Chapter 58: Fractured Light

Nova City shimmered under the artificial sun, its neon skyscrapers casting vibrant hues across the landing bay of Prism Corps headquarters. Astra Blaze, Prism Prime, disembarked from her sleek Prism Glider, a frown etching lines on her normally radiant face. The mission report from the Denarian patrol on the Xandros border was grim."Astra," boomed a deep voice. Orion Shield, his crimson battle armor gleaming, met her halfway. "Denarians report unusual energy readings near the Xandros system. Looks like Xanathar's been tinkering again.""Not tinkering," interjected Vega Specter, her voice a distorted whisper thanks to her Spectrum Prism. "He's making a power play. Those readings match a prototype weapon the Xandrosians developed years ago – a Prism dampener."A cold dread gripped Astra. The dampener could potentially negate the Prism Corps' powers, rendering them vulnerable. They couldn't afford a fight on those terms."We need to act fast," declared Cygnus Vortex, his brow furrowed in concentration. "But we can't send in a full battalion. Not without tipping our hand.""Then we go in covert," Astra said, her voice resolute. "A small, elite team.""Agreed," Orion boomed. "But who?"Astra scanned the faces of the assembled Centurions – Denarians and Millennians hovered nearby, eager for a chance to prove themselves. Her gaze fell on a young Denarian, her eyes blazing with determination."Lieutenant Amara," Astra addressed the young woman, "you're with us. Your agility with the Kinetic Prism will be invaluable."Amara's chest puffed out with pride. A tremor of excitement ran through the Millennians and Denarians. A mission with the Centurions was a coveted honor."Vega," Astra continued, "your ability to cloak us with the Spectrum Prism will be crucial."Vega smirked, a playful glint in her shimmering form. "Always happy to be your shadow, Prime.""Cygnus," Astra said, turning to the gravity manipulator, "your tactical mind will be essential. We need a plan to bypass the dampener and neutralize the threat."Cygnus nodded curtly, his eyes already calculating the possibilities."Orion," Astra concluded, "your strength and resilience will be a welcome addition.""Ready when you are, Prime," Orion boomed, his hand hovering near his energy sword.With a team assembled, Astra relayed their mission parameters to the remaining Denarians and Millennians. They would maintain a defensive posture around Nova City while the elite squad infiltrated Xandros space.Boarding a sleek X-7 Starhawk, a prototype combat ship equipped with advanced stealth technology, the team strapped themselves in. Astra gripped the control panel, her resolve hardening. This wasn't just about protecting the Prism Corps; it was about safeguarding the peace across the cosmos. With a surge of Solar Prism energy, she activated the hyper warp engine, propelling them towards the heart of Xandros territory, a storm of uncertainty brewing in the wake of their departure.