Act 2 Run N Hide

Me and Kobbie was on the way to a breakfast so we went in a "Chapeto" a mexican restaurant we went in I look at the menu in front of me "I'll just have drink of juice that's all" I say then he slap me "idiota! If you want some glass of juice why'd you just didn't buy Tang at the mini market!" He say I sigh "real funny fine I'll have some Taco and some Burrito" I say "ok sir the order will be done at 21 mins" so Me and Kobbie sat down right beside the door with the beautiful table in front of us "so Kobbie if I say Nigga  in front of black lady am i a sexist o racist?" I say while Kobbie spit water from he's mouth "your both I mean no offence but your really are sexist homophobic loco" He say "I do no such thing I respect there "ways" "even though its not straight" I say "bruh you call your trans gender language teacher a "Translator" one time you spoke too me "that all women keeps playing maid simulator in real life once they get married" so yeah your not sexist or homophobic" He say "real funny its true once women get married they play brookheaven  house edition in real life" I say while he's eyes is twitching "see!" He say try making a point of me being a sexist homophobic then our order was delivered on It was Me And Kobbie walking Around on the Waru street "so esey I was wondering what you gonna do if ever the group will be separated?" He say in a calm voice "the truth is I don't know. The group is the only Familia I had" I say I look down "funny my dad used too beat me a lot but its ok I'm alive" I say "yeah I know your father is a bastardo! But remember he is still your father even tho how many you denied it but I'm here for you kain is here for you" He say while he was saying those words I feel craving for some supper  "thanks compinche but I'm kinda hungry" I look around then saw a Mcdonald just 11 meters before us "ey look Mcdonalds" I say he laugh " I can't believe you like Mcdonald's the chicken there taste blend I'd rather choke and die from a chorizo than eating there food" He say he looks around for a place to get breakfast with. Then he spotted one "there "Chalus Theviensia" its Mexican food" He say I never try a Mexican food he looks at me with smirk "I bet you never have a Mexican food all you consume is mierda" He say, So we entered the restaurant I look around it looks pretty good "see I told you" He say "now you sit right beside that door I'll be here ordering so what you want?" He sayour Table  I grab my burrito I take a bite it taste so good "so let's be serious topic here" I say while eating "hmm what?" He say "Latune's gang… there on my trail since I "attack" or "sneak" to there church and killed a lot of there members I become a wanted to them since that day maybe Yuzu too but I don't know" I say while I shew my food slowly to my mouth. Kobbie widen he's eyes "you what!?" He say in furious way then I tell him about Me and Yuzu finding the 2 man only leading us to Latunes gang in the church "do you even know your messing with? There are Latunes they own the mafia here if your not careful you'll end up having a bullet in your skull" He say "if they ever draw a single step on our base we shoot them since when you become soft in the head?" I say "so who we should hide from? Cause we got Fbi's investigating our base location now the Latunes you know our group is the most wanted man in this city" He say while drinking a beer "hmm it seems there's no planning for another score if we hack to there location we might have a chance to kill off there boss" I say "it's possible but it's gonna be hard even the Fbi is still on a hunt for them" He say while looking at the window the he look at me "oo yeah I forgot Kain wants us to check "PURE GOLD" Store but lets do that later ok for now I have a job for you" He say "ok what is it?" I say "remember the time I sell some whiskeys yeah among them owns a debt from me they say they will pay later yet haven't come back to pay the price" He say "so your saying I should knock to there door and remind them of the money they owe you" I say while walking slowly towards the exit door "yes but if they won't" He say but distracted by Tashi just walking in the restaurant surprisingly "what's up my dawgs the OG cube is in the house!" He say while going towards me "what's up man watchu going? Sit down can't abandon your homie like that" He say so I sit down the nearest chair "Tashi not now I have some business deal too make" I say "that shit can wait but for now there's a real shit going on so I saw some 4 Sau Shin gang walking around like they want some smoke at the Oxydoxy street I found 6 of them it looks like their heading for the club" He say and Kobbie was just listening "so what's your desire? Loco" He say Tashi slowly opens the exit door "how we do a little Drive by on this fools" He say so I try to think on a drive by if it's worth it But I made up my I'll go with Tashi it's better than knocking somone's door then reminding there debts Tashi looks at us and reloading he's gun "so you down?" He say "I'm always down" I say Kobbie nods "I'm in" so we get in Tashi's car "Tashi don't do another drift again!" He say then he drives "ok cover your faceup" He say while putting up some bandana then we put our bandana on our face  followed by putting our hoodies on our heads we found the 4 Sau gang "Shoot!" I say then we all shoot at the same time they shoot back at us but all of them lays down while holes in there bodies after that Tashi drive forward heading us to Oxydoxy street "Oxydoxy street where killers and fucking whores is livin'" He say Kobbie looks right "there's a rumors I heard in a past weeks ago about a girl who'd been rape by 3 dudes then after that they kill her then slice up her legs then sell it to the Dark web" He say and I almost throw up "What the…. Mierda!" I say  "I know right people like that is a demonio" He say and Tashi looks around "where are they?" He say then we start looking for them it was getting boring "Tashi this is getting nowhere maybe there at the club or Snoopin' around like dog who's unleash by there owners" I say then we see group of Sau men they used to be 6 now more then 10 we see "what the..." He say "it seems they bring backup!" I say they was aiming for our ride with there Ak 47 Me and Kobbie taken by surprise "Ok who wants to dig there own grave first?" I say Tashi look at us then we retreat to the motel near the Oxydoxy street "Fuck! They know we're going for now we ambush them inside this motel like ninja style" He say  then we went inside i girl saw us with our gun "Aaa!" Scream in panic Kobbie walk right to her "easy there dama we are not here to harm you if you just shut your mouth ok?" He say she nods in panic then run at the second hallway Tashi move he's finger towards "yo Ar give me your Glock" He say while I give him my gun "wh-" I say but he quickly shreesh me down "shhh there here cover" He say while covering Me and Kobbie set our position I look down at my pocket only thing I have is a knife so I took out the ready to strike "are they close?" I say "yes there behind the door" He say "man Sau must be big shit" I say "Sau is real deal he is the responsible for the death of Kain's Child and Wife back then but he's mens I can kill those fools motherfucker thinkin' there real bang I'll be cuttin' them like a Dj" He say in silently they were 3 meters on our hiding place Tashi looks at me "Now!" He say then. I throw my knife at the other guy while Tashi shot the other Kobbie aiming at the door just in case if they open the exit door we heard a broken glass shadered we look down and it's a grenade our eyes wide open then we run maway from the grenade "Motherfucker always gettin' the way!" He say while running Kobbie look at me and give me my knife back "here esey your cuchillo" He say while giving me my knife back and running. The grenade exploded behind us leaving us little fly off to the air and hit the ground "Aa damn those sons of aaa!" I say and my bruised at my body feels so hurt but not a serious damage Kobbie feels like a hammer hit he's head "what kind of grenade was that? The impact!" He say and Tashi is about to get up "you both get up I don't wanna die with you too idiots" He say while giving me an helping hand I stand up "theirs too many of them but I think we can handle this fools" He say "you think?" I say while looking at him "Shut up" He say and reload my Glock and take a cigarette and lite it "you too let's kill this motherfuckers!" He say and the Sau men breaches the motel they break the door I saw 4 coming in our way so I run forward towards them and throw my knife one of the guys after that I slide under he's legs and slide kicking the other guy's legs I get back up from the ground take my knife from the guy I throw and stab the other guy who's legs our injured because of my slide kick while Kobbie and Tashi shot other men "4 down many too go I think" I say Tashi looks at us  with 5 second hesitation "Changing plans we must retreat if we kill this bustas we might trigger the Fbi making us #1 hitlist or wanted men so we must lay low" He say then we run towards the exit but block by 5 Sau men aiming there weapons at us. We stop for a moment I look around Kobbie look at Tashi "What now?" He say but Tashi is silent i look around while the Sau gang slowly walk towards us "Ok just stay still and we might spare you all if you just keep calm and come with us!" One of them say we hesitate then we quickly run on the left side while they're firing bullets at us.

We run to the third floor door we bust it open leaving us dead end on the roof of the motel while they are coming for us and the ground is filled Sau men surrounding us "aa what now!? Tash" I say "here!" He say we run to the right side of the roof leaving us another dead end. And the Sau gang found us "Your surrounded" Tashi look at us  "there's no where to hide Sau will be proud if y'all pay him a visit" "Do you know swim?" He say Kobbie was shock "what swim?" He say "Why oo don't tell me" I say Tashi looks around with he's eyes "in the count of 3 we will jump" He say "Are you serious?!" I say "1..2..3" He say I have no choice but to jump Kobbie followed us. We landed on the water of the out side tunnel sewer "why everytime im with you every just go down hill for me" I say but the Sau men lost the sight of us "Crap we lost them!" We have no idea what to do but to swim to safety

Kobbie looks at Tashi "so what now padri?" He say Tashi looks at us "don't worry I call Kain back we were at the motel and we are running towards the third floor door I call Kain for a ride that's why I choose this spot for jumping earlier and yeah Kain has a speed boat he buys it 2 months ago" He say then we swim to safety we rest at the outside the tunnel waiting for Kain to arrive. In 3 mins Kain arrived with a speed boat "Kain is here!" I say Tashi shut my mouth "man you yep too much" He say while Kain approach us "this is what happens when you 3 just having fun by killing off Sau men some kind of shoot pedestrians!"

He say "Get in the boat" He say so we get in we stay silent "I mean Tashi what where you thinking? What if the Police was alarted on that motel or the Fbi what happens too you 3? I bet all of  be dead by now if I wasn't contacted by Tashi!" He say while driving the Speed boat. We stay silent the whole trip we arrived at the docks Kain's car was waiting we get inside the car. We arrived at our base for 39 minutes "you boys take a bath you smell like shit" He say "Real f-" I say "I'm serious Arthur" He say so we take a Bath.

The End