Chapter 63: Prism Breach

Nova City shimmered under the soft glow of its artificial sun. Astra Blaze, Prism Prime, soared high above the neon cityscape, her crimson battle suit catching the reflected light. Below, a holographic news report flickered on her visor, detailing a distress call from the Vorlaxian moonbase, Xylos."Strange energy readings," the reporter announced, her voice laced with urgency. "Scientists suspect a dimensional rift may be forming."Astra frowned. Dimensional rifts were no laughing matter. They could spew forth all sorts of interdimensional nasties, from monstrous energy beings to reality-warping entities like the villainous Rift Walker.Suddenly, the distress call crackled with static, then cut out completely. Astra's heart pounded. A complete comms blackout meant one thing: trouble."Vega, Cygnus," she barked into her holo-communicator, "We've got a situation on Xylos. Report to the hangar bay, stat."Moments later, Vega Specter shimmered into existence beside her, her sleek blue battle suit crackling faintly with contained energy. "Already on it, Prime."Cygnus Vortex materialized moments after, his bulky green suit groaning slightly as he adjusted the gravity harness on his back. "What are we dealing with?""Unknown at this point," Astra replied, "But a dimensional rift is a bad sign. Suit up, team. We're heading to Xylos."Aboard the Prism Carrier, NovaThe hangar buzzed with activity as technicians swarmed around the sleek silver form of the Prism Carrier. Astra, Vega, and Cygnus strode in, their footsteps echoing on the polished metal floor. Orion Shield, a towering figure clad in golden armor, materialized beside them."Prism Prime," he boomed, his voice gravelly but firm. "Glad you could join the party.""The situation sounds serious, Orion," Astra said, her gaze fixed on the shimmering portal that materialized in the center of the hangar. It pulsed with an otherworldly energy, sending shivers down her spine."Indeed," a wispy voice confirmed. Aurora Flux, her pale form barely visible against the white energy field that surrounded her, stepped forward. "The energy signature coming from the rift is unlike anything I've encountered before."The portal flickered, and a shadowy figure emerged. It was tall and gaunt, its form shifting and distorting like a bad hologram. Two glowing red eyes stared out from its inky blackness."Greetings, Prism Corps," the figure rasped, its voice like nails scraping on stone. "I am Malachi, Herald of the Void."Astra ignited her fists with solar energy. "What do you want, Malachi?"Malachi chuckled, a sound like wind whistling through a graveyard. "I bring a message. Your precious Prism Stones hold the key to unleashing an unimaginable power. A power that will consume your pathetic universe."Before Astra could respond, a wave of dark energy erupted from the portal, engulfing the hangar bay in an inky blackness. Alarms blared, red lights strobed, and the hangar lurched violently."Brace yourselves!" Cygnus roared, manipulating the gravity around them to keep them from being thrown about.Astra focused her solar energy, creating a sphere of blinding light that pushed back the darkness. Within the bubble of light, she saw Vega phasing through Malachi's shadowy form, her spectral form leaving a trail of disintegrating energy. Orion Shield charged, his fist crackling with celestial energy, and collided with a shadowy tendril that whipped out from the portal.Cygnus, his eyes glowing green, ripped open a temporary rift in space with a flick of his wrist, hurling Malachi back through the portal. It pulsed once, then snapped shut with a bang.The hangar fell silent, the only sound the labored breathing of the heroes. Astra deactivated her light sphere, the darkness receding to reveal the hangar in disarray. Smoke curled from melted metal, and sparking wires dangled precariously."That was too close," Vega muttered, her voice laced with a hint of unease."They won't give up," Astra said, her gaze fixed on the now-dormant portal. "The Prism Stones are their target. We need to find a way to defend them."Orion stepped forward, his face grim. "Then we fight. We fight for the light, for the universe, and for everything we hold dear."A resolute nod passed between the heroes. The battle for the Prism Stones had just begun, and the fate of the universe hung in the balance.