Chapter 13: Information about the reincarnation space

Just as he was about to speak, Hill's eyes glanced around the surroundings and the people following Vegeta, like Jennifer and the others. His face showed hesitation.

Vegeta noticed his expression and instantly understood what he was thinking.

Hill probably felt that the information he had was valuable and didn't want to give it away for free.

The others were not fools and naturally understood Hill's intentions. Considering the mysterious and dangerous nature of the reincarnation space, they knew that having more information could increase their safety, so they stood there with embarrassed looks, waiting.

"Alright, just say it," Vegeta said, not too concerned about the details. Compared to using this information to exchange for minor benefits with the newcomers, Vegeta was more interested in the rewards from clearing the instance, which were far more significant.

"Yes, Master," Hill said, seeing that Vegeta was getting impatient.

"Master, most of the information I have about the reincarnation space comes from information brokers. I haven't tested a lot of it myself, so if I'm wrong, please forgive me."

"Just get on with it," Vegeta urged.

"Yes! First of all, we don't know the origin of the reincarnation space, but those selected by it are pulled into different worlds to complete missions."

"During these missions, if you are killed, you die for real. However, I've heard of some special items that can make you immune to death or allow you to exit an instance early. These are extremely rare, and I haven't seen any myself."

"No matter how long the instance lasts, in the outside world, only a few minutes will have passed."

"After each mission, there is a special space for settlement. You can then choose to enter the Hall of Reincarnators, where the time spent is the same as in the outside world."

"The settlement space is a separate area where your gains from the mission are evaluated, and you receive a score. The higher the score, the more points you get, along with exclusive treasure chests containing better rewards."

"In the Hall of Reincarnators, it is absolutely safe. If conflicts arise, severe punishments will follow, so even top-tier reincarnators wouldn't dare to break the rules."

"The Hall is where many reincarnators conduct their daily trades. You can sell unwanted items and purchase what you need, using points as the currency."

"In theory, with enough points, you can buy anything you want."

"Points can be used to exchange for free attribute points. 100 points can increase a basic stat by one point, so with enough points, you can become stronger instantly."

"There are also other uses for points, like accessing special training spaces or life-and-death arenas."

"One important note is to avoid conflicts in the Hall and not to expose your wealth lightly. Some reincarnators hunt those with valuable items or a lot of points."

Hill's continuous explanation made Vegeta and the others understand the reincarnation space better.

Vegeta noticed that most of the rules matched what he remembered about reincarnators.

"Alright, tell me about the scoring levels and the approximate value of different levels of equipment," Vegeta asked after Hill's explanation.

"Yes. The mission ratings, from low to high, are E, D, C, B, A, S, and SS. Starting from D, there are also D+ and D-. I'm not sure if there are higher levels beyond SS."

"As for equipment, the levels from low to high are Black Iron, Bronze, and so on. Typically, Black Iron equipment costs around 200 to 500 points."

"Jewelry or special equipment costs more."

"Bronze equipment costs around 800 to 1500 points. Such equipment often requires a D rating or higher to purchase."

"I don't know much about higher-level equipment."

"Ratings are given at the end of each mission. A higher rating can be exchanged for three lower ratings, like a C rating for three D ratings."

"Similarly, three D ratings can be exchanged for one C rating. This conversion can be done freely in the reincarnation space."

Vegeta nodded thoughtfully after Hill's explanation, understanding the importance of points more clearly. The ability to purchase free attribute points alone was enough to excite Vegeta.

With enough free attribute points, Vegeta's strength could increase rapidly.

"By the way, how long is the interval between missions?" Vegeta suddenly asked.

"This interval is not fixed, but it usually ranges from one to three months. Some items can skip a mission, allowing for a longer rest period," Hill replied quickly.

"One to three months, huh," Vegeta muttered, raising an eyebrow.


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