Chapter 45: Prism Corps Landing Bay

A low hum vibrated through the metallic floor of the Prism Corps Landing Bay. Neon lights, casting vibrant hues of blue and purple, illuminated the cavernous space. Rows upon rows of sleek vehicles glinted under the glow, each one a marvel of technology designed for interstellar travel and combat.

Astra Blaze, her fiery red hair pulled back in a tight braid, surveyed the scene from the central command platform. As the Prism Prime, the weight of responsibility rested heavily on her shoulders. Today, the Landing Bay buzzed with an unusual energy. A recon mission to the Xandrosian moon, Xanadu, had gone dark. Cygnus Vortex, the stoic and ever-reliable wielder of the Gravity Prism, hadn't checked in for over 12 Galactic Standard Hours (GSH)."Captain Anya," Astra addressed the Denarian officer standing beside her, her voice firm. "Any updates on Cygnus' signal?"Captain Anya, clad in the standard Denarian uniform - a cobalt bodysuit overlaid with metallic armor plates - shook her head, her brow furrowed. "Negative, Prism Prime. Search drones haven't been able to penetrate Xanadu's heavy ionosphere. We're receiving heavy interference."Astra gritted her teeth. Xanadu was a desolate moon, its surface a wasteland of jagged rock and swirling dust storms. But it was also rumored to be one of Xanathar Prime's secret strongholds. The possibility that Cygnus had been captured by the Xandrosian warlord sent a surge of anger coursing through her veins.Suddenly, a flurry of activity erupted near the far end of the Landing Bay. A squad of Millennians, their bulky forms clad in heavy exoskeletons, were preparing a silver Combat Ship, its sleek hull emblazoned with the Prism Corps insignia. At the forefront stood Vega Specter, her violet eyes gleaming with a mix of concern and determination."Astra," Vega called out, her voice laced with urgency. "I'm taking a team to Xanadu. We can't wait any longer."Astra understood the urgency. Vega, with her mastery of the Spectrum Prism, was uniquely suited to pierce through the ionosphere's interference. Yet, a sense of foreboding gnawed at her. Sending a rescue team could be walking into a trap."Vega," Astra countered, her voice laced with caution, "it's too risky. We don't know what we're facing."Vega squared her shoulders. "Then we'll find out. Cygnus wouldn't hesitate to do the same for us."A tense silence hung in the air. Astra knew Vega was right. Leaving Cygnus behind wasn't an option. Finally, she sighed, a decision forming in her mind."Alright, Vega," she conceded. "You take the Combat Ship. I'll be right behind you with a squadron of Prism Gliders."A flicker of gratitude crossed Vega's face. With a curt nod, she turned and barked orders at the Millennians, their movements becoming even more brisk. Astra, meanwhile, strode towards her own shimmering red Prism Glider, its sleek lines and advanced propulsion system a testament to Vorlaxian engineering.As the hangar doors rumbled open, revealing the vast expanse of space beyond, Astra steeled herself. The mission to Xanadu would be fraught with danger, but they wouldn't leave a comrade behind. With a determined glint in her eyes, she activated the Glider's engines, the hum escalating to a deafening roar. The Prism Corps, united by their Prism Stones and unwavering courage, were about to embark on a daring rescue mission, plunging into the heart of enemy territory.