Chapter 26: Prism Helmet

Astra Blaze soared through the inky blackness of space, the vastness punctuated only by the twinkling lights of distant galaxies. Her heart pounded a frantic rhythm against her ribs, a counterpoint to the low hum of her Prism Glider. Intel had been sketchy at best, a scrambled transmission hinting at a rogue Vorlaxian scientist peddling dangerous technology on the black market. Tonight, Astra was determined to put a stop to it.She pinpointed a derelict space station, a jagged scar against the celestial canvas. According to the intel, this was the scientist's hideout. Docking her Glider in a shadowed alcove, Astra activated her combat suit. Its sleek metallic surface shimmered, its internal systems synching with the Solar Prism at her chest. With a deep breath, she materialized inside the station, the stale air thick with the metallic tang of disuse.The station's corridors were labyrinthine, flickering neon signs casting an eerie glow on the peeling metal walls. Suddenly, a holographic figure materialized in front of her. It was a Vorlaxian, his spindly form draped in a tattered lab coat. He cackled, his voice echoing eerily."Welcome, Prism! You shouldn't have come."Astra narrowed her eyes. "I'm here for your little invention. Stand down, and this can be painless."The Vorlaxian threw his head back and laughed again. "Painless? This changes everything! With the Prism Amplifier, any fool can wield the power of the stones!"A cold dread settled in Astra's gut. The Prism Stones were powerful enough in the hands of trained Corps members. In the wrong hands, they could be catastrophic.The Vorlaxian scientist raised a hand, and a shimmering energy field erupted around him. It pulsed with an unnatural light, a warped reflection of the Solar Prism's power. This was the Prism Amplifier.Astra gritted her teeth. There was no time for negotiation. She unleashed a torrent of superheated energy, but the Amplifier absorbed it, the field distorting and growing stronger. The scientist cackled with glee.Thinking fast, Astra focused her power inwards, generating a blinding flash of light. The station plunged into darkness as the scientist yelped, momentarily disoriented. Astra seized the opportunity, darting forward and launching a flying kick that sent the Vorlaxian sprawling.Before she could deliver the final blow, a figure materialized from the shadows. It was Nebula Vortex, her eyes glowing with a malevolent purple light."Leaving so soon, Blaze?" Nebula purred. "This little trinket seems perfect for my needs."Astra cursed. Nebula, with the power of the Quantum Prism, could become an even greater threat with the Amplifier. A fierce battle ensued. Astra unleashed beams of scorching light, but Nebula danced through them, teleporting around the station with unsettling ease. The fight spilled outside onto the station's decaying hull.Nebula lunged, her fist crackling with dark energy. Astra barely dodged, the force of the blow sending her staggering back. She needed a new strategy. Focusing her power, Astra projected a holographic duplicate of herself, a tactic she rarely used. The duplicate flew towards Nebula, who smirked and unleashed a powerful blast of quantum energy.The moment Nebula was distracted, Astra channeled the full might of the Solar Prism. A beam of concentrated sunlight slammed into the Prism Amplifier, overloading it in a blinding flash. The station shuddered violently, alarms blaring as emergency protocols kicked in.Nebula roared in frustration, the Amplifier now a smoking ruin. She glared at Astra, then shimmered out of existence in a burst of teleportation. Astra watched her go, a knot of worry tightening in her stomach. This wasn't over.With the threat neutralized, Astra secured the remains of the Amplifier and made her way back to her Glider. As she rocketed away from the crippled station, a single thought echoed in her mind: they needed to find a way to permanently disable the dangerous technology before it fell into the wrong hands. The safety of the universe depended on it.