Chapter 18: Dress Up

After trying on a few dresses, I found one that made me stare at myself in the mirror while questioning whether I was looking at someone else. The dress was black and skin-tight. It had spaghetti straps and a long slit on one side that exposed my leg. The material was soft, yet thick enough to smooth out my body into a sexy hourglass. I couldn't stop trying to figure out how one piece of clothing could give me curves. I didn't know I had them in the first place. They weren't nearly as impressive as what was expected women to have, but I was just happy to find out that I had any at all. I felt like a woman and after so many years of being a sexless blob, it felt terrific.

With this dress, I looked like I could be walking on the red carpet. My short hair and model face would fit the picture of a movie star. I managed to break free from the spell the fancy mirror placed on me after a few more minutes and stepped out of the dressing room to show Susanna. She gasped with delight upon seeing me. "It's perfect! What do you think?" I smiled at her and looked down at myself. "It is absolutely beautiful. But, I bet it's expensive." Susanna waved me off as she brought some shoe boxes my way. "You don't have to worry about that. Leviathan has you all taken care of. Now, let's try on shoes to match that outfit." 

She turned the conversation so quickly that I didn't get a chance to question how often Levy comes to this place. He said that his tailor is here, so he must buy suits often. But what for? I'd never seen him wear a suit before now. He must only wear them when he's visiting uptown, but that doesn't answer the question of why he would need to. I couldn't think much more on the subject before Susanna gave me the shoe boxes and went to get more. I tried on a few pairs before we decided that I should stay away from high heels. I almost broke my foot every time I tried to walk in them and I wasn't looking to enhance my clumsiness any more than it already was. 

I settled on some round-toe kitten heels that matched the dress in color. They were much easier to walk in and they completed my outfit perfectly. For a moment I thought we were done, but Susanna then took me to the back of the store where the makeup and jewelry departments were. It was insane how big this place was, and I felt like I was just along for the ride. I wondered what Levy was up to as their makeup artist did my makeup. She went for a natural look with dark shades to enhance my eyes. Susanna then picked out some dangly silver earrings for me to wear. I hadn't worn earrings for a while but thankfully the holes hadn't closed up. I had one pair of old pearl earrings at home that I only wore in private when I wanted to feel pretty. Wearing brand-new earrings was like a whole new world for me. 

After I put on the earrings, Susanna took me to another full-body mirror on the wall so I could see the finished product. I would've gasped if I wasn't trying to keep my cool around these fancy people. I hadn't remembered a time in my life when I looked so beautiful. I forced myself not to cry and ruin all the makeup artist's hard work. "Wow." Susanna nodded proudly, satisfied with her work before leading me back the way we came. I was filled with anticipation as I thought about how Levy would react to seeing me like this. 

I had imagined him to react normally and say that I looked beautiful in his casual tone. I hoped that he thought I was beautiful now. I held my breath, knowing that if dressing me up didn't do much for my attractiveness there wouldn't be a second date. We reached the front desk where Levy was standing beside and looking down at his phone. I was so in my head that I had forgotten he had dressed up for our date as well. My heart thumped as I got a good look at him. He was wearing a gorgeous suit that fit him perfectly. It was entirely black other than the deep red tie that fastened underneath his collar. He wore suits in my daydreams, but it was nothing compared to the real thing.

I tried my best to keep my legs from collapsing under me and my mouth from dropping to the floor. I felt my skin begin to warm up and my intrusive thoughts wanted nothing more than to grab him and pull that belt loose from his waist. I quickly inhaled to get some oxygen to my brain before it went into horny drive. Once we got close enough, Levy looked up from his phone and his eyes went to me. He didn't say anything as we approached, and his eyes stayed locked on me. The look he gave me was so captivating that it was hard to look away from. His face was emotionless, but his eyes were full of possession. The sienna flickered with fire and the black shading of them became pools of seductive intent. 

It was as if he was commanding me to come closer without saying a word. I melted inside the longer he looked at me, and the tall woman from before sat up from the desk as we stopped in front of him. "Darling! You look wonderful! I hope Susanna did you well, Monsieur Ozul. What do you think?" His eyes never left me as he responded. "Perfect." I blushed as I took the full force of his deep approval. No one else seemed to notice the hot passion in his voice as they continued to admire my outfit.

Once we left the store, I became even more curious as to what he thought of the dress. It was clear that he liked it but I wanted details. He opened the door to the Mustang for me again and I quietly took my seat. I wished he would say something else to me as he made his way to the driver's side. When he got inside and closed the door behind him I accepted that he was just the type to speak with his eyes. Suddenly, out of nowhere, he grabbed me by the neck and pulled me in to kiss him. I squeaked in shock but didn't fight it. I let him consume me entirely once his soft lips touched mine. 

His lip rings stimulated my lips as he engulfed me in his mouth, sending shivers up my spine. He fastened his other hand around my waist and deepened the kiss, sending his tongue to play with mine. I tried to find my breath as I gripped his jacket, struggling helplessly with need. He was one hell of a kisser. It was like he knew exactly what my body wanted, and he turned me on so badly that I never saw it coming.