Chapter 6 - The Squire Pendragon

King Aurum was a busy man. He had little time to meet her. She had been training with her big brother, who soon got busy working for the King. She had a feeling this marriage was less about her and more about her big brother.

Even in the Dutchy, her big brother was a talent like no other. His name was on the mouth of man, woman, child. He was the source of many innovations that made the lives of their people easier.

Until recently, he all but ran the Dutchy. He was famous across the land, known for his wit, wisdom, and courage. It made sense to send her to Camelot for marriage, but not for her big brother to come. Let alone, he wasn't in King's people showed in the novel.

Her mind raced with that possibility. It made her think about what her position would be, if that were true. She wandered through the lush greenery of the garden. The scent of blooming rose mingling with the cool breeze.

Her footsteps were soft upon the pathway of pebbles, a sharp contrast to the heavy thoughts weighing her down.

As she turned a corner, she nearly stumbled upon a young squire, practicing his swordplay with fervour. He straightened up quickly, bowing deeply when he recognised her. "Lady Eve," he greeted with wide, nervous, innocent eyes.

"Good day," she replied, her voice steady despite the whirlwind inside her head. "Pray tell, young squire, where might I find King Aurum at this hour?"

"He is in Throne Room, my lady," the squire responded, "all his meetings are held there," the squire responded, his voice barely above a whisper. He twirled his practice sword absentmindedly, revealing his youthful nerves. "Shall I escort you, Milady?"

Eve shook her head gently, smiling at the earnestness in his eyes. "No need. I shall find my way." She inclined her head in thanks and continued down the path that led to the grand doors of the castle.

Entering the stone corridors of Camelot, marvelling at the tapestry when the Young Squire chased after her, "Please. My Lady. Allow me to Escort you."

Eve paused her steps to take another look at the Squire. Not just any Squire would dare to speak out of turn, especially to someone of her status.

There wasn't a spark of defiance in his eyes or fear for his life. Only curiosity.

"Who are you?"

"Forgive me for not introducing myself sooner. My Lady," the Young Squire bowed, not kneel. He took her hand in his, planting a delicate kiss upon her knuckles, "I am Arthur Pendragon. Son of Uther Pendragon. Adopted Son of King Aurum."

"Arthur Pendragon…" Eve parted her lips in amazement. A chuckle left her lips as she thought to herself, 'did this Uther Pendragon really name his son Arthur. Oh, how I wish I could tell big brother that.'

Arthur straightened, The weight of his lineage evident in his bright eyes, "Yes, Lady Eve, and it would be my honour to escort you to my father," he offered again, a touch of humility softening his words.

Eve considered his offer this time, her curiosity piqued by the young squire's unexpected identity. "Very well, Arthur. Lead the way," she agreed with a nod.

As they walked through the grand halls of Camelot together, Eve found herself studying Arthur more closely. The Squire carried himself with an air of confidence that belied his years, and there was a spark of something indefinable in his gaze—a kind of potential that seemed almost tangible.

"Are you training to become a knight?" she asked, breaking the comfortable silence. It hit her, if the boy with adopted son of the King, then wouldn't that make her his mother?

Arthur glanced at her with a small smile. "Yes, my lady. It is my greatest aspiration to serve Camelot as a knight and support my Father. The King."

Eve couldn't help but admire his earnest dedication. "A noble goal," she remarked, her voice softer than before. "Camelot is fortunate to have someone as devoted as you."

Arthur's cheeks flushed faintly, but he kept his gaze forward. "Thank you, Lady Eve. It means a great deal to hear that."

Eve chuckled, noticing the blush on his cheeks, sneaking glances, curious about her. It made her wonder if he was curious about the girl or her as his mother. They finally reached their destination. The majestic doors of the throne room loomed ahead, intricately carved with symbols of Camelot's rich history.

Arthur pushed them open with surprising ease, revealing the vast expanse of the throne room bathed in golden light. King Aurum sat upon his throne, a figure of both regal authority and approachable demeanour.

Arthur bowed deeply before his father, and Eve followed suit, her heart pounding in her chest. "Your Majesty, Lady Eve has arrived," Arthur announced.

King Aurum's gaze shifted from the parchment in his hand to Eve, a warm smile spreading across his face. "Lady Eve, we meet again," he said and smiled, "Sooner than I planned."

"Thank you, Your Majesty," Eve replied, curtseying gracefully. "My apologies about the sudden audience."

King Aurum's eyes twinkled as he looked at his adopted son. "And I see Arthur has taken it upon himself to escort you. Always eager to help," he added with a chuckle.

Arthur grinned sheepishly. His youthful exuberance tempered by the formality of the moment. "Only doing my duty, Sire," he replied, stepping back to allow Eve to approach the throne.

Eve hoped to ask him, filled with so many questions when he returned his eyes to the parchment, "then Arthur. Would you show Lady Eve around the Castle. I will be there after my meeting."

"Yes, Sire," Arthur responded promptly, his voice brimming with excitement at the task. Eve turned to Arthur, masking her disappointment with a polite smile. She was eager for answers, but couldn't deny her curiosity about the castle itself.

"Oh right, my Dear, would you mind coming here?" King Aurum looked up with a slight mischief in his eyes. 

A joy crossed Eve's eyes, "Yes, Sire." 

She made her way across the room, climbing the stairs. He had her sit on her thigh as he whispered to her. 

It left Arthur confused, seeing the blush on her cheek. She came back to stand beside him, unable to answer the King. 

"Arthur, please." 


"Lady Eve, if you'd follow me," Arthur said, extending his arm slightly toward the grand double doors they had just entered. Once they left the Throne Room, the smile on Arthur's face dimmed.

"Sorry, Lady Eve. His Highness is busy as usual. He's always busy…always…" Arthur walked with a despondent look.

"Feeling lonely?"

"Lonely. I don't get Lonely! I am a Squire," Arthur denied, "I have my sword and shield! I train to be a Knight to Serve the Kingdom! How can I be lonely!"

Eve gazed at the flustered squire. It seemed to her he was trying to convince himself than her.

"Arthur," Eve began softly. She lovingly ran her fingers through his blonde hair, stroking his cheek. His bravado faltered under Eve's gentle touch. He looked up at her with eyes that seemed to hold the weight of thousand unspoken words. She gave him a warm smile, "it's okay to be lonely."

Arthur didn't dare meet her eyes. She whispered, "and now. I am King's wife. That makes us family. Me, your family too."

Arthur's eyes widened slightly, a flicker of hope dancing within them, "we?"

"Yes. We," Eve stroked the squire's head, "Now, would you show me around?"

His flush deepened, but a smile blossomed across his lips. He laughed lightly and guided into the corridors of Camelot.

In front of them stood several heavily decorated doors. They were of beautiful carvings, some depicting beasts of legends and even knights fighting the legendary giants.

Eve passed by the murals, stopping in front of one with Dwarves, "I heard Camelot was the place where races gathered. Yet, I didn't see the others."

"They gather around the Kingdom, My Lady," Arthur informed her, "Before the Demon Gods sealed the Great Powers of Sovereign Race into Phases. The Sovereign Race caused many pains for the other races. For the races who live long, the Divide is grand."

"Even Sire finds it hard to unite the Races. Not even all the Sovereign races understand each other fully," Arthur watched the murals with a troubled look.

"For now, our greatest trouble are the Demi-Sovereigns. Born between Sovereign and other races. The Restriction of Gods are weaker on them. They are able to break the limits of Phases," Arthur worriedly spoke, "it's a good news, bad news situation. Because they are weaker, they are unstable. They are not accepted by any of the two sides for fear they would bring only destruction."

Eve followed his words. They brought out memories from the depths of her mind. She knew these things, in passing, "what does His Majesty hopes to do?"

"I don't know. I only know it has to do with why he accepted your hand in Marriage. And Lord Augustus as dowry."

"Hm," Eve snapped her head to look Arthur, who knowingly smiled, placing his finger on his lips.

"Our secret."

Eve sweetly smiled, "Our secret."

Arthur took her hand, guiding her, "Come, Lady Eve. Allow me to show you to my room. We can wait for father there."

"Then please, Sir Arthur," she happily followed after him, hoping to meet Sir Aurum soon. She looked forward to it.




Eve stepped into Arthur's room and was immediately struck by its unexpected simplicity. The walls were adorned with maps and charts rather than the grandiose tapestries she had anticipated. A large wooden table, cluttered with books and scrolls, dominated the centre of the room, lit by the warm glow of a single lantern.

"Forgive the mess," Arthur said, clearing some space on a faded leather couch for Eve to sit. He lit the candles.

Eve looked around in wonder, "It's not a mess at all. It's...cosy." She settled onto the couch, her eyes drifting over the maps and scrolls scattered across the table.

Her interest quickly sparked, "What are those?"

"Maps, mostly. Maps of our surrounding. One day I will lead the armies. I will conquer the lands for my brother. I mean, father. For our Kingdom. Sooner or later the war will approach our doors. If I want my soldiers to live, to fight and win I must know the lands where we fight," Arthur started at the maps with sparkling eyes.

He shook his head, spinning to face her, "Lady Eve...would you mind if I remove the armour?"

"Let me help," Eve stood up to help him with his armour, "Arthur, why do you call my husband, father? From what I know. You both are sons of King Uther?" She deftly undid the heavy buckles of the leather straps around his torso, tugging gently on the pieces of armour, easing them off him, revealing Arthur's muscular frame beneath.

"That's for the right of succession. The Pendragon Royal Family ended with King Uther's death. My brother...wanting to give me the right to the throne and protection of the throne adopted me as his son when he was only 9...that why..."

The squire's body was as lean and fit as she remembered, but stronger. His muscles rippled as he moved like cables beneath the skin. It was like watching an animal, fierce and wild. A beast whose strength came from hunger, 'even though he looks so innocent.'

"Here, let me help you with the belt," Eve offered, helping him slip out of the metal pieces, remembering her husband's orders. 

Arthur gulped. His heart was pounding, feeling her fingers caress his shoulder. Their bodies were so close, his breath hit her breasts.

But he felt calm. Like nothing mattered anymore. She was the most beautiful thing he'd ever seen. Her skin glowing gold in the candlelight, her hair flowing past her shoulders in thick waves. It made him shiver, remembering how soft it was. He wanted to run his fingers through it, feel her skin underneath his palms. To kiss her full lips.

He gripped his hands together nervously, unable to take his eyes away from her.

"It looks better without the armour," she smiled.

Eve grabbed a blanket from behind her and draped it over him. She leaned in closer, staring at his features in the dim light. Her face was inches from his own, her eyes searching his, looking deep inside them.

Eve leaned forward and placed a soft kiss on his forehead.

Her lips lingered on his skin, like snowflakes melting against the warmth of his skin. She withdrew slowly, giving him time to register what had happened. When she pulled away, he slowly closed the distance between them. The surrounding air seemed charged. A warmth growing in the room, a slight burning sensation starting at his temples.

She kissed him again. Lingering more. Wiping her thumb across his mouth. Touching him tenderly. Leaning in close enough for their breath to mix. Her hand curled around the nape of his neck. Her tongue slid against his lips.

Warm and moist. She breathed deeply. Slowly. Their lips parted. Her tongue teased his, lightly brushing across his bottom lip. Her lips tasted faintly of salt and sweetness.

Arthur leaned into her embrace, returning her kiss. They kissed passionately, tongues dancing playfully, teeth biting and pulling at each other. They could hear themselves moaning softly, loud moans filling the quiet room.

After a while, the fire burned brighter. The warmth inside of them intensified.

Their lips separated reluctantly. Eve was still smiling down at him. He watched her, taking in every feature of her face. The beauty of her countenance. A fire burned deep within her eyes, radiating outward. He felt as though he had known her forever. He trembled, "Lady Eve..."

Eve stroked his chest, gripping the back of his hair, "have you been training to become a Knight?"

"Yes..." Arthur nodded weakly, his cheeks flushing at the attention.

"How diligent. You must be strong," she murmured softly as she moved behind him. Arthur gasped slightly when he felt her arms wrap around him, "May I?"

He swallowed, unable to find words, "Ye-yes, My lady."

Her hands roamed his body, caressing his hard muscles, tracing lines on his back with her fingertips, tracing down to his chest. Her palms rubbed across his nipples.

Arthur let out a groan. A sound somewhere between pain and pleasure.

She felt herself becoming wet, aroused. Her eyes flicked downwards to see that his cock was standing tall, throbbing with need, leaking precum from his tip. He groaned louder as he felt her hot breath against his skin, whispering in his ear, "You're hard. It must be uncomfortable."

Her fingers drifted to his belt and began unfastening the leather straps. He leaned forward slightly as she loosened them and pushed the trousers off his hips. He felt her hand wrap around his shaft, slowly stroking him from base to tip, causing him to groan in ecstasy.

He turned his head towards her, staring deeply into her eyes. The look he gave her sent shivers down her spine. A mixture of adoration, gratitude, love. Her gaze dropped to his cock and saw that it was straining against his trousers, pushing at the fabric desperately. Her hands continued to stroke him, teasing him.

She leaned in, kissing him softly, her tongue gliding over his bottom lip, nibbling lightly before moving down to kiss his jaw and neck, trailing wet kisses down his shoulder, "let me teach you another way to train."

Her tongue traced across the back of his neck, biting the flesh softly before licking down towards the top of his spine. His eyes rolled back in his head as pleasure surged through him, making him moan.

"Ahhh~!" He moaned out, gasping and panting as his cock throbbed against her grip. She giggled softly and licked along his collarbone, teasing him mercilessly, "isn't it more exciting this way."

He groaned, shuddering against her. "Yes...Lady Eve," he whimpered, his breath coming faster, "I'm ready..."

She squeezed his cock hard and quickened her pace. His hands grabbed hers, holding them tightly. "Good boy," she whispered in his ear as her tongue darted out and licked around the shell of his ear, "You like that, don't you? Your cock is throbbing in my hand. I can feel it. It wants to release so badly. Let it out...I want to hear your moan."

"Ahh..." He moaned loudly, thrusting into her grip as her lips found his neck. His body tensed as she stroked him faster, harder. "It feels so good. Please...Please... Let me cum, My Lady..." His hips bucked wildly.

Eve moaned in delight as she felt him come close, his body tensing against her. She pumped his shaft furiously, her thumb swiping over the tip and collecting the precum. His moans turned into growls, "ahh. Fuck!" He cried out as his hips spasmed. She stroked his length firmly and kissed him deeply, their tongues colliding fiercely. She pumped her hand faster. "Ahh...Mmmm. Yes...Lady Eve! I can't take anymore. I need it so badly! Please, Please, please...!" His cries of ecstasy filled her ears and echoed off the walls, driving her wild, making her pussy throb.

"Do it." Eve demanded and kissed him roughly. His body arched violently. A low growl rumbled in his throat as his balls tightened. His eyes widened as he shot a thick rope of cum onto the bed, grunting with every spurt, coating himself completely. "Yuuuuhhsssssss!!"

She kissed him hard, licking and sucking at his lips as she milked his cock dry. Her fingers squeezed around his shaft, milking it for every last drop, milking the last spurt with a few slow pumps. She leaned back, looking at the mess she created on his bed, turning her eyes back to the adorable boy in her arms. He was so cute. She kissed his cheek, sensing the sensual aura covering their bodies, sinking inside, "What a good boy."

Arthur panted for breath, resting his face between her breasts, being spoiled by her gentle strokes. He was too embarrassed to even look at her face. He buried his head inside her breasts as she whispered, "Arthur. If you want to train. You can come to me anytime."

She giggled as she heard the muffled moans in her breasts. She held the back of his head, kissing his forehead, "my cute boy."

"Lady Eve..."

Eve suddenly pushed him on his back and crawled on top of him. Her breasts bounced as she moved, his face turning a deeper shade of red, "L-L-Lady Eve?!"

Eve silenced him by pressing her lips against his. His heart beat wildly in his chest. He couldn't move. His hands were shaking. His whole body was trembling. She pulled away from his lips and smiled gently at him. She cupped his face and caressed it tenderly, "It's okay... I just wanted to taste your lips," she said as she traced her fingers over his cheek. She giggled softly when his breath caught in his throat, "you are so adorable."

She leaned in close again, pressing her lips against his. She could feel his breath on hers, feel the heat radiating off of his skin. His hands grabbed hers. Her lips parted. She slid her tongue over his, licking his lips, making him groan. Her tongue slipped past his teeth and into his mouth. Her tongue slid over his teeth. He gasped in shock.

His breath hitched as he felt her tongue slip deeper. He groaned loudly as it brushed against the back of his throat. He couldn't resist anymore. He returned her kiss, sliding his tongue against hers.

The room fell into silence, broken by Arthur's soft moans. He clung to her, gasping for breath as their lips parted, unable to move his hand as they tangled themselves in her hair. Eve plucked on his upper lip, whispering, "call me Mother."

"M-Mother..." He whimpered against her lips, trembling.

She giggled. Her breath tickled his cheeks, "yes, my good boy." She stroked his face gently and kissed him deeply. Her tongue brushed across the back of his throat, making him groan in ecstasy. She pulled back, lying down beside him. The boy kept kissing her, and she let him show his love. For hours to come.

It was well past noon when she awoke. Her hair dishevelled. A pair of strong arms held her, holding her against the lean body of the boy. Eve looked over to see the young squire was still asleep. He looked peaceful. His eyes were closed and his lips parted. His face was relaxed and his breathing steady. He was a picture of tranquillity. He was beautiful. Her lips curved up into a smile. Her fingers caressed his cheek, admiring how smooth his skin felt beneath her fingertips.

She giggled as she looked over the sleeping boy, the warmth in her chest, 'not only am I married, I have a son. In't this happening too fast?'

Not that she minded. From what she had seen in the Novel, the Demons had long lives. Longer than Elves, who could live for a thousand years. She hugged him, knowing they would be together for a long time. She whispered, "my boy."

Arthur woke up, nuzzling his face deeper into her chest. He breathed deeply, inhaling her sweet scent. He moaned softly, opening his eyes to see his Mother gazing down at him, "good morning, my sweet boy. How did you sleep?"

His heart pounded wildly. His cheeks flushed crimson. He stared wide-eyed at her as she smiled warmly at him, her hand brushing his hair gently, "wonderfully, Mother. Thank you."

Eve kissed his forehead and pulled the surrounding covers. She embraced him, wrapping her arms tightly around him and burying her head in his shoulder, "good."

She could feel the heat radiating off his body and hear his breathing quicken, his chest rising and falling rapidly against hers.

Arthur returned the embrace, his hands sliding over her skin, pulling her closer against his body, feeling her heart thumping against his own, her breasts pushing into him, their legs entwined. Her hand ran through his hair as she held him, her breath warm and comforting on his skin. She nuzzled against his neck, her lips brushing over his jawline and pressing against his lips, "you make me so happy, my boy."

His cheeks burned bright red, and he squeezed his eyes shut tightly as he felt his cock stir, straining against the fabric of his trousers.

Arthur moaned softly into Eve's mouth. Her tongue brushed over his teeth, sending a shiver up his spine. Her hand slid up his torso, fingers running along the length of his muscles. His fingers dug into the back of her neck as his tongue danced against hers. She broke the kiss, gazing down at him, smiling sweetly before whispering, "how do you feel? Was that okay?"

"Y-yes, mother," he breathed heavily, panting for air, his eyes glazed over as he stared into hers, "it felt wonderful. Thank you."

Eve lovingly kissed his lips, stroking his hair. She was with him, but she couldn't stop thinking about what her husband do once she returned or her big brother once he learns of this, 'I should rest more. I am not going to have an easy night.'