Chapter 20 - Saeko Busujima (R-21)

[Warning: The sex in the next few chapters is going to be brutal. At first I wrote the scenes and why it was happening was in the fifth or sixth chapters from this one. I struggled between a mass release or something else. In the end. I went with something else and decided to add these lines of explanation before]

Throne Room

"Aransae, I thought all of you have left," Aurum opened his eyes, sleeping on the throne in the middle of the night. The snow-white hair brushed against his cheek as his head shifted.

"Cloud has come into contact with someone with a very strong desire. You know what happens when Newborn Demons come across that."

Aurum stared at the ceiling, "They drown."

That Day,

Cloud had woken up early, far earlier than the three of them. He searched the cabinet for fresh clothes, where he found black sweatpants, white t-shirt with a round black collar, black zipper pockets on either side of his hips and boots .

He got fresh and got dressed before going out to jog. The sky was dark with a hint of blue. The horizon had a golden glow of sunrise. It had taken him less time to prepare. His pace was rhythmic, his breath regular. It was strange. It felt like he had done this before. He remembered Shinra conducting drills for physical training.

It wasn't just a memory or flashback. Every cell in his body seemed to carry the physical memory of that event. He gripped his fist while jogging, trying to keep his strength inside his body, trying not to jump from roof to roof or to do aerial cartwheels. His body screamed for adrenaline and the excitement of moving like that.

He stopped, breathing heavily. The jogging didn't tire him out. Instead, holding back the strength coursing through his body felt more exhausting than jogging. There was also the ever-pressing issue of this hunger, "What is going on?"

A blue screen popped in front of his eyes filled with details.

[Name: Cloud Strife]

[Limit: Phase Zero] (Phase One)

[Rank: Initiate] (Vanguard)


[Innate Demonic Abilities: Emotion Devouring (Feed on Emotions to Increase Aura Limits), Phases (True Demons are sealed by Heaven. Unlock the Phases to Regain Primordial Power)]

[Fate: Jenova (A Calamity from the Sky that nearly destroyed the world), Keyblade Wielder (A rare Fate from another Universe), Future Hero (The Man who Saved the World)]

[Note: Your cells require energy to transform into Jenova]

"Soldier Third Class?" Cloud looked around. He was currently on the side of road, there were fields on his left and houses on his right. His jog brought him outside of the city and onto the highway. The jog felt easier than walking. His clothes stuck to his body.

His eyes fell on the Convenience Store, "Stevenson Station..." he walked to the side of the store, slowly breathing until he reached the store. He kicked the side of the wall, able to balance himself on one leg and all these memories of him kicking punching bags started coming to his mind, making him close his eyes in discomfort and stop for a moment.

He kicked the wall a few more times when the sound of stone cracking filled his ear. He slowly opened his eyes to see cracks where his feet hit the wall, "My physical strength is returning...without Aura, it will go back to normal."

He turned to look towards the highway, seeing the girl with purple hair and blue eyes standing on the road, silently watching him with sharp blue eyes. A gust of wind picked up, gently blowing her purple hair. She was wearing a white shirt with a green sailor collar and a black bowtie, black skirt, stockings and shoes.

'Her limbs,' his eyes went to her long hands and legs, before staying at the package she was carrying on her back, bound in purple cloth, 'a sword.'

He closed in the distance between them. The two of them didn't speak, only stared at the other's eyes. He didn't speak, and the girl didn't either until she held his hand, pulling him forward. He followed her, turning right from the Store on the highway and leaving the asphalt road, venturing on the road that led to a school.

It was too early. It wasn't even open. She let go of his hand to go to the guardroom, waking the guard, who opened the door for them. The two of them walked to the sports field while Cloud quietly followed. The halls were empty, dark, and she led him to the basement where she turned on the lights.

She pulled a long rope to flip a switch, "Kendo Dojo," there was a row of swords on the racks, along the sides of the walls of the room, "choose the one you are comfortable with."

Cloud observed the wooden swords on the racks. He held on in his hand, weighing it on his palm. He looked to his left, then right, seeing the endless reflections of himself holding a different sword in hand to weight it.

"You ready?"

Her voice caused him to break out the daze, the endless reflections returned to his body. He felt different when he looked at the wooden swords again, a better judge. He raised his foot tug on the third from the bottom when a wooden sword pressed on his knee, stopping him.

"Be respectful."

He bent forward to pick the wooden sword. She removed the sword from his knee, backing away a few steps, holding her wooden sword sideways in front of her torso, and swayed the sword from side to side as she changed her grip, "Do we need any words?"

"No," Cloud closed his eyes. The sound of her blade swinging reached his ears. He held the wooden sword to stop her blade, opening his eyes to find the excited grin in her eyes.

"I knew you were strong!" She grinned and turned to slash at his abdomen. Cloud stepped back, dodging her attack. It only made her more aggressive, chasing after him with every step he took back to dodge her slash, "Don't run! Fight me!"

Cloud raised the wooden sword, blocking her downward slash. Their blades crashed with force, cracking from the sheer collision. Her blue eyes shone with giddiness, "You're amazing, Mr..."

Their bladesslid against the other, his reached the guard of hers. He slammed the hilt in her stomach, forcing her to bent over and cough in pain. It only annoyed her that her moment of joy was cut short. She tried to raise her body when he grabbed her head, keeping her down, 'what was I expecting. She's a human...a student...'

She tried to swing her sword to his leg, but that didn't work either. Not with the reflexes he had. He raised his foot and slammed it down on the blade, breaking it. The wooden fragments flew away from her, making her blink. He dropped the blade he was holding in his hand, walking past her, 'right..this is only a Phase 0 World...they are not going to be any stronger than that.'


He stopped to look at the girl with purple hair. She was glaring at him. She wasn't in the shock of her defeat, rather filled with a hunger for power, "How did you become so strong?"

Cloud stared at her. He wasn't sure if he was in his right mind. A few notifications popped in front of him but he had no interest. Her hunger for power. He wanted it, "Strip."

"H-Huh?!" the purple-haired girl instantly responded.

He didn't say anything else, scanning her body, and she didn't seek to confirm what she heard. She closed her eyes, beginning to take off her clothes, starting with her stockings then unbuttoning her shirt to reveal the black bra.

Cloud could feel his heart beat faster. He did nothing to hide his hunger when she undid her skirt, letting it drop around her ankles, and saw that she wore matching black panties. They seemed to have soaked and were seeped through with her liquid.

The purple-haired girl stood upright before him, wearing only her undergarments, a hungry look in her eyes as the fog disappeared. Her desires were more than clear, and not just for his physical power.

He took off his t-shirt, finding her near him. She walked like she was possessed, touching his muscles, admiring every inch of his body, his washboard abs, "this is not a body you can train at gym."

She touched his arms, running her fingers over his biceps, "these arms have swung a sword. So much that your muscles have trained themselves, and not something in a couple of weeks." Her finger moved near his navel. He unhooked her bra, which she pulled off, to release her large breasts, she was closer to Eve more than Tifa, slightly bigger than Eve's.

She stood close enough that Cloud could see his reflection in her blue eyes. She raised her arms above her head, closing her eyes, sensing his eyes over her body. She wanted him to notice how much she had trained her body, despite their difference in strength.

And he did. His fingers gently traced her right breast before following the gentle lines of her abs. He continued tracing the curves of her muscles. His gaze and fingers trailed further down her stomach and came to rest above her underwear.

She grabbed his hands and lowered her underwear. Her pussy lips and juices showed below as she pushed them to the floor, standing completely naked in front of him. She guided his hands to the curve of her ass, "Do you like it?"

"I have seen better," Cloud wasn't lying to her. Tifa had a better balance of muscle and supple body that made her look desirable in the lewdest way possible.

The girl didn't take offence. She lowered her eyes, "You noticed?"

"You stopped training to not gain too many muscles."

"Mmhmm, it's getting harder. My muscles will grow if I train anymore. I want to gain strength...but I don't want to lose...this..."

"I'll bring you to meet Tifa. She's more knowledgeable than me in this matter," Cloud stared down at her, reaching his hands to squeeze her ass. His finger stroked the tailbone, bringing moans from her.

The fog covered his eyes as he grabbed her waist and slammed her against the wall of the Kendo room. She moaned louder, holding onto his arm. He cupped her mound, pressing his finger on her lips, "You are wet."

She looked up, whispering, "You are hot..."

"That's a lie," Cloud pressed his thumb on her clit, pressing it hard until it pained her. She abruptly tried to push his shoulder, gasping in pain, trying to free her clit from his thumb, but she had neither space nor strength. His strong fingers worked her mound. The tip of his middle finger caressed her wet, sensitive flesh with rhythmic speed.

"HAhh!" She gasped out in pain and pleasure. Cloud observed as she bit her lips, panting while she couldn't even say another word. She nibbled her lip when his nail pressed on her clitto torture her again, "fu-uuuh-uh-ckkkk!"

"You are wet..." he asked again, staring into her eyes, while moving his palm back and forth from his fingers that entered her wet cunt and his thumb torturing her clit.

"Fight!" she blurted out, and he stopped pressing her clit so hard. She panted. She couldn't reach out to grab anything. Cloud's other arm pinned her body on the wall, "fighting...the thought of fighting...your makes me wet..."

"Go on..." Cloud kept pushing inside her. Her pussy began leaking, her back began to tremble. She gripped on his arm, it was a new sensation. She couldn't keep her thoughts straight.

"The feeling of blade cutting flesh...of blood...the tension when a fight might lead to death!" she breathed out. Her heart was racing, she couldn't breathe. His fingers continued moving inside of her and her head pressed against the wall, "being made to strip...overpowered like this," she grabbed his head to pull him close, carrying a twisted look in her eyes, "being raped makes me feel good!"

She shamelessly rubbed herself against his hand, "Rape me! Fuck me! Hurt me! Do what you want but," the lust in her eyes was overwhelming. Her teeth sunk into Cloud's shoulder, "don't stop," her arms went behind his back, clinging to him as her legs bent a little.

He became rougher with her, not caring that she was a virgin. He kept pushing until his knuckles were inside her vagina. She howled, spewing curses and growled in frustration as he wouldn't touch her clit, wouldn't torture the throbbing nub of flesh with his nails, and his hands wouldn't wrap around her throat to choke her as her orgasm ran her dry.

"What was your name?" Cloud grabbed her throat, bringing her close. His fingers were still inside her pussy while his thumb went to her clit, pushing her back to the wall. He grabbed her cheeks and squeezed them hard. She screamed, but no words came out of her mouth, "huwgggn...rrggah!"

"Name?" Cloud moved her head right and left. She couldn't speak, having lost her ability to do so from the stimulation. Her back arched. The rougher he got the more it was driving her towards an orgasm that was bigger than she could control. She felt wetter, her brain couldn't handle how good it was, her vision blackened. A part of her remained conscious, just enough so that it could enjoy everything that was going on.

The torture she had begged for. How she wished and fantasized for years about it, of being overpowered, fucked senseless. Only being saved by the blade that always accompanied her, and never letting others know how deep it ran.

"Tell me," Cloud sucked on her neck. Her skin stretched from his grip and teeth on her skin, and her consciousness flickered between sanity and oblivion.

"Suh..." Her hips humped against Cloud's palm while trying to stay focused, "Suh-Shishio-She..."

She was very much on the brink, and only being held there by the pain as a leash that anchored her sanity. He stroked her clit, sucking her lower lip. She closed her eyes, trying to take deep breaths through her nose with little success. He smacked her pussy with his hand, making her bite her lower lip until it bled.

It wasn't enough to make her cum. The pleasure wasn't enough to break through the pain that was holding it at bay. Her clit swelled, more juices flowing from her twitching hole and dripping down her thigh. There was only the smallest part of her that could hold on, and it was disappearing quickly.

As the pain rose with a new thrust of his nails, as if he was trying to claw into her womb, the small voice in her head told her to not hold back her scream, and let him know that she was, "Suh Sahkeo-Shishio-Sheh."

His fingers raped her while he dragged his nails on her breast. There was pain and pleasure. She wished he had hit or cut her to bring blood. She closed her eyes and tears rolled down as his fingers picked up in speed and her orgasm was rising fast. This wasn't anything she had prepared for, never having felt so aroused by anything other than the thought of fighting.

Just when she was close, he abruptly pulled away his hands from her body. Her eyes shot open. His fingers left her cunt, his hands stopped squeezing her neck and fondling her clit. Her orgasm faded before it came as she coughed and squirmed, "don't stop...don't stop...don't stop..." she mumbled desperately, her arms still pinned against the wall.

Cloud looked at her, breathing heavily. She begged again, with her lustful eyes shining and she looked around wildly and at Cloud, she turned feral and raised her leg to attack. Cloud pressed her shoulders. Her naked body couldn't get away from the cold wall, her nipples painfully erect as her hip desperately tried to reach his.

"Coward! FUCK ME! RAPE ME SENSELESS!!! FUCK!!!!!" She kicked his chest. Cloud leaned on the wall. She turned to punch him but she missed and Cloud grabbed her shoulder, spinning her back around to have her back press against his chest. His nails sank deep in the flesh of her plump ass he slapped her with the other hand, making her bend forward to the ground.

"Bite me, push my face, humiliate me, whatever, FUCK ME, PLEASE...JUST-," her screams stopped with a smack across the face. She growled loudly, the slap stinging her cheek. He put his foot on her head, holding her face down to the floor. A primal joy flowed through her.

He was only holding one of her arm in place. She tried to raise her body so she could reach with other and touch herself to push her into orgasm faster. But alas, this was heaven in her mind, a moment of bliss where she wanted to ride a roller coaster of pain and pleasure with her naked body, "take my body and my spirit as you use them for yourself! Rape me! Torture me! Just get me off!"

She bucked and twisted like a wild creature that couldn't be contained. Cloud lowered his hand on her ass, prying her hole wide open. He pulled down his pants. He was holding his hard shaft that was now inside of his hands. It was throbbing, so very painfully.

Cloud aimed it toward the begging girl. Without another moment's pause, his cock entered her wet, virgin hole, pushing his big shaft through the uncharted region in one hard motion. She froze with his entire girth buried inside. It was pushing its way into the back wall, spearing the girl's insides with his cock. And for a moment her expression was only shock.

"...gggg-urkkk-kaaa, GHA-AAAGHH-AAAAHHHHH...!!!" she broke into a roar that echoed the whole Kendo dojo. Her fingers scrambled at the mat and her voice changed pitch, cracking. The strength in her body vanished instantly with the long orgasm that followed shortly thereafter.

Cloud moved in and out of her pussy. Her walls stretched to accommodate his hard shaft, the slick, tight tunnel becoming very wet. Her legs bucked and her toes pounded on the ground, while her other hand desperately tried to claw at anything. Cloud couldn't care.

As he had rammed inside of her, it wasn't love that was driving him but this new sense of hunger that was driving him, a new desire that he didn't recognize as himself. All he had to do was pump his cock in her hole, to let her ride her orgasm and the desire flowed in his stomach. It burned, but was soon followed by a similar pleasure that came whenever a wave of hunger had been satiated.

He pressed his foot harder on her head. She felt how she was a prisoner with no possibility of escape, trapped on a floor, raped, taken from her cunt to the rest of her body. A wetness burst from her body, her walls clamping shut and she moaned through her ragged breathing as she realized she was squirting, "FUCK! FUCK!"

She enjoyed the pain she was feeling from having her virginity taken in the most violent of ways. She could feel how she could get addicted. But now that she was was starting to feel pleasure her body felt his nails that dug in the flesh of her ass. She thrashed to make him let go of her, "r-right! RIGHT! My pussy! FUCK ME THERE! I beg you."

There was no humiliation in her voice, only lustful pleasure. He couldn't get over his hunger. She was so small and submissive in front of him. His eyes devoured the girl. Every part of her made her the perfect vessel. She looked back. She wasn't just enjoying this, her body was at peace.

"That is perfect! Yes! YES!!" Her teeth gritted. Her arms collapsed, unable to hold up her upper body, as his hands caressed her folds, every hole, including her anus. Everything hurt, her cries became louder. Every touch sent an electric current running straight up her spine, and she couldn't help but cry in blissful release, her mouth opening and drool dripping, her eyes losing focus as her vision faded to complete white.

Her hair spilled forward, her back arching in every position with every thrust. Each and every plunge went deeper and harder, making the pain hurt her more, but the pleasure was indescribable. She shouted, "you are an animal!!!!"

"Yes," Cloud fucked her. He couldn't get enough of her tight snatch that made it hard for him to pull out with every stroke. She moaned every time his big cock thrust deeply into her stretched pussy. He spread her thighs further and pounded his swollen cock faster inside of her, causing her to buck her hips upwards involuntarily.

She never knew being on the receiving end could feel so good. She wanted more. More penetration, more friction, more abuse, "UGGHH-NGH-YES..." She felt the impact with her ass crashing against his pelvis over and over, all in one position where one arm held both hers behind, with her tits pressed up against the cold floor. "D-DEEP-ER!" The room echoed with the slapping sound of their sex and his balls slapped her ass, sending more sensations through her body and directly in her throbbing clit.

Her gaping wet, stretched pussy gave no resistance at all. His swollen meat stabbed her body until it hit her womb and she didn't even realize the lecherous drooling from her mouth on the floor, too busy with how she didn't resist, but welcomed the assault.

"CUM! CUUUMMM! NNNNGGHH-AAAAAA...A-AAUUUMMM!!" She rocked in ecstasy in his grasp, his balls slapping against her pussy and sending wave after wave of pleasure crashing inside of her. Every nerve within her tingled and trembled and convulsed and throbbed, and she screamed at the top of her lungs, letting her legs be fucked out from her body.

It only made her hornier to be in this position, his hard cock stretching and pumping inside of her. She savored his body slamming against her bare ass, his cock pummeling deep inside, and every thrust resulted in her lower body moving on its own from the sweet sensation. With a sharp jerk, she suddenly climaxed and her eyes rolled back at the powerful pleasure.

He finally removed his foot from her face, allowing her the freedom to move while the sexual fire raged. However, her entire lower region was now in pain, powerless with its own orgasms and completely at the mercy of this man. He stared at her, "what is your name?"

She shifted her face, covered in tears. She felt sad that she wasn't strong enough to stand more abuse and sad that she couldn't see the satisfaction on his face. Her pussy continued to gush out juices like a waterfall, soaking the mat underneath, "Saeko...Busujima..."

Cloud got dressed, standing by her head, "I come for you when you least expect the place you least expect..."

Saeko nodded weakly, rolling to her knees with the last of strength she had. She pressed her forehead and hands to the mat as she replied to him as a servant would, "Yes, Master."

"Don't expect me to show any kindness," Cloud moved towards the door, the blue screen popped up.

[Name: Cloud Strife]

[Limit: Phase Zero] (Phase One)

[Rank: Initiate] (Vanguard)


[Innate Demonic Abilities: Emotion Devouring (Feed on Emotions to Increase Aura Limits), Phases (True Demons are sealed by Heaven. Unlock the Phases to Regain Primordial Power)]

[Fate: Jenova (A Calamity from the Sky that nearly destroyed the world), Keyblade Wielder (A rare Fate from another Universe), Future Hero (The Man who Saved the World)]

[Inclination: Chaotic, Attraction to Darkness, A Loner, Pride in his Sword and Strength]

[Your Synchronisation Rate to Angeal and Zack Fair is decreasing.]

[Your Synchronisation Rate to Sephiroth and Genesis is increasing.]

'Why...' he rubbed his throbbing forehead, 'because I had rough sex...? It doesn't make sense...'

He ignored it, jogging back towards the house they had at the edge of the city. His heart raced in his chest, his mind was a jumbled mess.

For now, he was out of danger and he had satisfied a large part of his hunger that wasn't gnawing at him. When he finally reached home, he heard the sound of Tifa talking with Eve and Aerith.

"I hope he's not in trouble. He was acting like another person last night..."

Cloud stopped his hand near the door handle of the house. His ears perked up, hearing their voice clearly.

"I know...the way he treated Eve...the way we...did it...he hurt her for real. That's not like Cloud...I am worried too...."

Cloud stepped away from the door when it opened. He panicked for a second, his eyes landed on the girl with golden hair wearing a sheer nighty, "Eve..."

"Come in, Cloud," Eve pulled him inside. His eyes went towards Tifa and Aerith, both of them watching him with a worried look, but he felt like he could never meet their eyes.

Eve had him sit on the couch. She sat down on his thigh, "Tifa, come here..."

Tifa reluctantly stood from her seat, approaching Cloud and Eve. Tifa stood in between his legs. Cloud could smell her sweet fragrance while his eyes trailed on the creamy skin of her neck.

Eve pulled Tifa close, whispering, "Kneel for him..."

"Eve," Tifa took a deep, hot breath. The way Tifa's body turned so soft on Cloud's palm and slowly bent her knees, turning her ruby eyes towards Cloud. His eyes fixated on her soft lips, Eve's long fingers combed through her hair.

"Cloud, kiss her for me."

Cloud closed his eyes. Eve's breath was far too seductive to resist. Tifa didn't like seeing him hesitate. She didn't want him to think he would have to think for a second before kissing her. She leaned forward, their lips meeting briefly in a kiss, then pressed in harder to draw one out, inviting his tongue.

He gently circled his arm around her waist to deepen the kiss. Eve stroked his hair, watching him with a loving look and Aerith joined them, kissing his head, showering him with love. Cloud closed his eyes, being kissed and loved by the three.

This was different from Saeko, her aura wasn't egging him on. He wasn't feeling the hunger anymore. It wasn't a frenzy. It was calm...calm and soothing with their lips against his, filling the void left behind by what Jenova cells were devouring. He felt like himself again.

Eve kissed his cheek, "we came here for a reason, your state, it's not good for you to be alone."

"Yeah," he agreed, hearing their voices, the reality hit him in his gut. His breath was still shaky and a bit nervous from last night. They stayed that way, making sure that they were all alright. His heartbeat and breath soon settled, "okay, so what happens from here on out?"