Chapter 22: Into the Swamps of Peril

Jared gathered numerous resources necessary for developing his fief. He used the three profession tickets he had gained, along with the skills ticket.

The skills he gained were:

[Skill 1: Ethereal Beast Convergence (Epic)]

Description: The summoner taps into the ethereal plane, summoning a bestial spirit that can shift between forms based on the summoner's will. Each form provides unique abilities, allowing for versatility in combat and utility.

Forms and Abilities:

[Feral Wolf]

 Enhances the summoner's speed and agility, providing a chance to evade attacks and strike with lethal precision.

[Celestial Hawk]

Grants the ability to see through illusions and detect hidden enemies, while also enabling swift aerial maneuvers.

[Stone Bear]

Bestows immense strength and resilience, increasing the summoner's defense and allowing them to crush obstacles and foes alike.

Cooldown: 5 minutes between form changes. Duration: Each form lasts up to 30 minutes or until dismissed.

[Skill 2: Elemental Shift (Rare)]

Description: The summoner can temporarily attune themselves to one of the elemental forces, allowing them to channel the powers of nature and transform their appearance and abilities accordingly.

Elemental Forms and Abilities:

[Inferno Wraith]

Engulfs the summoner in flames, granting fire-based attacks such as fireballs and flame bursts. Additionally, the summoner becomes resistant to fire damage and can leave a trail of fire behind them.

[Tempest Avatar]

Surrounds the summoner with storm clouds, enabling lightning attacks and wind manipulation. The summoner gains increased speed and the ability to summon localized storms to disorient and damage enemies.

[Earth Guardian]

Covers the summoner in a rocky exterior, enhancing physical defense and strength. The summoner can create seismic waves and earth spikes and becomes resistant to physical attacks.

Cooldown: 15 minutes between element changes. Duration: Each elemental form lasts for 20 minutes or until dismissed.

The professions he chose are:

[Herbalist (Common)]

Description: An entry-level profession focused on the study and use of plants for medicinal and alchemical purposes.


Plant Identification: Easily identify various herbs and plants, determining their uses and potential effects.

Basic Potion Brewing: Create simple potions and salves for healing, stamina restoration, and basic ailments.

Foraging Expertise: Increase the likelihood of finding rare and valuable herbs in the wild.

[Arcane Cartographer (Rare)]

Description: A specialized profession focused on mapping and understanding magical landscapes, ley lines, and other arcane phenomena. The Arcane Cartographer can provide strategic advantages and uncover hidden magical resources.


Mystic Mapping: Create detailed maps of magical terrains, highlighting areas of arcane significance such as ley lines, mana pools, and enchanted forests. These maps can be used to find advantageous battlegrounds or avoid dangerous areas.

Ley Line Tapping: Detect and tap into ley lines to draw upon their power, providing temporary boosts to magical abilities and enhancing the potency of summoned creatures.

Arcane Survey: Conduct thorough surveys of an area to uncover hidden magical resources and potential threats, such as wards, traps, or powerful relics.

[Master Artificer (Diamond)]

Description: An elite profession involving the creation and enhancement of magical items and artifacts, combining craftsmanship with arcane knowledge.


Artifact Creation: Forge powerful magical items with unique abilities, such as enchanted weapons, amulets, and tools.

Item Enhancement: Enhance existing items to improve their properties, such as increasing the durability of armor or the sharpness of blades.

Arcane Infusion: Infuse ordinary objects with magical energy, granting them temporary magical properties such as floating or glowing.

Maslow's Law was thrilled by these skills and the introduction of new non-combat professions. He eagerly acquired resources to level them up.

Afterwards, he exited through the south gate. Simultaneously, another player was teleported to a main city, prompting an announcement to be made twice, highlighting this remarkable achievement.

Maslow's Law was amazed but did not pay much attention to it. The southern side of the city was renowned for its swamplands and bayous.

Jared and his companions embarked on their journey by entering the dense and treacherous swamplands of Louisiana.

The landscape was a haunting mosaic of murky waters and thick foliage, with labyrinthine pathways that could easily disorient even the most seasoned traveler.

Jared's mission was to lead his diverse group of baby creatures and his loyal mount, the Aetherwind Dragonhawk, through these perilous lands.

As they ventured deeper into the swamps, the air grew thick with humidity, and the constant hum of mosquitoes became a relentless assault on their senses. The oppressive environment threatened to sap their strength and morale, but Jared remained vigilant.

The first major obstacle came in the form of quicksand patches. Hidden traps of unstable ground lay in wait to ensnare the unwary. Jared's keen eyes scanned the ground, but it was Aqualune, the baby turtle, who proved invaluable with her passive skill Earth and Water Resonance. With a gentle tap of her flipper, she sensed the dangerous shifts in the water beneath the surface. "Stay close," Jared instructed, guiding the group away from the hidden perils.

Venomous snakes, their scales blending seamlessly with the underbrush, posed another threat. As the party moved cautiously, Savon, the baby panda, scurried ahead, his curious nature leading him to uncover a nest of vipers.

"Careful!" Jared warned, but Savon's playful tumble managed to divert their attention, giving Jared the chance to safely change their direction. 

Navigating through the dense foliage was an exhausting task. The thick plant life obscured the paths, and Jared knew they risked getting lost.

It was Zephyra, the baby pegasus, who took to the skies. Using her Ethereal Wings special ability and Air Sense Skill, she scouted from above, her keen vision cutting through the green canopy. With a series of graceful swoops, she identified a clearer path and alerted Jared with a soft, melodic call.

Mosquito swarms descended upon them like a plague, their incessant buzzing a constant drain on the party's energy.

Jared used a combination of herbal remedies and gentle gusts of wind from Aetherwind Dragonhawk to keep the worst of the insects at bay.

Yet, the persistent pests were a formidable foe. Despite the discomfort, the group pressed on, knowing that every step forward brought them closer to the edge of the swamp.

The sharp cypress knees jutting from the ground posed another hazard. These protrusions, hidden beneath the murky water, were easy to trip over and could easily damage their equipment.

Jared, with his heightened awareness, navigated them skillfully, guiding his companions around the most dangerous areas.

Frostpaw, the baby bear, used his Crystal Claw to clear a safe passage, breaking off particularly hazardous protrusions.

As the party progressed deeper into the swamps, they encountered a new and more immediate threat: territorial alligators. These large reptiles, with their powerful jaws and tough hides, aggressively defended their domain. The alligators used the swamp's murky waters to their advantage, launching ambush attacks from hidden positions.

The first encounter came suddenly. An alligator burst from the water, its jaws snapping inches from Jared's leg.

Ember, the baby phoenix, reacted instantly. With a sharp cry, she unleashed her Blaze Peck, creating a burst of flame that startled the alligator, forcing it to retreat. The fiery display illuminated the murky water, revealing more alligators lurking nearby.

Jared quickly assessed the situation. "Form a circle," he commanded, positioning the companions to face outward. Frostpaw stepped forward, his Crystal Claw gleaming in the dim light. He slashed at an approaching alligator, his crystal-coated claws piercing its tough hide. The alligator recoiled, its aggressive advance halted.

The alligators, though momentarily deterred, regrouped for another assault. Jared called upon his [Elemental Control], manipulating the fire to create a barrier of flame around the party. The fiery ring deterred the alligators, their instinctive fear of fire overriding their territorial aggression.

Aetherwind Dragonhawk spread its wings, emitting a Protective Aura that enveloped the group. The magical shield bolstered their defenses, reducing the impact of any alligator bites that breached the fiery barrier. The alligators, sensing the protective magic and the formidable resistance of the party, began to retreat further into the swamp.

Despite their temporary victory, Jared knew they couldn't linger. The alligators were likely to regroup, and he didn't want to risk another ambush.

Guided by Zephyra's aerial reconnaissance and Aqualune's sensing of water currents, the party carefully navigated away from the alligator nesting grounds, ensuring they didn't provoke further aggression.

With every step, the terrain grew less hostile, the number of alligator encounters dwindling. Jared's leadership and the unique abilities of his companions had once again seen them through a perilous challenge. They had confronted and overcome the territorial alligators, learning to adapt and protect each other in the process.

As they finally left the swamp behind, Jared reflected on their newfound Marsh Awareness, skill. It enhances the ability to detect hidden dangers in marshes and swamps.

The journey had tested their courage and resourcefulness, but they had emerged stronger and more united.

With the swamps of Louisiana behind them, Jared and his companions looked forward to the next stage of their journey.

The borderlands awaited, with new challenges and adventures on the horizon. They were ready to face whatever came next, confident in their growing bond and collective strength.