Chapter 88: The Prism Gauntlet

Astra Blaze soared through the neon-lit cityscape of Nova Prime, the heart of the Galactic Council. Her Prism Glider, a sleek, silver vehicle powered by her Solar Prism, weaved between the towering skyscrapers. Below, the bustling crowds thrummed with an undercurrent of unease. Rumors of Xanathar Prime's growing power had reached even the most remote corners of the galaxy.Suddenly, a holographic message flickered on her wrist communicator. It was Cygnus Vortex, his voice strained with urgency. "Astra, we need you at the Prism Nexus. Nebula's back, and she's gone rogue!"Astra gritted her teeth. Nebula Vortex, a former Prism Centurion with a volatile personality, had vanished with the Quantum Prism years ago. Her unpredictable powers, including teleportation and reality manipulation, made her a formidable opponent.Hitting the afterburners on her glider, Astra shot towards the Prism Nexus, the colossal headquarters of the Prism Corps. A beacon of white marble and shimmering energy fields, it pulsed with the combined might of countless Prism Stones.Inside the central command chamber, a holographic map of the galaxy flickered ominously. Vega Specter, her violet skin casting an eerie glow, pointed to a red marker pulsing near a desolate asteroid belt. "Nebula's using the Quantum Prism to rip open a dimensional rift. The readings are off the charts."A gruff voice boomed from the back of the room. It was Orion Shield, his massive form dwarfed by the command chair. "We need to assemble a strike team. Denarians and above, report for immediate deployment."A flurry of activity erupted. Denarians, clad in sleek black battle suits with blue trim, materialized alongside Astra and the other Centurions. Millennians, their uniforms marked by silver bands, reported for duty, their hulking forms dwarfing even the Denarians.Astra glanced at the Syfon Warriors, a special regiment distinguishable by their crimson armor. Their leader, a stoic alien named Xylo, met her gaze with a grim nod. The Syfons possessed the unique ability to drain and redirect energy, which could prove invaluable against Nebula's unpredictable powers.As the Prism Corps assembled, a wave of nausea washed over Astra. Nebula was a wild card, and the potential for collateral damage was immense. Taking a deep breath, Astra steeled her resolve. The fate of the universe hinged on this mission. They had to stop Nebula before she unleashed chaos upon the cosmos.End of Chapter 88