Chapter 95: The Prism Corps Unyielding

The neon lights of Nova City, capital of the Galactic Council, cast an ethereal glow on the towering Prism Corps headquarters. Inside, tension crackled in the air like static. Astra Blaze, Prism Prime, her fiery red hair ablaze under the fluorescent lights, paced before the assembled heroes."We've received intel," she announced, her voice firm. "Xanathar Prime is amassing forces near the Xandros border. It's clear he's preparing another assault."A murmur rippled through the room. Cygnus Vortex, the stoic gravity wielder, tightened his grip on his armrests. Vega Specter, a blur of refracted light, materialized beside him."We can't let him get away with this," she said, her voice laced with static.From the back, Orion Shield, his blue battle suit gleaming, stepped forward. "We fight. As always."Astra nodded, a flicker of determination in her eyes. "But this time, we need a new tactic. Xanathar expects a full-frontal assault. We need to be unpredictable."Suddenly, a holographic image flickered to life in the center of the room. It depicted Nebula Vortex, her once-vibrant purple hair tinged with an unsettling grey. A cruel smile played on her lips."Predictable?" her voice echoed, laced with dark amusement. "How quaint. But remember, Astra, you're not the only one who can strategize."The image dissolved, leaving an ominous silence. Astra clenched her fists. Nebula's defection had been a heavy blow. Her mastery of the Quantum Prism made her a formidable opponent, able to manipulate reality itself."We need to consider all options," Astra said finally. "Cygnus, can you use your gravity well to create a diversion?"Cygnus stroked his chin, his brow furrowed in concentration. "Perhaps. But it would leave the Nova City defenses vulnerable.""Vega," Astra continued, "can you use your spectral manipulation to disrupt their communication network?"Vega gave a curt nod. "I can cause temporary blackouts, hindering their coordination."Astra turned to Orion Shield. "We need a strong presence to hold the front line. Can you and the Millennians hold them back until reinforcements arrive?"Orion puffed out his chest. "Leave that to us, Prime. We'll stand firm like a living wall."A determined glint shone in Astra's eyes. "Excellent. Now, listen closely. This is a gambit, but it's our best shot. We'll..."Astra outlined her plan, her voice dropping to a low murmur. The heroes listened intently, their faces etched with grim determination. They knew the stakes were high. The fate of the universe hung in the balance, and they were the only ones who could tip the scales.