Chapter 19:"How could it be him..."

At night, Coey was lying on the bed, eating the cookies Bella gave her while watching videos on her phone.

Suddenly she received a text message, and she clicked on it and saw that it was from Kalle.

Kalle sent a video of Una lying on Kalle's bed and biting and playing with pet toys.

Coey watched the video attentively, and her smile was still on her face. At this time, Kalle sent another text message.

Kalle: Is it cute?

Coey couldn't help laughing when she saw Kalle's message.

Coey: Una is so cute! Did you let it on the bed?

Kalle: Yes, I saw it on the floor and it looked pitiful, so I let it play with toys on the bed.

Coey thought to herself that Kalle was also a person who liked small animals very much.

Coey: Please take care of it v(◦'ωˉ◦)~♡

After sending a message to Kalle, Coey didn't wait for Kalle's reply. She thought her network was not good, and when she was about to turn off her phone, she received a reply at this time.

Kalle: This is what I should do. (=^▽^=)

Coey didn't reply to Kalle after seeing her reply, because she didn't know what to say. But seeing Una's cute look before going to bed, she was satisfied, turned off her phone, washed up and went to bed.

On Kalle's side, he was rubbing Una's head frantically. "Mummy said you are cute, Una, and your mummy also sent me a love heart. Does this mean that she has started to like me? Don't you think so, Una? Children are really the concern of parents."

Una, who was named, just glanced at Kalle and continued to play with her toys.

Kalle was still immersed in Coey's message, and even took out his phone to check the emoji Coey sent him repeatedly.

Happy Kalle completely forgot that he had made an appointment with Steven to play games. Steven, who was waiting for Kalle in the game hall, felt speechless.

"Fuck! I should have known that Kalle would forget the appointment with me because of Coey."

This went on for a week, and the relationship between Kalle and Coey became closer because of Una.

The two would start chatting with each other at night, and after school Coey would follow Kalle home to visit Una.

Just when Kalle thought that her relationship with Coey would continue like this until they became lovers, she didn't expect that an uninvited guest who no one would expect came to the school.

As usual, Kalle and Coey chatted about Una in the classroom.

"Bro, don't you think Kalle and Coey are getting closer?" Steven gossiped about them with Perry, who came to visit as usual.

"If nothing unexpected happens, Coey should be pursued by Kalle." Perry responded to Steven absent-mindedly. His eyes never left his phone from beginning to end.

"What are you looking at?" Steven noticed something was wrong and approached Perry to see the screen on his phone.

"No way, bro, you changed your girlfriend again??!! What about your previous girlfriend?" Perry responded to Steven nonchalantly, "We broke up a long time ago. My new girlfriend is one year younger than us and goes to the same high school as us."

Steven's expression was full of helplessness, "Bro, can't you be more loyal? Why do you like to date so many people?"

Perry disagreed with Steven's words, "Let me make it clear first, I don't have multiple relationships at the same time. I only dated the next girlfriend after breaking up with them. Besides, what's wrong with dating many girls? I have tried girls with all kinds of personalities. How great is that."

Steven really didn't agree with Perry's point of view, but the other party was his good friend and he really couldn't say too much, "It's up to you, just don't regret it in the future."

Perry hooked Steven's shoulder and said, "I definitely won't regret it. I'm still enjoying it!"

Steven impatiently shook off Perry's hand on his shoulder, and at this time Erica entered the classroom.

"Teacher Erica! I want to listen to your class today. Can I stay in this class temporarily?" Perry asked Erica with a smile. Erica has a good relationship with the students, and it was not yet time for class, so Erica agreed to Perry's request.

Erica stood on the podium and said to the students who were chattering. "Everyone, be quiet and listen to me. There is a new transfer student in our class today."

Many boys sitting in the back couldn't help but make a noise, "Is it a beauty, teacher? If so, let her sit in front of me!" "I don't mind! It's okay if she's a girl!"

Erica knocked on the table to signal everyone to be quiet. "Don't make noise. This time it's a boy." The boy in the back suddenly made a disappointed voice, "If it's a boy, let him sit anywhere, just don't sit in front of me." "It's so boring, teacher, let him go to another class!"

The girls sitting in the front couldn't help but exclaimed. "Finally a boy has come. Teacher, please let him in!" "Teacher, please let me see if he is handsome!"

Ercia had no choice but to wave to the person outside and said, "You can come in."

The person outside came in, and the girls couldn't help but exclaimed when they saw his appearance, "So handsome!" "I really want to exchange contact information with him!"

As the man stood on the podium, Coey also looked up at the new boy at this time. She stared at the boy standing in front of her with her eyes wide open in disbelief.

Lydia also looked forward slowly, and her expression was exactly the same as Coey's. She was stunned in place, and after she reacted, she turned her head and winked at Steven and Perry.

Steven felt that something was wrong, and he looked at the boy standing in front of him. He looked like Coey's childhood sweetheart as described by Lydia at that time.

"How could it be him..." Perry was the same as Steven, and he couldn't help but whispered.


My first book is still being serialized. 😍😍

The title is (Don't Run Away, Princess Foodie).

Please support me. Thank you.😍😍