Chapter 22

Third Person's POV

"We got the second stone. You need more rest, my lady," Luke suggested to Emilia, still resting on him, and they noticed the glow on her chest.

"Yes, I know I should rest; I need to regain my strength," Emilia added, but the yellow dragon interrupted.

Emilia and the four knights were surprised to hear the yellow dragon's voice.

"I will help you quickly regain your strength. You are still young to use the power of the yellow dragon, but in time you will discover my abilities." The yellow dragon's assistance surprised Emilia. She felt calm as the yellow dragon's aura surrounded her and began to give the princess more strength.

"Thank you very much! But didn't you tell me not to be dependent on others? "Emilia's query.

"I remember what I told you. Yes, that is true, but this is the only help I can give you. I will show up in a blink if you are in danger, like your life is about to be taken." The four knights were taken back and smiled as they heard from the yellow dragon.

"Thank you for your assistance; we're not sure how to address you because you don't have a name," Luke said, and the glow on Emilia's chest faded.

Emilia stood up and felt energetic again, regaining her strength. The yellow dragon did not respond to Luke's gratitude. Emilia took up her sword and examined the necklace with the silver magic box, which was already open.

She picked up the stone and approached Luke, giving it to him. Luke was surprised because the first stone was in Emilia.

"Why are you handing it over to me? You should be the one to look after it." Luke said to Emilia and took the first stone she had.

"We must use our magical box to secure the stone, and each must keep it so that it cannot be taken in a single attack." Emilia smiled, and Luke smirked at Emilia's idea.

"That's a fantastic idea," Luke said as he created a magical box to secure the second stone, and the spirit bird flew onto Emilia's shoulder.

"Let's go to the next stone we're going to get!" Emilia cheers them on with energy, but she looks at her hand and forgets to ask the yellow dragon why its scales are spreading.

"I forgot to ask the yellow dragon about my scales spreading when I use the power," Emilia said as they walked.

"Perhaps you can talk to him now. I know he can hear us and feel where we are right now," Luke suggested, and the princess pondered.

"Let me try to call him right now," Emilia said as they walked, using her mind to summon the yellow dragon.

"I heard everything you told the four knights. Let me explain. The scales are spreading because you still can't control the strong power of the dragon," the yellow dragon began to explain. Emilia and the four were both taken aback.

"So that's why I need to get stronger, and when I turn eighteen, that's when I'll be stronger," Emilia was confident, and the four knights were pleased with her.

"Thank you for answering my question," Emilia thanked the yellow dragon, and they heard a werewolf howl.

"It's a werewolf; do you think they're as big as the other monster we battled?" Caleb inquired, and Luke observed their current location; they were back in the forest because the goblin was in ruins.

"I notice there are two ruins and two forests here; I hope we don't get lost," Luke observed as the three knights examined the area to become acquainted with it.

"John didn't mention what Eryen is. He just told us that we need to obtain the five stones," Emilia said as she used her spell to track and check creatures in the area with a powerful aura that Emilia could sense from a distance.

"I don't sense any monsters with power, but they could fight us," Emilia said, and the four knights nodded.

"Let's go this way. The map direction suggests we go here for the third stone," Luke said as he examined Eryen's map.

"All right, let's go," Emilia agreed, and they began walking. They heard the wolf howling as they walked again and maintained their caution.

"I think we're getting close to wolf territory," Luke observed, and they heard footsteps on the grass, which they were all aware of because they moved quickly.

"They're coming," Emilia murmured as the massive werewolf emerged from the tall grass and looked at the five.

The massive wolves are terrifying beasts with short tails and a heavy, muscular build. Their physical characteristics enabled them to ambush and pounce on their prey rather than stalk and chase it down slowly. Its massive teeth from both sides were long, curved saber-shaped canine teeth that protruded from its mouth when it closed.

"I don't think he has the stones; we can't see him holding or carrying them; can you double check?" Sean checked, and Luke decided to use the goggles to see if the big wolf had the third stone while standing on the ground, watching the other five, and getting ready to attack.

Luke was called off guard to see it inside the wolf's flesh. Luke smirked, and the wolf was ready to attack the five as he howled loudly, creating a sound wave that hurt their ears. But Emilia was unfazed, thinking it was calling them friends, but the truth was that it was ready to eat them alive.

The princess drew her sword and prepared to fight the massive wolf, while the four knights prepared to fight. They leap into the air and use their spell to attack the gigantic wolf.

The color of the massive wolf was brown with white, and the sharpness of its teeth was very dangerous; if they caught you or bit you, you would be poisoned with a strong, powerful bone-crushing force. The third stone is in his flesh because he thought it was a magical power, so he ate it.

"He eats the stones because the stones are in his flesh! I'm not sure why he did it, but we need to kill him and cut him open to get it!" Luke exclaimed, and Emilia was taken aback because she had never imagined such things happening.

"Let's get started! Let's dissect him!" Emilia yelled as she moved into her ready stance, smirking as she prepared for a direct attack. She used the chain spell to immobilize the wolf so they could proceed to cut the gigantic wolf's belly.

The four knights were taken back when the gigantic wolf's attention was all on the princess, sensing its aura. Emilia flew away when the big wolf felt a strong power within. Emilia looks at the gigantic wolf and dashes out to attack it with her sword.

She cast a fire spell on her sword, causing its blade to falter as she prepared to wound the massive wolf. Still, the wolf was quick to move, and Emilia was taken aback when the power came out of the gigantic wolf's mouth.

"My lady, don't use your fire spell! It will make him use his power!" Luke told him to stay back. Emilia was now on the ground and slowly getting up as the gigantic wolf started to move differently and faster.

"What are our options? Do we have to use our fighting abilities to defeat the creature?" Emilia quickly asked the four knights. Luke contemplated how they would defeat the big wolf using their fighting abilities.

"Let's just do our best to use the fighting skills we learn in the academy we attend; we need to use our skills right now because it is now or never!" The princess was confident, and the four knights prepared to attack the massive wolf from different directions.

When the four knights saw Emilia jump so high skywards in the air and use her sword to stab the massive wolf, Sean looked at Luke, ready to use their combined fighting skills to combat the gigantic wolf with significant impact.

The four attacked the gigantic wolf, and the combination of fighting skills took down the massive wolf. He became weaker as a result of the wounds that he received from Emilia, the princess.

"He appears to be already weak; now is our chance to cut him open!" Emilia commented, and Luke motioned for her to stop what she was about to do.

"Princess, he's now weak; we should have mercy; we need to kill him in a peaceful life. Maybe he just wanted to protect himself and the territory he has," Luke advised, and Emilia put on a poker face in response to Luke's kindness.

"How are you going to murder him peacefully?" Sean asked Luke as he touched the massive wolf's head, which was no longer enraged because he was in pain.

When Luke cast a spell on him, Emilia was taken aback; she had no idea the water spell could be used to kill.

Luke began a simple ritual in which he paid respect to the massive wolf and used the water spell to slowly kill it without inflicting any pain. The gigantic wolf died, but the body remained.

"May your soul rest in peace," Luke said quietly as Sean, Caleb, and Ryan paid their respects, leaving Emilia to observe the four.

Ryan used his spell to cut him open, then he picked up the third glowing stone and created a magical box to protect it.

"Luke, you are very kind, and I am impressed by what you did. I apologize for always being brutal when killing someone and not showing mercy." Emilia expressed her regret.

"It's okay, my lady. You're a princess, and I know you won't change your attitude unless you want to," Luke added as Emilia approached Ryan as he was looking at the magical box.

"You have the third stone; protect it at all costs; it's vital," Emilia instructed Ryan.

"But the most important thing here is you, my lady. You are the priority. The stones are second," Ryan said, making Emilia laugh.

"Let's get ready for our next destination, which is to obtain the fourth stone," said the leader, and the four nodded, but they didn't realize the fourth stone was in demon territory, making it difficult to obtain.