Chapter 5: Drew's Humor

The corners of his mouth could not help but rise. This scene made Steven, who was sitting next to him, very confused. He was busy playing with his phone and didn't notice what Kalle and Coey were doing.

"What's wrong with Kalle? Why are you laughing suddenly? What were you talking about with the new student just now? Tell me too!"

Kalle pushed Steven away who suddenly leaned over. "This is a secret between me and her. I can't tell you."

Steven looked at Kalle with admiration and said, "Wow, Kalle, you are really amazing. The new student just transferred to the school, and you are already very familiar with her and even have a common secret. I admire you very much."

Kalle tilted his head and saw that the girl next to him had already blushed. "Okay, Drew should speak."

Drew stood casually on the stage with a microphone. "Good morning, dear classmates. Yes, it's our weekly meeting again. Are you very happy to see Drew? Hahaha. Anyway, Drew is very happy. I am so happy that i ate two more slices of bread this morning. Hahaha."

The students in the audience applauded very appreciatively. This made Drew even happier. "What makes me even happier is that our high school has welcomed a new student today. Come on Coey. Stand up please and show us your beautiful face. Hahaha don't shy, you are a pretty girl."

Coey felt very embarrassed when her name was called. She wanted to dig a big hole in the ground and bury herself in it. Coey's hands nervously grabbed the two feet of her suit jacket and stood up.

"Very good Coey, now you can sit down. I hope everyone can get along well with Coey and become friends with her. And Kalle you also stand up please." Coey just sat down and heard Kalle being called.

Kalle supported her forehead and was forced to stand up. "Kalle, I hope that with Coey's help you will not skip classes again, and don't bully her." Suddenly, there was laughter in the auditorium.

Perry Myron, who was also Kalle's friend sitting in the other direction, was yelling at Kalle like crazy, "Kalle, stop bullying she! Hahaha!"

Kalle, who was teased and laughed at like crazy, sat down nonchalantly. He leaned towards Coey and said, "Drew told me not to bully you. Did I bully you?"

Kalle smiled, and Coey was really overwhelmed by him. "You are bullying me right now."

"I feel so wronged. It's obviously you who is bullying me, haha." Kalle looked at Coey and smiled gently, with pampering and helplessness.

Perry just happened to see Kalle's action, and he pointed at Kalle and yelled. "Uh huh Kalle what are you doing? I saw you bullying the new classmate."

Kalle also yelled at Perry, "Get lost!" Everyone looked in the direction of the voice and was amused by Kalle and Perry, and laughed again.