Chapter 68: Villains Plot

In the shadowy recesses of a derelict space station, a gathering of malevolent beings plotted the downfall of the Prism Corps. The air crackled with a mix of dark energy and nervous anticipation.At the center of the room stood Void Reaver, an entity from the Null Dimension. Its form resembled a swirling vortex of inky blackness, its only discernible feature a single, glowing red eye that pulsed with an insatiable hunger. It craved to consume all light and energy in the universe, and the Prism Corps, with their mastery over light and energy, were a major obstacle.Beside Void Reaver hovered Phantom Mirage, a master illusionist clad in a shimmering robe that distorted his form. His pale, gaunt face was hidden behind a featureless mask, yet a malevolent glint emanated from his unseen eyes. In his hand, he clutched the Illusion Prism, a jewel that pulsed with an otherworldly light, granting him the power to create lifelike illusions and manipulate minds."The time is nigh," Void Reaver boomed, its voice a chilling rasp that echoed through the chamber. "The Prism Corps have grown complacent, lulled into a false sense of security by their recent victories."A third figure emerged from the shadows, cloaked in a dark robe. Rift Walker, a time-traveling villain with a score to settle with the Prism Corps, adjusted the Temporal Prism strapped to his chest. This ancient artifact allowed him to manipulate time itself, a power he intended to use to sow chaos across the cosmos."Indeed," Rift Walker chimed in, his voice a raspy whisper. "My temporal incursions have weakened their defenses. They are stretched thin, battling temporal anomalies and paradoxes of my own making."Phantom Mirage chuckled, a dry, humorless sound. "Excellent. With the heroes distracted, our combined might shall crush them! I can use my illusions to sow discord within their ranks, while you, Void Reaver, unleash your null energy to extinguish their precious light."Void Reaver pulsed with dark energy in agreement. The prospect of consuming the vast energies wielded by the Prism Corps filled it with a horrifying glee."But what of Xanathar Prime and his Xandrosian warriors?" Rift Walker questioned. "They are a considerable force, and their alliance with us is tenuous at best."A scoff escaped Phantom Mirage. "The Xandrosains are brutes, easily manipulated by promises of conquest. We shall allow them to take the brunt of the initial assault, weakening the Prism Corps before we unleash our true power."The villains fell into a tense silence, each lost in their own thoughts. The fate of the universe hung in the balance, as this unholy alliance plotted to extinguish the light and usher in an era of unending darkness.Meanwhile, oblivious to the imminent threat, the Prism Corps enjoyed a rare moment of respite within the neon-lit splendor of Nova City, their headquarters. But their peace would be short-lived, for the gathering storm was about to break.