Chapter 17

Third Person's POV

The five were about to take the first stone they needed when Ryan and Caleb cast the dream spell, which caused the monster to continue dreaming. Sean uses his paralysis spell to immobilize the monster.

They approached the monster, who was still sleeping, with caution. Luke immediately picked up the stone, after which they decided to stay away from the monster. They heard a roar. Sean was startled because the spell he had cast had been broken by the monster.

Ryan and Caleb are also disturbed. They are lying down, holding their heads, after controlling the monster with their minds connected. Emilia slowly looked at the monster, who was fully awakened now, and he looked at Luke, who was holding the stone. The monster stood still, observing the five, and Emilia could sense its aura full of rage and anger.

"I think we already have what we need! Come on, let's run!" Luke exclaimed, and Emilia quickly ran away as the monster roared and chased them down, causing pain in their ears.

"We can't run away! We need to fight!" Emilia exclaimed, drew her sword, and took her ready stance; she was ready to fight the monster.

"All right, we'll fight him," Luke responded, and the three knights drew their swords, ready to fight. She demonstrated her sword stance.

When the monster used its war hammer to smash Luke and Emilia, the princess jumped high and decided to attack the monster's head. The ground was shaken when the monster moved and used its War hammer. The four knights were in front with their ready stances ready, each with their unique style of using a sword. Emilia was now on top of the monster's head while shaking its head back and forth.

"A little help here would be nice," Emilia yelled, stabbing the monster's head as it roared in pain as it attempted to reach Emilia.

"Let's use our spell!" Luke yelled, and Emilia followed his command.

Cast an electricity spell, her most powerful spell, which injured the monster and caused it to roar with rage again, causing the ground to shake as the four knights maintained their composure in the battle. Emilia deepened the stab on the monster's head, but it was still alive and would not die quickly.

"What do we need to do to kill this monster?!" Emilia yelled, struggling to hold the sword as the monster swung its large arms towards Emilia, causing her to fall from the top.

"Keep holding your sword! I'm going on top to stab his back!" Luke advised, jumping high above the monster's back, Emilia was startled when her hand began to glow, and she had no idea what it was.

The yellow dragon was assisting her in becoming more substantial, the scales on her palm spreading all over her arms. Emilia notices this but does not inform the four knights of what is happening to her as she grips the sword tightly.

Luke successfully stabbed the monster in the back and is now on top. He looks at Emilia, still holding the sword in her right hand, and notices the dragon scales spreading on her arm.

"My lady, let go of the sword!" Ryan yelled, and Emilia attempted to do so but could not because the sword was attached to her scales.

Luke dashed towards Emilia, and the monster leaped into the air. When Sean used his electricity spell, the princess fell and let go of the sword. Luke was quick enough to catch her, and they landed on the ground.

The monster's final scream caused the ground to shake even more, and they noticed a crack. Emilia looks at the sword left on the monster's head. Luke notices the scales spreading on Emilia's right hand, and it's back to normal where the scales are from on her palm.

"My sword!" Emilia exclaimed, and the monster died instantly due to his injuries. The sword remained on top of the monster's head, and Luke decided to pick it up.

"Stay here. I'll pick it up for you," Luke said to Emilia, who nodded.

Luke was surprised that he couldn't pick up the sword because it was stuck, and he noticed the princess' sword change into something. Emilia was looking at Luke, who was struggling to pull the sword.

"I think he won't be able to take out the sword, my lady," Sean advised, and Emilia decided to go on the monster's head once more.

"I'm not sure why I can't pull it out, but I notice the sword has scales of the yellow dragon," Luke exclaimed, and Emilia grabbed the sword and pulled it out without difficulty.

"Perhaps it was the yellow dragon's doing; I can't believe my sword changed form and now has very sharp scales on the side of the sword," Emilia said.

"The dragon figure remains on the sword, perhaps the yellow dragon telling you that this sword only belongs to you now," Luke observed. The princess nodded while examining the sword's physical features.

"We got the first stone. Now we're going to get the next stone," Emilia said as she slid her sword into her sword holster.

The spirit bird flew in front of the princess, surprising her, and she was perplexed as to why he was preventing her from leaving.

"What's the matter? Isn't this the right way?" When Emilia asks the spirit bird a question, he looks the other way: the left way.

"You need to go to the other way, which is to the left; if you continue going straight, you will face more monsters; you need to regroup first," the spirit bird advised, and Luke checked the map.

"The left way here is a shortcut. Thank you for the advice. I don't know what to call you," Luke said as the spirit bird quickly flew away to the left way.

The five decided to ride their horses to the left, with Emilia in front of the black horse and Luke holding the rope to keep the horse walking and guiding. The princess looked around, and the cave was small, but when they saw the exit to the left, they discovered a vast forest.

"Now there's a big forest after the ruins," Caleb added, observing around to see if a monster was flying or was on their location.

"There are a lot of tall trees here, and we don't know if there's a monster on the ground because we're on top of the mountain right now!" Sean said, and Emilia went down on the horse to check on the situation.

"Do you think bringing the horses to Eryen is bad?" Emilia inquires of Luke.

"I believe so. Do you want to leave them even though Princess Tia gave them to you?" Luke asks, and Emilia looks at the horses while patting one of them on the head.

"If we don't want them to come with us, we need to take them back," Emilia advised, thinking about how to do so.

"How are we going to do that?" Ryan inquired, and he sat first on the ground.

"I'm thinking about how to do it because the yellow dragon told me I couldn't always rely on him," Emilia thought as Luke tapped the princess on the shoulder.

"Let me assist you in deciding how to return the horses," Luke advised the princess, and Emilia smiled and nodded.

Emilia stopped walking in a circle after an hour when she considered using the teleportation spell, even though she was still practicing it.

"Do you have a plan right now?" Luke inquired of Emilia when she came to a halt in her thoughts.

"I will attempt to use my teleportation spell. Maybe you know how to do that correctly and can assist me!" Emilia insisted, and Luke was taken aback.

"All right, then, I'll assist you. I don't want to scold you just because you're still practicing it," Luke responds, looking at the horses.

"I'm concerned that if you make a mistake, my lady, the horses will be somewhere here at Eryen," Caleb reasoned. Emilia smirked because she knew what she was capable of. Luke and the princess began to cast the teleportation spell.

The four horses are all confused about what is going to happen. Emilia imagined John's small inn and began to focus, and Luke did the same. The four horses were teleported back to Garmend Town, and John was surprised when he heard the horses outside.

He went out quickly and saw the four horses outside the small inn, which made John smirk because he knew Emilia had successfully teleported the horses back to the Garmend.

"I knew you'd be worried about the horses you have. You didn't think about yourself if you entered the Eryen," John murmured to himself, and he decided to tie the horses and take care of them for the time being.

"We did it!" Emilia applauded, and Luke was proud because they did it together. The princess was happy and jumping with joy because she mastered her spells little by little.

"Congratulations, my lady! You succeeded!" Sean congratulated while Ryan and Caleb applauded, but Sean was secretly jealous because the two were getting closer by the day.

"Do you want to continue our journey at this point? It's near nighttime because I notice the Eryen have a faster time," Luke pondered, and Emilia was surprised.

"You're right. Strangely, Eryen Place is like this; do you think it's under someone's spell?" Emilia wondered.

"Perhaps we should do more research; are you up for it?" Luke inquired, and Emilia smiled.

"Of course! This adventure is now a part of our lives!" Emilia assured, placing her arm on Luke's shoulder. Luke slowly smiled, his heart racing.