Chapter 20 :Absolute hegemony, fearful people

"You devil! I paid to study here, you have no right to order me around, nor to expel me!"

A bespectacled young man shouted angrily, standing his ground.

"That's right, this is a democratic society! You don't have the authority to do this!"

"Exactly, with your power, you should be protecting us!"

Predictably, some people began to voice their opposition, hoping to bind Vegeta with appeals to morality and democracy.

Despite Vegeta's profound aura and demonstrated terrifying strength, some believed that because Vegeta could communicate, they could control him through moral arguments.

Clap, clap, clap.

"Very good, very bold of you all."

With a chilling smile, Vegeta clapped his hands slowly, mentally noting the faces of the dozen or so dissenters.

Hearing Vegeta's response, these students felt their protests were acknowledged, and they stood taller, preparing to bask in the admiration of their peers.

"Alright, those who spoke up just now, you can leave the school."

Suddenly, Vegeta's smile vanished, replaced by a cold, indifferent expression.

"You... you have no right to do this!"

The bespectacled man was stunned by Vegeta's cold demeanor. Regaining his composure, his face flushed with anger as he protested.

"Rights? Let me show you what real power is."

Speaking calmly, Vegeta raised his index finger. Before the onlookers, a yellow energy ball materialized.

In the next moment, the yellow energy ball shot towards the crowd, homing in on the bespectacled man. In an instant, the energy ball exploded, leaving the man in pieces, with some nearby students also suffering injuries.

This eerie scene made everyone's hair stand on end, and they quickly realized that Vegeta was not to be trifled with.

"Now, those of you who spoke up earlier, do you want to leave on your own, or should I assist you?"

After dealing with the bespectacled man, Vegeta's cold voice echoed again.

Many students and teachers shivered, relieved that they hadn't spoken out.

"No, please, I'm sorry, forgive me!"

Some of those who had spoken earlier fell to their knees in fear, pleading for mercy.

Seeing this, their peers quickly distanced themselves, not wanting to be caught up in the consequences. The students close to the bespectacled man were a stark warning, injured just for being nearby.

"I'll count to ten. If you're still here, I'll send you out myself."

Vegeta's face remained emotionless as he looked down at the pleading students.

"10, 9, 8, 7..."

To the students, Vegeta's countdown was like the approach of the Grim Reaper. Some finally broke down, shoving their way through the crowd and running towards the exit.

Among them, a few tried to appeal to friends, hoping they would plead on their behalf.

"Are you trying to get me killed? You brought this on yourself."

The so-called friends coldly rejected their pleas, some even kicking the beggars away, wanting nothing to do with them.

Meanwhile, four students who had spoken out but now stayed silent prayed that Vegeta wouldn't notice them.

"3, 2, 1."

With the countdown complete, Vegeta unleashed six small energy blasts towards those still kneeling or lying in despair.

The explosions reduced the students to ash, while three others, who had tried to slip away, were suddenly swept off their feet by a strong gust of wind.

The three were thrown out of the campus, landing among a horde of zombies. The zombies quickly swarmed them, devouring them alive.

This horrifying scene caused a wave of terror to sweep through the remaining students, but also a sigh of relief. They were grateful they hadn't interfered.

Particularly, the four students who had tried to play innocent were drenched in cold sweat, thinking they had narrowly escaped.

But then, Vegeta's voice echoed again, freezing them in place with fear.

"Now, some of you might think playing ostrich can save you. If you don't confess within three minutes, I'll select ten random students and teachers to replace each one of you."

Vegeta's cold, emotionless words sent another shiver through the crowd. They realized the ordeal was far from over and that they could still be caught up in it.


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