Chapter 35: Prism Corps Headquarters - Nova City

Neon signs bathed Nova City in a kaleidoscope of colors. Towering skyscrapers, their metallic surfaces reflecting the vibrant glow, scraped the underbelly of the floating cities that dotted the sky. Here, nestled amidst the urban sprawl, stood the majestic headquarters of the Prism Corps, a gleaming monolith that pulsed with an inner light.Astra Blaze, Prism Prime, soared through the neon canyons on her Prism Glider. Her fiery red hair streamed behind her as she approached the headquarters. Today was a briefing day, and all Centurions, the elite tier of the Corps, were required to attend.Inside, the air crackled with anticipation. Denarians and Millennians scurried about, their movements precise and efficient. Astra landed her Glider in the designated docking bay and strode towards the briefing room. Along the way, she greeted her fellow Centurions: Orion Shield, his imposing figure radiating an aura of power; Vega Specter, her every step shrouded in a faint shimmer of invisibility; and Cygnus Vortex, his dark eyes gleaming with an intensity that belied his easy smile.The briefing room was a marvel of holographic technology. A three-dimensional map of the galaxy flickered to life as Astra and the other Centurions took their seats. At the head of the table stood Nova Centurion Thales, his weathered face etched with the marks of countless battles."Centurions," Thales boomed, his voice filled with an air of command, "we have received an urgent distress call from the Vorlaxian moonbase, Sigma-7. Initial reports indicate an attack by a squadron of Xandrosian warships, most likely under the command of Xanathar Prime himself."A collective gasp rippled through the room. Xanathar, the Xandrosian warlord, was a notorious foe, his cruelty matched only by his ambition."Our mission," Thales continued, "is to secure Sigma-7 and prevent Xanathar from acquiring the prototype Hyper Warp engine being developed there. This technology could tip the balance of power in the galaxy."Astra's blood pulsed with a familiar heat. Protecting the innocent was the core of the Prism Corps' mission, and she wouldn't rest until Xanathar was brought to justice."We'll need to deploy a full squadron of battle cruisers," Orion Shield spoke up, his voice gruff but resolute. "These Xandrosian ships are no pushovers."Thales nodded. "Agreed. Vega, your ability to disrupt their communication systems will be crucial. Cygnus, you'll be tasked with creating a diversion with your gravitational manipulation. Astra, you'll lead the assault on Xanathar's flagship."A thrill of excitement shot through Astra. Leading the charge against Xanathar was an honor, but also a daunting responsibility. Her gaze met Vega and Cygnus's, and a silent oath of camaraderie passed between them."We leave at dawn," Thales concluded, his gaze sweeping across the room. "The fate of the galaxy may very well rest in our hands."As the Centurions dispersed, a grim determination settled on Astra. They were the Prism Corps, the unwavering guardians of light against the encroaching darkness. And they wouldn't falter. They would face Xanathar, and they would prevail.