Chapter 14 - The Round Table

Next Morning, Augustus's Mansion,

Arthur knocked on the door. He waited in the garden. The maids came and went from the door. After a few minutes, he heard the lock open, and the door opened, showing Tifa. She was wearing a maid's uniform, though her was even shorter than the other maids wore. The corset hugged her frame, and her hair was tied in a bun, and the ribbon was the same shade of blue of Cloud's eyes.

Her skirt so short that he could almost see her panties, and her stockings were a black, the fabric sheer. She smiled, her eyes meeting his, her lips were painted red. He looked at her, and his eyes widened in surprise, "Tifa?!"

"Tifa," Cloud's heart started racing the moment he saw her. Though she acted normal, bowing, greeting the woman standing behind them, "Welcome, My Ladyship."

"Your Highness Prince Arthur, Young Master Cloud," she curtsied, her smile widened, and her reddish-brown eyes looked at him. She stood up, her gaze lowered, and her cheeks were pink, "Welcome to the mansion."

Eve parted her lips in surprise, not expecting to find Tifa at her big brother's house. More than that, the two boys were gaping at her. Eve walked to her, gently lifting her face, "It is a surprise to see you, Tifa."

"My Queen," Tifa bowed again, and this time she looked at Arthur and Cloud, "It's been a while, Arthur...Cloud," her voice was softer when she said his name. She sounded happy and her cheeks turned red. Cloud felt his chest tighten and his blood was rushing, and his breathing was heavier. Tifa looked away, unable to meet his eyes.

Eve had a gentle smile on her face, her ruby eyes softened, and her hand reached out to touch her hair, her fingers tucking a strand of hair behind her ear, and her nails gently scraping her scalp, "it's nice to see you. You have a job here?"

"His Majesty was kind enough to give me to Lord Augustus," Tifa stole a glance towards Cloud, hope he would understand what it meant for her to be here, "Lord gave me a job. As a part-time lord asked me to tend to his needs and wants in his home."

Cloud swallowed hard, his mind going through all the meanings. He wondered what her words meant, and how did she come to live in the same house as him. Did that mean she had to serve him in any way he wanted her to?

"Tifa," Arthur's cheeks were flushed, and his breathing was shallow, "can we talk later?"

"Yes, You can call for me anytime you want," Tifa replied, smiling, "Your Highness," her reddish-brown eyes twinkled with anticipation and her breasts were rising and falling with her breathing. She turned her gaze to Cloud, "Young Master."

"Yes," Cloud managed to respond. She gestured for them to enter, and the two boys stepped into the mansion, their hearts pounding in their chests. Cloud had a feeling that something was different. There was a subtle change in Tifa's behaviour that was affecting him. He couldn't understand why.

The mansion was rather empty for how big it was. Eve was busy talking to Tifa, both of them planning to bring furniture and future arrangement of the house.

"What kind of Room did Lord Augustus had back home?" Tifa curiously asked, hoping to learn his likes and dislikes, what he'd prefer.

"Chaotic order. Every few steps in his room was another secret compartment that would lead to another space for his work. He likes to work on multiple of his projects. He's a workaholic. I'd suggest keeping furniture that is movable adjustable and non-permanent," Eve pursed her lips.

"That would take custom work. I'll have to ask him what he needs," Tifa turned to her, "What's your preference, My Queen? Lord Augustus asked to prepare a room for you here."

"My preferences," Eve remained unsure. In the human world, she had few things. Most time she spent on her couch in front of the TV, listening to news while a few books would remain on the table she could pick. Every time she tried to build something, it would be destroyed.

"Never had the chance...I'll find out," Eve ended up saying. Tifa held her palm, bending forward slightly, not realising her short skirt was hiking up, and her pale creamy thighs were visible to Cloud. He couldn't help but look, his mind picturing her. He wasn't the only one, Arthur was the same.

"Don't worry, My Queen. I'll make sure to prepare a perfect room for you," Tifa squeezed her palm. Eve looked at her. There was a warmth to her, and the way her cheeks were flushed was inviting, and the way her raven hair fell over her shoulders was captivating.

"Tifa," Cloud finally spoke up, "Are you living here now?"

"Yes," Tifa answered him, "I'll share a room with Sire. So I can attend to his needs. He also wants me to be your and His Highness's caretaker from afternoon onward."

"So, you'll be spending the day with us," Arthur added, his heart pounding. He knew Tifa had special feelings for Cloud, but he really liked her and she was to be His Aura Furnase. He had a feeling he wouldn't have to wait long for her.

"Yes. His Highness, Young Master," Tifa lowered her eyes. Cloud noticed her blush was darkening. She was averting her gaze from him, "My role is to see to all of your needs and wants."

"And your needs and wants?" Eve softly asked, her ruby eyes twinkling in amusement. Tifa blushed, her heart beating faster, her breathing heavy, her eyes wide, and her body was warm. The moment she saw her, she felt an intense rush of desire wash over her, and a tingle of electricity running down her spine.

She wanted her, but she had to restrain herself, not in front of Cloud, she had to behave in front of him, "Sire's needs are my needs. He wants his students satisfied and motivated for training. I'll do my best to ensure that they are always at their peak condition and readiness."

"Such devotion to duty," Eve's voice was low, and her ruby eyes were soft, and her fingers were gently stroking her chin. Tifa's eyes were locked on hers. Cloud watched the scene. The surrounding was becoming hotter for him, seeing the two of them intently staring at each other.

"Am I interrupting?" Augustus was leaning against the staircase. Tifa was the first to break eye contact, her cheeks flushing and her gaze turning to the ground. Cloud was surprised by her reaction, and Eve's response was even more surprising. She looked at him with a knowing smirk.

"Nothing at all," Eve replied, her hand on Tifa's waist, and her voice was soft. Augustus looked at her, and his sapphire eyes narrowed, and his lips curved upward in a knowing smile. He pushed himself off the wall, and his long navy coat fluttered behind him, and his dark blue locks swayed. He was wearing a white button-up shirt and a pair of black pants, and his boots clicked on the floor.

He walked past them, making his way to the study, "over this way," he gestured for them to follow him. Eve followed him along with Tifa, with Cloud and Arthur trailing behind. He led them to a large room, the bookshelves lining the walls were filled with books, and the floor was carpeted. There was a desk at the end of the room, and a fireplace to the side, and a few couches were arranged in front of it. Two large windows let in the sunlight, and the curtains were drawn, and the light was shining on the desk, and the dark wood was gleaming in the light.

"I didn't expect you to get a library, big brother," Eve commented, looking around the room. She was curious, and her ruby eyes were bright with curiosity, and her golden hair was flowing down her shoulders, and her dress was elegant, and her ruby necklace was a stark contrast to her white skin, and her red lips were pressed together.

"Sit," he gestured Arthur and Cloud to sit on the couch, and Tifa was standing near the door. She looked at him and then Cloud. Her eyes were bright and eager, and her breathing was shallow, and her cheeks were flushed, and her chest was rising and falling.

"Where shall I stand, Sire?" Tifa asked, her hands were clasped in front of her, and her fingers were interlocked, and her shoulders were tense, and her legs were together, and her back was straight. Augustus didn't look at her. Instead, he hugged Eve, who lovingly returned the gesture, her hand patting his head, and her other hand on his back, "Big Brother...?"

Augustus closed his eyes, holding her in his arms for her presence to comfort him. He sat down on the couch opposite to Arthur and Cloud, with Eve straddling his waist, and her breasts were pressing against his chest, and her ass was resting on his thighs, and her hands were on his shoulders. She was leaning towards him, and her hair was tickling his skin, and her breasts were moving up and down with her breathing.

He cupped her face, and his thumb was on her cheek, and his fingers were in her hair. He kissed her, his lips pressed to her, and his tongue was in her mouth, and his hands were on her back, and his fingers were on her hips, and his palms were on her thighs. She was his little sister, his lover, his everything. He couldn't imagine a day without her.

Cloud sat still, looking at the book on his knees, trying to keep his mind focused on his studies, but he was distracted by what was going in the room. His heart raced when he saw Eve and Augustus. Eve's body was moving back and forth as she was straddling Augustus's waist and grinding her sex on his groin. She moaned into his mouth, his teeth sinking into her lower lip, and her hips moving to the rhythm of her breaths.

Arthur sat next to him and was reading his own textbook, occasionally stealing a glance towards the older two Demons. Tifa was near the door and was standing silently. Cloud tried to focus, he tried to keep his thoughts focused, and he was failing. His cock twitched, and the tent rose on his pants.

Augustus stopped Eve, "Eve, sit."

"Yes, Big brother," Eve sat down beside him, his arm circling her waist, their eyes met for a second. Augustus looked over to Tifa, "Tifa. Come here."

"Yes, Sire," Tifa shuddered at his call, her heart pounding. She walked towards him, standing beside him, softly muttering, "Sire..."

"I promised Cloud that I'd help him meet you," Augustus looked Tifa, and then Cloud. Tifa hurriedly bowed, "and we are grateful for that, Sire!"

She blushed when she felt him touching her skirt's waistband, lifting the fabric as she looked down to see a hint of pink. Augustus lifted the fabric up enough so she was exposed to the two boys.

The cool air was making her wet and warm. Tifa's lips were parted and she panted, "Hah..." she felt his palm rest on her ass as her wetness trickled down to her soft flesh. Her panties stuck to her wet cunt lips, and her clit was hard and pulsing, "hmm...hmm..."

She looked at the Prince, who had the most interest in her, before her gaze settled on Cloud. He was wide-eyed, looking at her, and her body heated up from that, her breasts pushing up, "hah..."

"Though I have a problem," Augustus took something spherical from his upper pocket, flicking it at Cloud with his thumb. The boy caught it, stunned by his own reflex, but when he opened his fist, all he saw was black powder, "that. When he's excited. He can't control his strength."

"Cloud," Tifa worriedly looked at the boy she loved, who took her first, "Sire...but..."

"I borrowed His Majesty's aura to control Cloud's," Eve knew what she was thinking, "I can do it again, Big Brother?"

"I can't give you my aura like His Majesty can. I don't have the Power of King," Augustus shook his head, "You see my dilemma?"

"I'll train harder!" Cloud clenched his fist again, hearing the powder pop.

"That won't solve the problem. Those whose Phase 2 Powers are strong enough to leak in Phase 1 reach at least Phase 3. It speaks of their potential. More so, depending on how dangerous and complex that power is, the requirement and journey remains long. It could take decades."

Tifa hesitated. She walked over to Cloud's side, sitting down beside him, taking his hand in her own, "Then please allow me to stay by his side. I won't mind waiting."

"That's a compromise. Not a solution," Augustus looked at Cloud, who kept staring at his palm between Tifa's, "Cloud."

"Yeah," Cloud peeled his eyes away from Tifa's hands with hesitation.

"I have never worked with a situation like this. The only other Demon to suffer from this problem is His Majesty. I won't lie. I try and try again to understand his mind. He let Tifa stay by my side, knowing I planned on teaching you and the army from Once Human. That also means training Tifa...and considering where that could staying here would be torture. Especially when you can't..."

Cloud understood. If he couldn't touch her, hold her, if he had to watch someone else...someone else with Tifa...without being able to do anything...

"If your emotions go wild and they will. It's a matter of time. You'll become dangerous. You might even stop being you," Augustus looked at him.

"What do I do?" Cloud earnestly asked. He wanted to clench his fist from frustration, but he was scared to the point he wouldn't even let his finger twitch for fear Tifa would get hurt. He slowed his breathing, taking a few breaths when he should have taken dozens.

"I have already told you. I have no goddamn idea what that man is thinking. It's frustrating and tiring for me too. Especially because I know there is a solution. Otherwise..."

"Maybe this could help?" Arthur meekly put his hand inside the back pocket of his pants, taking out a purple silk sachet, a golden chain hanging off it. When he held the golden chains, the silk fabric smoothly slipped off the golden item and fell down on the table, revealing a pendant. It had an eight side pointing star at the centre, with 12 rings on a circular plate, that was filled with runes and symbols. It was an old piece, and each rune was hand crafted. At the centre of the star was a green gem, holding a sword inside it, which rotated on a different plane.

"What's that?" Eve got curious, looking at the thing that Arthur brought to their notice, her hand resting in the middle of Augustus's chest. Her finger rubbed over his chest.

"This was given to me when I was a baby," Arthur spoke to them, "this is the Artefact that forced Father to kill King Uther. The Round Table."

"It exists? The Round Table," Augustus whispered. Eve heard a bit of awe and admiration in his voice when he spoke of this item. She became curious to the significance of this Artefact. Much like Tifa and Cloud.

Arthur explained, knowing they wouldn't know, "We read about Phase 1, and how it has an Ascended Rank of Inhuman and Dragon. During those years when that Human came to our world, he brought his knowledge to Elves. Surprisingly, much of his knowledge matched the changes King Uther made. Rumours started spreading across the Kingdom."

"There were humans born as Demons while keeping their memories of last life," Arthur scratched his head, "King Uther was thought to be one of them. To prove he was harsh on humans invading our world...King Uther started a witch hunt. For decades he had brought every other talented person to our Kingdom, now he hunted anyone who thought outside the box."

"But King Uther had made Three Great Artefacts that made him nearly invincible. Aurelius: Crown of Camelot. Caliburn: The Sword of Camelot. Avalon: Shield of Camelot. It kept anyone from defying him though he didn't become complacent with his power. He wanted more," Arthur stared at the pendant, "He used the minds he had gathered in the name of capturing these Reincarnated Humans and created the Fourth Artefact, meant to solidify his power. At a price."

Augustus sighed, having realised what it was. It made the rest look at him. Eve had a foreboding, which made her stomach churn as she asked, "The cost was the life of all the Reincarnated Humans captured?"

"No..." Augustus shook his head, "From the rumours...Aurelius the Crown was formed by King Uther's Fate. Caliburn the Sword was formed by Prince Arcus's Fate. Avalon was formed by Youngest Prince Arthur's Fate. And Round Table was formed by the Fate of Prince Aurum. Once King Uther made it...he wished to control it completely and for that, he needed to kill Prince Aurum."

"No way," Tifa and Eve shared the horrified expression.

"No...that day...King Uther wanted to kill everyone of his sons and bring out true power of these Artefacts. That's when...His Majesty was forced to kill the King," Arthur shook his head, "That day...His Majesty also abandoned his Fate. The Round Table became an Artefact in its own right, which he granted me."

"Eight Virtues. Twelve Knights. One Power," Augustus raised the Pendant, "This would have allowed King Uther to borrow the power of Eleven strongest Knights under him. He would have become a Demon closest to Demon God. To think you carry something like that with you."

"Yeah, Father orders to carry it with me all times," Arthur scratched his head. He pulled three golden rings from the plate, putting them in front of Cloud and Tifa, "take one."

Tifa looked towards Augustus, who nodded. She took the ring, turning to look at Cloud, who finally put down his pride and took one, for her sake. Arthur showed how he put his ring on his finger, making Tifa put the golden ring on. The plate started glowing, floating from Augustus's hand, returning to Arthur's.

"I never wanted to use this...not when I know what it took to build it," Arthur stared at it, "But...if that's what father wants...if that's the only way so that you two can be together. I don't mind. No...I'd be happy to," he looked up at Tifa and Cloud, smiling softly at them.

"Arthur," Tifa put her palm on his, her reddish brown eyes gentle, "Thank you..."

"I wouldn't want Cloud making excuses that he couldn't get stronger when it comes time for training," he chuckled nervously as his heart pounded at the warmth and touch of her hands.

Cloud scoffed, "even with that I'd be stronger than you, weakling Prince."

"Now that I have activated Round Table I won't be at a disadvantage when your Phase 2 Powers leak! We'll see who is stronger now!" Arthur argued back.

Tifa chuckled, seeing them bicker again brought warmth to her, and her eyes were soft and her shoulders were shaking. She raised and kept her knees on the couch, crawling over Cloud's legs to reach Arthur. She caressed his cheek, "thank you, Your Highness," she kissed his lips, watching his eyes go wide.

Arthur's lips were trembling, his face flushed red, and his hand was shaking, "T-ti-fa..."

Tifa stopped him from talking, clasping his lip between hers, supporting her on one arm. She looked behind her at Cloud through her eyelashes before looking at Arthur again, "Hmm..."

"T-Ti...mmhmm," he had less experience when it came to kissing. Her tongue slipped inside his mouth as her hand snuck down to unzip his pants.

"Your cock is hard already?" Tifa pulled his shaft free from his clothes. She stroked him off, her fist rubbing the shaft of his cock. She broke their kiss. Her hands and knees were on either side of Cloud's legs, who was sitting down. He looked at her face. She was leaning over Arthur's body as she was rubbing Arthur off while kissing.

Arthur was breathing hard, his hands reaching for her breast. His thumb was over her nipples while the other hand fondled it, his finger brushing over her nipples, her moans escaped from her lips. She pulled down the hem, releasing her tits. They jiggled as she moved.

Arthur's fingers squeezed them, his thumbs and fingers digging into the skin of her soft, plump tits. His palms were hot as they rubbed over her nipple, his nails tracing circles on the tip. Cloud grabbed the right boob that Arthur wasn't touching. She moaned and her eyes narrowed as her tongue went wild, and Arthur was trying his best to keep up with her.

Tifa moaned against the Prince, "Mmmmh...Your cock feels nice...Arthur, you like that...?"

"Your hands feel great," he looked into her reddish brown eyes, her hands stroking him, and his hands squeezed her breast.

Cloud reached out, using his left hand to pull up Tifa's short skirt, cupping her mound, the soft and wet skin of her cunt. She gasped and moaned, her thighs opening and closing around Cloud's arm, her breasts rising as her back arch and her chest pushed out, "Ahnnggg!!! Haaa~"

Cloud used the tips of two of his fingers to push aside the fabric, finding her opening and sinking them into her soft and tight cunt. His cock was hard and throbbing. Tifa's back arched, her cunt was stretched and tight around Cloud's fingers, "You are so wet, Tifa..."

" have no idea," her body was shaking from his touch.

Arthur didn't have much experience with kissing since the woman he slept with the most was his mother, but he had much experience when he came to her breasts. Tifa moaned, " like my boobs that much, Your Highness, huh...?"

"T-Tifa," Arthur stuttered, his voice wavering and her hand stroked his shaft, his fingers squeezed her tits, and her nipples were hard and perky, "Yes...they are amazing...I want more...I love your boobs."

Cloud stroked her hair, his fingers pumping inside of her cunt, and his hand was wet and slippery from the juices flowing out of her pussy, and her soft and tight cunt contracted around him with each movement of his fingers inside of her. His eyes went towards Eve, to find her and Augustus in an intense kiss, and her dress had ridden down and her bra had slipped away to her stomach.

Tifa and Arthur were unaware as she stroked him off, her fist moving along the length of his hard rod. She moaned and gasped as she was being groped and played with. Cloud was watching her stroke his friend's cock, her fingers brushing along the ridges of the foreskin. He watched her fondle Arthur, share a hot and heavy kiss with the prince as his hands and Cloud's hand was making her body hot. Her cheeks were flushed red and her breasts rose with the intake of air into her lungs.

"Tifa," Arthur pulled away from her, sitting at the edge of the couch. Tifa pulled away from Cloud to climb on the Young Prince's waist. She placed one knee beside his leg on the sofa's cushion, and the other knee between the sofa back rest and his waist.

Her reddish eyes stared into his green, watching the mix of lust and innocence as he panted and shivered with anticipation. He lifted her by her ass, making his cock press on top of her wet pussy lips, his throbbing shaft parting her slit as he pulled her down on top of him.

"Tifa..." Arthur groaned, feeling her warm wet pussy envelop his cock. Tifa's moan was high, "Your highness, Your Highness..." her hips swayed, riding him slowly at the start.

"Mhnm," Arthur kissed her, groaning at the slow ride Tifa gave him, her soft and hot insides stroking him. Tifa stroked Arthur's head, burying it between her breasts, rewarding him, thanking him as he groaned loudly.

"Haah...haah...this feels..." her cheeks flushed pink and she pressed him between her soft breasts, her heart hammering in his chest. His arms circled her waist, hugging her and pressing his chest against her chest. She moaned softly at his hard rod throbbed deep inside her, filling her up, "Haahngg!!"

"T-ti-ti-tifa," he moaned. He put more strength in his thrusts, making sure his cock filled her completely, his hands holding her hips as he rammed his cock deep into her wet and warm cunt.

"Mhmmm...mmm, you are good..." Tifa's hips shook as she rode his cock, her breasts pressed against him, her cunt tight, wet and hot around his cock.

"Y-your boobs...are so big," Arthur cupped and massaged them gently as she bounced. His teeth bit on her nipple softly.

Tifa gasped, moaning louder, "Annnn!!! Yes! Yes!!!" she wrapped her hands behind his head, her breast smushing against his chin as his hands squeezed and pulled, her voice trembling. Her body bounced on Arthur as his hips rolled up, "Y-you want me to call you Arthur...?"

"T-tifa, call me Arthur, please, Tifa..." Arthur moaned softly, thrusting in deep, pulling her on top of him. His voice quavered when he asked her. She wrapped her hands behind his back.

"Ah...Arthur," Tifa looked her shoulder, her gaze falling on Cloud, who awkwardly sat there, wanting her but not knowing what to do. His gaze was fixed on Tifa as her pussy clenched around Arthur's cock. She reached back and pulled her ass cheek to the side, "Arthur, right now...Cloud can see how well your cock fits in my pussy, hmm."

"Ahn, that's...I'm glad," Arthur pushed her hips, her pussy pressing to him and his cock grinding to her deepest reaches. Her tits pressed against his chest. His lips kissed her nipples. Tifa wrapped her hand in Arthur's golden hair, and he looked at her, his mouth wrapped around her tit and her nipple, and her eyes were half lidded as he sucked.

She let go of his hair, letting his head rest between her tits, and her fingers wrapped around the base of the shaft that connected with Arthur. The base was wet with the fluid that oozed from her pussy and was trickling over the boy's balls. The two of them slowed down when their aura became visible. Tifa gyrated on top of him in small movements, her pussy swallowing his shaft, squeezing him with every thrust, "Ohh yeaah~! So strong~! Cloud~ I can feel your power~"

Arthur tightened his grip around Tifa's waist, there was strength raging inside his body, far more than he ever experienced when his powers were flowing through his veins, "Cloud! This feels great," he groaned, squeezing her soft and supple breasts, his thumb pressing into her nipple as his tongue flicked and lapped against the soft mound. Tifa felt the same, "Your Highness~! Your cock feels so good~! Fuck me harder~! Show me your power~!"

Arthur clutched Tifa's ass, lying against sofa's arm, "Tifa!" he started swinging his hips. With the help of their combined strength, the two had never experienced such strength and power in someone's thrusts, "oh god~! Oh goddd~! Oh goodddd~!!!"

Tifa pressed her hand on Arthur's chest, her ass rising and dropping as Arthur hammered into her, and the wet sound of flesh slapping, "fuck! FUCK~!! YES! AHH!! YOUR POWER FEELS SO GOOD~!"

Arthur was lying flat, his feet planted on the floor. Tifa's hips swerved as her breasts bounced, her hands reaching for his hair again, grabbing him by his hair and pulling his face towards her, "You have such a great dick~" she cooed and giggled in pleasure. She let out another loud squeal of ecstasy as Arthur rammed his cock deep inside her wet cunt.

"Oh godd~! Oh god~! Oh god~!!" She bent over, shaking her ass faster, pulling on her ass cheek to show Cloud, "look~! Look~! Cloud~!! He's using your power to fuck me good~!"

She curled forward, spreading her ass with both hands, her face pressed on Arthur's chest as she fucked herself onto him, "I am gonna cum! Gonna cum!!! Gonaaaa~!!!!"

Her body shuddered in spasms. Arthur's groans got louder when his hips twitched upwards. The tip of his cock lodged inside, releasing spurts of warm thick fluid. Tifa moaned, feeling it seep into the walls of her cunt, and trickle from the corners of the stretched hole as his hips continued to swing.

She came like a fountain, the sticky liquid spilling over his balls, dripping and trickling over his cock and her ass, "Cuumiingggggg!!!! Cumminnnnngggghhhh!!! CUMMMMMINGG!!!!!"

She kept grinding on top of him until the last drops dribbled from the tip, "T-ti-ti-tifa....!!! Tifa!" he felt weak and drained at the same time when the aura from both of them vanished.

He panted, and Tifa pulled her body off him, "Arthur...your highness, that was amazing." Her body shivered in the aftermath. She turned to Cloud who had an awkward expression, his gaze was transfixed on her face as her eyes flickered with an afterglow, her hair clung on her skin and her back with her sweat. Her breaths were short pants as her breasts swelled, rising and falling.

Cloud felt himself being drawn in her eyes and body again as she walked to him, her eyes lowered and her hair fell around her face. He could see the stains of white on her inner thigh. When Tifa bent down over Arthur, spreading her puckered hole, "You were supposed to join us, Cloud."

"Tifa...I don't..." Cloud hesitated, and his heart was racing, his cock was throbbing as Tifa grabbed it.

"Cloud," Tifa bent over Arthur, she pushed her ass out despite how much embarrassment burned her cheeks as her reddish eyes stared at the boy she was in love with, "Please Cloud...don't make me...stay like this...? It's embarrassing."

She moaned when Cloud's cock pressed on her puckered pink hole and he thrust upwards, his tip slipping inside. Tifa moaned louder. He lifted and spread her ass cheeks. His thumbs spreading her ass, he entered, stretching out her puckered ring as far as his girth would allow.

Her knees buckled as Cloud slipped into her, "Ah...Cloud~," her body quivering as her hole was stretched open by Cloud's dick as his shaft slowly entered inside. She blissfully moaned, her nose touching Arthur's, "thank you, thank you Your Highness. Your cock feels wonderful~" Tifa's lips quivered in a pant, her hands were planted on his chest as her knees weakened while Cloud's cock dug deeper into her.

Cloud grabbed her waist and pushed his length in her tight hole, stretching her open with his huge cock, "Tifa! You feel incredible."

"Ohhhh, Cloud~ I missed you so much~!!!" Tifa purred loudly at him, feeling her ass filled completely with his thick cock, and her tight hole stretched open. She pushed herself down, pushing herself into him as his hands went to grab her hips. He raised her up, pulling her away from Arthur before pushing his hips down and slamming inside of her, his cock stretching her out, and her tight ring squeezed his cock tightly.

Her back touched his chest, and she leaned into his embrace. Her breasts being supported by his arm as she panted, feeling his cock ramming in and out of her hole.

"Ah~! Ah~! Ah~! Oh, yes!!! Right there!!! Yes!" She arched her neck, throwing back her head, "Harder! Faster! Ahhn!!!"

She reached back to wrap her hand in Cloud's hair as she looked over her shoulders, "Your cock feels good Cloud~"

She twisted, looking at Arthur, whose cock was getting harder in her cunt as the two moved on top of him. Arthur raised his eyes from her ass to meet hers, both of them looking into the others' eye, Arthur's cock became even harder inside her. She turned her head to the side to meet Cloud's lips, who wrapped her in his arms.

Cloud held on to her legs and her ass, and her hips were rolled, her hips slamming down on Arthur and Cloud's cocks. She moaned into his lips, whispering, "Cloud," her body rolled into him, her breasts squished into his arm while his thick cock was grinding in her tight ass.

She slowly moved with having two cocks inside of her at the same time. She wrapped her hand in Cloud's blond hair, his eyes staring into hers, and his hand squeezed her breasts as her hips swerved, and her hips grinded into his, his cock stretching her asshole.

Arthur pulled away from them, sliding his cock out of her with a wet, slurping noise, and her hole remained gaping open. He stroked his cock, "that was so good! Now it's Cloud's turn!"

Tifa's moans got louder when her body twisted, her hands on the couch on either side of Athur's legs. Her reddish brown eyes looked into Cloud's as her hair clung on her body, and her skin flushed red. Arthur pressed himself against the sofa's arm to get a better look at Tifa's face and her tits when Cloud started slamming inside of her asshole. The soft mounds bounced from her movements, shaking.

"Oh fuck, fuck, fuck! That feels so good!" Cloud slammed her to the point of his balls slapping her, and Tifa was crying from pleasure, "Cloud~~~!!! Cloud! CLOUD!!! CLOUD~!!!!"

Cloud squeezed and caressed her breasts as he thrust deep in her, "C-cu—ah—m," she stammered. Her head pressed against his shoulder. She couldn't believe what she was feeling as her hips bucked in the aftermath, her thighs quivered and she clenched her asshole as Cloud thrusted into her hole.

"Tifa," Cloud held her tighter, not thinking about controlling anything, not distracted by anything else. All he could think of was her body and her warmth and his desire for her. His hips bucked harder, and his arms around her tightened and pulled on her body.

"Cum in me. Please, please, please, please!" Tifa pleaded.

"Not yet!" he went even harder, causing shocks to ripple through their entire body, "Tifa!" her voice became louder and louder as he slammed inside her asshole and she was unable to control her lust as her hole stretched out more.

"Cl-lou-ou-ou-ou-ou—ah!! C-c-c-c-om—" her body kept twitching as his shaft swelled before exploding deep into her ass, filling her asshole and painting her pink hole white. His body continued to jerk as his shaft continued to spasm and throb, her asshole stretched out from his size, her hands planted on the couch and his cock buried deep inside of her.

Tifa slumped against Arthur's body, her eyes half lidded and rolled upwards from how good it felt, and she could feel a puddle of his cum on the sofa under her knee. She closed her eyes, lying where she was. Cloud's strength that hit her body like a drug slowly disappeared, leaving her to deal with the aftermath.

Her body ached from head to toe, exhaustion in every limb. Tifa slowly opened her reddish brown eyes, her head turning, letting herself sit down on Cloud's lap. He embraced her, "Can I see you every day?"

"Mm," Tifa interlocked her fingers with his.

"I can't believe it..."

"I can't either..."

The two of them shared a loving kiss.

Augustus held Eve in his arm, caressing her cheek, "that's good. Now the four of you should be able to increase your Rank."

"Me included?" Eve looked up.

"You are a must."

"Mm," Eve rested her head on his chest, "I can feel their love, Big's so warm, cuddly and nice."

Augustus stroked her cheek, smiling, 'it is a are you, Eve...'