even though he loved playing games, it was his job. It was what brought in income for him, but this life is different. This Jared is richer than his wildest imaginations, and due to his past death, it's hard for him to trust or even attempt to connect with anyone in this world except from Victoria.

He thought of his 13 baby companion pets and the mount he had just acquired, wondering if he should continue in this direction. He glanced at his status page again and saw:

[Name: Maslow's Law]

[Title: Trailblazer]

[Strength: 60, Agility: 60, Intelligence: 60, Vitality: 60, Luck: infinite, Charm: Infinite, Spirit: Infinite]


[Morphic Resonance : Eagle Form]

[Summon Spirit Ally: Phoenix Spirit]

[Adaptive Aura: Primal Call]

[Pact of the Wild]

[Primal Fury]

[Adventurer's Glow]

[Bear's Endurance]

[Fox's Cunning]

[Echo of the Depths]

[Call of the Leviathon]

[Shell Guard]

[Eyes of the Griffin]

[Enhanced Resource Gathering]

[Elemental Control: Fire]

[Marine Biology Expertise]

[Stealth and Tracking]

[Nutritional Mastery]

[Magical Flora Cultivation]

[Avian Care Expertise]

[Environmental Adaption]

He thought, I have only been in the game for 12 hours thus far, and I have accomplished so much. He decided to take a walk around Louisiana to see if anything could interest him or assist him in deciding what to do next. He already had a thought in mind; however, he needed to see if that is the right path.

Before walking off, Maslow's Law thought internally, trying to contact Nordic, "Can you hear me Nordic?"

Nordic replied, "I can. How may I assist you today?"

Maslow's Law asked, "What do you know about this main city?"

Nordic began, "Louisiana, often referred to as the Radiant Crossroads, is a sprawling metropolis that serves as a central hub for commerce, culture, and magical exploration. The city is renowned for its breathtaking architecture, diverse populace, and rich history. Nestled at the confluence of two great rivers, Louisiana is a vibrant tapestry of lush greenery, glistening waterways, and majestic structures that reflect its storied past and promising future."

Maslow's Law thought, that doesn't sound too bad.

Nordic continued, "Strategically situated at the intersection of the Seraphic and Maranta rivers, Louisiana benefits from both a vital trade route and a scenic backdrop. The city is surrounded by rolling hills, verdant forests, and fertile plains, making it a prime location for agriculture and trade. Louisiana is divided into several distinct districts, each with its own unique character and function. You may explore and learn about the rest on your own."

Maslow's Law finally paid attention to where he stood and was amazed by the ancient temples, cobblestone streets, and grand mansions that spoke of a bygone era, with ornate architecture and towering spires. Nordic commented, "Where you stand is called The Old Quarter; it is the historical center of the city."

Jared began walking, marveling at the architectural designs. He didn't know for how long he walked but found himself in the market square. It was a bustling hub of commerce where merchants gathered to trade goods from exotic spices to magical artifacts, filling the air with the scent of fresh produce and the hum of lively barter.

Inside the holographic library, Lunara, baby fox, asked to be let out. It stated it wanted to taste the cooked meat its saw as they walked past. Maslow's Law, wanting to do everything for his companions, agreed. He stopped by various stalls to buy various products for each of his companion pets and mount. They were all happy and satisfied.

Onward with the journey, he ended up in the Arcane District. This is the heart of magical learning, featuring prestigious academies, potion shops, and libraries overflowing with ancient tomes. Its streets were lined with enchanted lanterns and mysterious runes.

He then walked along the rivers, where lay the Riverside Promenade, a picturesque area with elegant bridges, open-air cafes, and scenic parks where residents and visitors can relax. The Industrial Zone is a hive of activity where the city's manufacturing and craftsmanship thrive, with blacksmiths, alchemists, and artisans producing a wide range of goods. Lastly, the Grand Forum serves as the political and cultural epicenter, housing majestic government buildings, theaters, and public squares that host debates, performances, and festivals.

He noted several key landmarks and features define Louisiana's landscape. The Celestial Spire, the tallest structure in the city, serves as a beacon of hope and aspiration, adorned with crystals that capture and reflect sunlight in a dazzling display visible for miles.

The Enchanted Canals, running parallel to the rivers, glow with a soft blue light at night and are used for both transportation and leisure, with gondolas ferrying passengers through the city.

The Whispering Willow, a colossal tree believed to be centuries old, stands in the central park, its luminescent leaves whispering ancient secrets to those seeking wisdom beneath its canopy.

The Grand Bazaar, a sprawling marketplace, is known for its vibrant atmosphere and incredible variety of goods, including rare magical items and artisan crafts.

Finally, the Arcane Conclave, the most prestigious magical academy, is renowned for its extensive library and formidable professors, where young wizards and scholars gather to unlock the universe's secrets.

After his walk around the city, he found a hotel and got a room. Upon reaching the room, he lay on the bed and sighed. Nordic asked, "What will you do now, master?"

Maslow's Law said, "I remember getting early access to content. Could you provide me with any information on this?"

Nordic checked and realized he was powerful enough to gain access to this knowledge. Thus, he read, "There are quite a few, but I will only share the one I believe you would appreciate the most. Even though you wandered the streets of Louisiana, there is one place you did not go to—Veligate District. The name of the quest is Veligate District and the Echoing Caverns Questline."

Maslow's Law listened attentively to Nordic. "The person you seek to gain this quest is Veldra, the Seer. She is an enigmatic figure who appears in the marketplace with a cryptic message."

Maslow's Law nodded his head in understanding. He decided to log out, get something to eat, exercise, then return to the game to find Veldra.

A few hours later, he returned to the game. He then set out towards the marketplace. He spent a few hours wandering around the marketplace when, in an obscure corner of the market, he saw a young woman offering fortune-telling. Curious if this may be the seer he sought, he asked to get a reading.

She gave him a reading just like she would anyone else. Just as Maslow's Law was about to be disappointed, she muttered, "What life do you seek in this world?"

Surprised by that question, he answered truthfully, "Within games had been the only place where I feel most like myself. After the betrayal from my previous life, I just want peace."

Veldra answered, "If peace is what you seek, then you will have to fight for it."

Just then, he heard a ding, a notification from his system. She disappeared. He checked it and saw:

Questline: The Echoing Caverns

Objective: Uncover the hidden entrance to the Echoing Caverns beneath Veligate District and retrieve an ancient artifact known as the Crystal of Whispers.

Part 1: Uncovering the Entrance

Objective: Explore Veligate District to find the clues and solve puzzles that reveal the entrance to the Echoing Caverns.