Chapter 3 - Night in Bandon Korr



The room was filled with steady moans and the sound of her body clapping against his. He had her on her hands and knees, her long golden hair falling over her shoulder, her head facing away from him. His rod rested inside of her tight cunt, sliding in and out of her repeatedly.

His balls slapped against her ass as he continued to piston his cock in and out of her soaking wet pussy.

"Big brother..." she remembered he carried her all the way to the room they were given. She was taken by maids and given a bath, cleaned and dressed. But the moment she came back he pounced on her.

He stripped her bare and took her. He was made to watch as she writhed in the King's arms, feel as she got pounded by the King until she came for him. Now, all he wanted was to take her back.

When they were back in their own room, he turned her around and bent her over the bed. And now she had managed to climb on the bed, getting relentlessly drilled by her brother's thick cock.

He held her hair up, leaving her perfect features free to show. There were no clothes or jewellery or anything covering her.

In fact, she had only her brother's brand that he gave her before they went out. That little trinket was enough for him to know she belonged to him, and for others to know as well. Her skin was flushed and glistening, his love making glistening in her pores.

She was panting, "Brother..." she looked over her shoulder at him. She bit her bottom lip , opening her legs wide, inviting him to continue. "Make me yours again."

Her cunt muscles twitched with pleasure as she bucked against him. His thrusts picked up speed, "yes...yes...yes...fuck me hard, Big Brother..."

Every thrust sent shockwaves through her. She was fucked good, and she loved every minute of it. She licked her lips, grinding herself harder against his rigid cock.

"Oh god, yes..."

Then he felt it. It wasn't a stroke. It was a gush of fluid, wetting his pubic hair, her thighs. She screamed as she came; her face contorting with the force of her orgasm.

He drove harder, taking her as she threw her head back, gripping the sheets with white knuckles. He covered her mouth to muffle her screams as he too neared his release.

Her body rocked with every downward push, slamming down on his pelvis. She was taut, perfectly fit for his use. He plunged faster, increasing the tempo as he released his seed deep inside of her womb.

He groaned as her pussy tightened around him. She gasped falling forward on the bed, a satisfied smile spreading across her face. He fell on top of her, lying down beside her.

Their sweaty bodies mashed together as they caught their breath. Her heart raced, racing against the beat of his own.

They lay there, motionless, both lost in their thoughts. After a few moments, she rolled to her side, pulling her brother into a gentle embrace, "I'm sorry, big brother."

He squeezed her tightly, resting his chin on her head. "Don't apologise."

She pulled back, looking into his eyes. He didn't say anything, just let her do whatever she wanted. So she snuggled closer, hugging him close, burying her face into his chest.

"You never told me you knew Sir Aurum?"

"I wanted you to see him with your own eyes and have a fresh impression of him. Everything else is noise," Augustus stroked her head. He pulled back to look at her face, open to her thoughts, "So, how was your impression."

"He is quite handsome," she paused, thinking back to their meeting. She had read about him in the novels so many times. Yet it left quite an impression, "I can't find the right's like...everything between me and him melted away..."

She shifted, facing him more fully, "he made me feel that I was the only other person in the world who mattered to him..."

"Yeah, he's good at that," Augustus stroked her cheek, "Be careful with him. I don't want you getting swept off your feet by him so easily."

"Don't worry big brother," Eve reached out, circling her fingers around his semi-hard cock, squeezing gently.

"No matter where or when...if you want'll have me," she lovingly promised.

Augustus kissed her forehead, pecking her nose, then placed a kiss on her lips. She kissed him back, stroking his arms. She was still curious.

"Big brother, you haven't told me, how did you meet the King Aurum?"

Augustus stroked her waist, thinking, "Hm. It was 12 years ago. He was 9 then, and he had just killed his Father and taken control of the Throne. It wasn't a good year. Along with the internal conflict in the Nation, there were Monsters at the Borders. That's where I met him. Rather...I saw him."


The Caelum Family's army had pitched tent halfway up the Mountain. On the other side of these ranges was the Caelum Kingdom. The Land of Peace in the Time of Chaos. Their Paradise.

Every soldier was ready for war, ready to put their life on the line, ready to die. Their camp was lit by torches and the glow of lanterns hung around the campsite. They could hear the quiet buzz of insects and occasional cries of birds and animals.

The two soldiers were guarding, keeping an eye for the signs of Monsters simultaneously observing the Fortress, "it's all but empty, I hear."

"I heard it too. They are blaming the Prince now when it was the King who emptied it. Took all their fundings away," the other guard nodded in agreement, "I feel bad for other Kingdoms. Soldiers aren't treated well there."

"You are telling me. My Lord used to treat us as monster fodders before I took my family and escaped to Dutchy. I heard the travellers say it was the Paradise on Haven. Still glad I came here."

The second soldiers sighed, "I am so pumped. I want to fight for House Caelum, for Duke and our people...but the thought of facing monsters...reminds of me bad times."

"Don't worry. Young Master Augustus is here. He is his Father's Son. There's no doubt he'd lead us to victory," the first soldier confidently grinned.


The two of them tensed up, turning to find the young boy, twelve or thirteen, standing behind them. He was young, but he was nearly as tall as them. His dark blue hair matched the night sky. His sapphire eyes gleaming in the darkness.

"You two. Did you fail to notice?"

"Notice? Young Master?" the second soldier jerked his head around. He was older among the two, he had more experience. He scanned the surroundings when he finally noticed rocks moving and creatures scurrying out of them.


"Wake the men. I'll keep an eye for now," Augustus commanded.

"Yes! Young Master!"

Soon the torches lit up, illuminating the mountain range as the rest of the soldiers gathered around their tents, preparing for battle. One of the advisors ran to Augustus, "Young Master, all this light will draw the monsters towards us. We should lie in darkness."

"No. They won't come here," Augustus turned his eyes to look at the Fort Ress of Camelot. His eyes glinted, zooming on the Fort, staring at the wall. Someone was standing atop it, thin, short, wearing a black cloak and hood.

He rested his hands in his pockets, his cloak fluttering in the wind. The doors beneath him opened as the soldiers came rushing out, getting into the formation. The monsters gathered at the base of the mountain range, eager to get to their prey. They hissed, growled, and howled in anticipation, their roars echoing across the mountains.

They marched across the mountain pass, roaring. They kept coming out of the hole at the mountains end, ever increasing in the number. Even away from their path, the soldiers from Dutchy felt the pressure.

"Young Master. What should we do?" The advisor wondered. It was a hard choice. Many believe that the Prince would lead to the fall of Camelot. At the same time, those who knew understood it wasn't child's play to kill Uther Pendragon. A being who had reached Phase 3.

It was nigh-impossible even with luck. In that case, having the New King of Camelot owe them a favour was a good move.

Augustus understood what the advisor wanted to say. He mulled over the decision when a voice rang out.


It was a soft voice, but it drummed his heart. He shot a look at the boy standing atop the wall, clearly he made sure his voice reached them.


Augustus didn't know what that meant, but the atmosphere of Camelot's soldiers completely changed with the command. The Commander repeated the order, his voice reverberating.



The soldiers lifted and slammed their foot to the ground in unison. They raised their shields, shouting at the top of their voice, "SLAM! SLAM! SLAM!"

Blue shields made of pure energy surrounded theirs. The first line moved to the ground, crashing the shield into the ground, shouting at the top of their voice, "SLAMMM! SLAM! SLAM!!!"

The ground rumbled with their shouts, with the march of their feet. With each clash of shield and metal they made, it reverberated in the mountain range, reaching the caves and cliff. The Castle's foundation shook as the creatures approached.

Each strike resonated throughout the land, sending a vibration across the vast landscape.

When the second line began to move, the first one followed, almost like a military drill, repeating the action again and again. The ground cracked, and the cracks spread, reaching for monsters like hands.

" that?" the advisor murmured in shock, "what technique is that? Sorcery?"

The forest of shields grew bigger until the Mountains themselves seemed to be littered with metal and rock. Small craters opened in the ground. Hundreds of small holes, no larger than the size of monsters. Hundreds of hundreds of small holes, which quickly filled with monsters, like quicksand.

"Not sorcery. Those are new weapons. New technology," Augustus stared at the shields, 'are they somehow siphoning the physical energy from the men and converting into Aura Shield? But a shield of that proportion. They haven't even entered Phase 2.'

'Demon Aura is vastly different, and it only becomes more unique to the individual with each Phase. How is it so uniform. Could it be they are not even in Phase 2? No, then how can they bring out so much power. It doesn't make sense.'


His voice rang out again, and again Augustus felt his heart skip a beat. His eyes went wide as he snapped his attention back to the boy, staring at his fingers, 'I didn't notice before...'

The world lost all matter in his eyes. He could sense and 'see' even the tiniest specks of energy. And it became clear. He could peel his eyes away from hundreds of Aura Lines, leaving the boy's fingers, entering the bodies of the soldiers.


"RAM! RAMM! RAMM!" The soldiers screamed, filled with strength. Filled with purpose.

The armour, heavy as it was, turned light as it penetrated through the monsters. They rammed through the monsters, crashing into them, tearing the monsters apart.

"What savagery," the advisor gasped in shock. Monsters were trapped by the land breaking under their feet, but the soldiers weren't troubled by the large cracked. They used the narrow land to run and ram into the monsters, trample their corpses.

The monsters kept coming and for a moment Augustus thought about helping them when the other units started to move. From then on, it became a one sided massacre.


"It took a while for me to understand...monsters that troubled King Uther so much were nothing but target practice for him. He was observing his soldier and new tactics," Augustus reminisced, "once the monsters finally stopped coming, we negotiated and decided to work together. I got to know him in those three months."

"Even now, Fort Ress is famous for its savagery. In one night, he turned an empty Fort into the Strongest Stronghold of Camelot. He didn't fortify his powers by gathering his Army at the Capital."

Augustus chuckled, "Instead, he took the Borders and Forts and Ports to trap them all inside the Kingdom so he can slowly sort out his affairs."

"Wow, I feel bad for the Nobles of Camelot. No wonder they call him the Devil. Tyrant," Eve shared the chuckle, lying on her stomach, resting her chin on her arms.

She was curious. Why there was a Pendragon Kingdom in Demon Realm or who was the one that wrote those novels. Author's name was rather strange, it was a string of numbers so people thought it could be written by an AI, 'maybe Uther Pendragon was a human, like me. Who regained his memories and used the Arthurian Legend to establish his Kingdom.'

Her smile turned shallow. A conflicted look appeared in her eyes, 'will big brother hate me if he knows...I was once human...?'

She was mulling over dark thoughts when she felt his big palm on her hand, stroking her hair. She looked up to see the loving smile on his lips.

"Worried already?"

"No... I'll try my best," Eve tilted her head in a loving smile. She snuggled in his arms, running her fingers over his thighs. Her arm brushed against the beast between his legs, "For now...we should make most of this."

"Ohk...come here."