Chapter 114: The Inside of Prism Hyper Warp Engine

Deep within the heart of Nova City, amidst the towering neon-lit skyscrapers that housed the headquarters of the Prism Corps, lay the most coveted and closely guarded technology of their time: the Prism Hyper Warp Engine. This revolutionary propulsion system was the pinnacle of Vorlaxian engineering, capable of propelling starcraft across vast cosmic distances in the blink of an eye.

Commander Astra Blaze, the Prism Prime, strode purposefully through the corridors of the Prism Corps' advanced facility. Her Solar Prism glowed softly, resonating with the ambient energy of the Prism Stones embedded throughout the building. Her thoughts were focused on the latest intelligence briefing regarding Xanathar Prime's movements near the galactic rim.

As Astra approached the entrance to the Hyper Warp Engine chamber, she was greeted by Syfon Warriors, led by Cygnus Vortex, the Syfon Warrior. They stood guard, their Gravity Prisms faintly humming with contained power. Cygnus nodded respectfully to Astra, acknowledging her presence as the leader of the Corps.

"Commander Blaze," Cygnus greeted, his voice resonating with the authority befitting his rank. "The Hyper Warp Engine is at your disposal."

Astra returned the nod, her expression serious yet determined. "Prepare the engine for activation. We need to reach the Fringe Nebula before Xanathar's forces can establish a foothold."

Inside the chamber, the Hyper Warp Engine loomed like a crystalline monolith, its surface shimmering with the captured essence of dying stars. Nebula Vortex, the rogue Quantum Prism wielder, was already at the controls, her eyes ablaze with the unearthly glow of her Prism's power.

"Astra," Nebula acknowledged with a hint of defiance in her voice. Despite her recent betrayal of the Corps, her mastery of quantum mechanics made her indispensable for operations requiring precise interstellar jumps.

"We don't have time for games, Nebula," Astra replied sternly. "Set the coordinates for the Fringe Nebula, and initiate the sequence."

Nebula hesitated for a moment, her fingers dancing across the holographic interface. With a flicker of blue light, the Hyper Warp Engine hummed to life, generating a gravitational singularity that folded space-time around the Prism Corps' vessel. The walls of reality seemed to bend and twist, displaying the cosmic tapestry of stars and nebulae before settling on their destination.

As the engine stabilized, Astra turned to her team. "Prepare for immediate departure. We have a warlord to confront."

The Syfon Warriors and other Corps members onboard the vessel secured their positions, their Battle Suits shimmering with protective energy fields powered by their respective Prism Stones. Vega Specter monitored the ship's electromagnetic signatures, ensuring they remained undetected by Xanathar's scouts.

With a surge of energy, the Hyper Warp Engine propelled the Prism Corps' ship into the depths of hyperspace. Stars blurred into streaks of light as they hurtled towards the Fringe Nebula, where the fate of galaxies would once again be decided by the clash of Prism-powered forces.

And amidst the thrum of the Hyper Warp Engine, Astra Blaze knew that their journey would test not only their mettle but the very essence of their bonds as the protectors of peace in a universe teetering on the brink of darkness.