Elsa sat stiff backed on her throne, her marble brow carved with a few lines of stress. The beautiful princess wasn't a young girl anymore - In fact, she was now a gorgeous queen, reigning with calm command over her lands. Except it wasn't so calm anymore - The Kingdom of Arendelle had been attacked by a strange monster a few months ago. A huge frost demon - It had been defeated easily, but it was a sign of things to come. The attacks grew and grew, and before long the meagre, ceremonial army of the little northern fiefdom was soon struggling completely. It was then that Elsa received a letter - Some mercenary forces offering their aid? Lead by some great warrior known as 'Malik the Master,' apparently. They were expensive, but apparently nearby and ready to aid, having completed another contract. It was said they hailed from southern lands, which Elsa believed were reputed for their strength. With hope in her heart, she accepted their offer. The hour had come for their appointment - And it appeared they were fashionably late for their arrival in her greetings hall. She waited, hands in her lap, worried if they were even going to come. It was then that the doors crashed open- Almost flew off their hinges!
The band of mercenaries each looked so different compared to the men of Arendalle. Instead of the sickly pale skin that the locals had, they ranged from a light sun-kissed brown to a chocolate darkness. Every one of the men towered over her own subjects, with their supposed leader standing out even more. He was a beast of a man, fit muscles bulging with each step that he took. Instead of the fur clothes and fine jewellery the nobles of her own kingdom wore, these men were more primal. Malik, their leader, was dressed in loose trousers with a large blade on his hip. He wore no shirt, instead having the hide of some predator wrapped around his shoulder akin to a cloak, adorned with golden chains. Multiple golden bracelets gleamed under the sun, adorning his forearms and bicep, fitting in nicely with his large ring. The dark-skinned foreigner seemed to be wearing an entire Queen's ransom of gold on his body-, and his men mostly dressed the same. "Your Majesty-" His rich and cultured voice echoed out, bleeding with an odd accent.
She gasped a little, and immediately rose to greet them when she saw the man leading the party. Normally she'd sit, expect her ring kissed. But for some reason, her body rose. Malik stepped forward and gave a courtesy, putting one hand in front of him and the other on his back. It was a polite bow, yet the mocking smile on his lips and the way his dark eyes smouldered into her plump rear removed any respect from the gesture. Elsa stood tall, trying to keep a calm and serious face. But a childlike, girlish wonder spread over her features as she saw the men... The heroes... These- Demigod warriors striding into her throne room. They were obviously beyond mighty- Rich, hale, healthy, hearty, STRONG, and MANLY above all. None of them had the sickly weak touch that every male of Arendelle seemed possessed with, brought on by the weakening cold of their land.
His chains chook once under the sudden movement before he reeled back and smiled, a charming roguish one. She blinked in surprise when he rose from his bow, having simply taken one step forward... And then back. Her beautiful legs slipped out of her flowing icy-blue dress, through the elegant but conservative slits cut through the fabric. The dress, for all its plainess, couldn't contain her absolute wobble-wagon of an ass, however. You could almost see it from the front. Two round globes of pure jiggling PAWGmeat, bulging out of that blue fabric so tight it was being sucked into the tight cleavage of her cheeks. Her tits were healthy D cups two, with an alluring slice of cleavage on display- Not too much, just a hint. Elsa was clearly a queen of class- Malik didn't want a whore right of the bat- He wanted to MAKE a whore, finely sculpt one to his liking. "You are as pretty as the rumours suggested-" Malik laughed. "Good! Otherwise I'd have to sail back home!" It was a booming laugh, even as the court got riled up at his utterly disrespectful words.
"Ahem~ Well-" The Queen was taken aback at the compliment. Elsa forced a smirk, and jiggled down from her throne, to approach the man. It was then she realised how... MUCH taller he was than her. She stammered- "Thank... Thank you, Mr Malik. You are... Ahehum~" Her voice cracked as she tried to come up with a compliment that was appropriate- And didn't entirely succeed. The words just slipped out her mouth, making her blush. "The most manly warrior I have ever seen. Malik is your name, yes?" She paused. "We, of course, would not wish you to sail home!" Elsa went pink to the ears- At least she hadn't admitted that he was getting her panties wet already.
"Aha? Manly?" Malik let out another round of laughter, his men joining in. "Aye. The ladies I leave in my wake often call me virile, too!" There was not a hint of hesitation in the eyes or behaviour of this foreigner. He basked in the compliment and disgust of the remainder of her court, noticing the intense eyes the Queen was making at him. The difference in their height meant that Else only reached his chest-, his uncovered and bare chest, covered in old scars and sculpted like a statue. His pecs were hefty and broad, the type she'd most likely struggle to fully wrap her hands around.
"A-Ahem~" Elsa flushed, regretting her words already. Elsa couldn't restrain her innocent yet smouldering look- She had no husband of course, and limited sexual experience... So this stud of a man taking an interest in her immediately set her womb on fire. He could practically smell it on her. She could literally smell his virile musk and sweat.
Malik didn't bother paying even the councillors and noblemen with a lick of attention and instead clapped his hands, causing two of his men to step forward with a small pile of gifts. They put them down next to the man. "In my culture, the sharing of gifts is important!" He laughed. "Come! I have brought many fine goods!"
When he offered the gifts, Elsa gave a little gasp- "Well- Well thank you! What a fine cultural custom. It is not the way of our lands, but I will ensure you are gifted richly- And paid well too, naturally, for your services." Elsa had meant to hold out her hand for Malik to kiss, but she was now just standing beneath him like a shy little girl. "Ah! Being in service of a queen of your beauty is reward enough!" Malik reached down, his rough and calloused hand accepting his hand and kissing the back of her palm. "-But naturally payment is rather welcome." He added with a wink. They were still mercenaries, no matter how much of a flirt Malik was, gold was gold. In contrast to his pecs, her waist was the daintiest little thing, and he'd have no problem hoisting her up. "Ahahaha~ You flatter me, Malik!" Elsa grinned- She hadn't even noticed she'd extended her hand. She was thinking so much about this man her actions seemed to be on auto pilot already.
The gifts were a bit of a cruel joke, they were the clothes of his country-, ones gifted to prostitutes, dancers and harem-girls, not anything a self-respecting woman would wear. There were fine silken goods, minuscule bikini's, revealing dresses, some odd underwear with the words 'BLACKED' on it and even a collar of pure gold.
Elsa was blushing and grinning over the gifts. Gold, jewels... And then she noticed all the slutwear. She spotted what appeared to be a miniscule bikini- "These are... Garments, of your land?" She blushed as she inspected the piles that were held out to her- Jiggling her fat, wobbling assmeat a little as she bent forward to look nearer. "Well- Well- Th-Thank you..."
His eyes dipped low, shamelessly glancing at her ass as she leaned forward. "It is important in my culture to show a proper appreciation of gifts! Perhaps you should put them on?" Elsa smiled weakly- "It is, is it? I can see these gifts are well adjusted for a warm climate- But thankfully it is Summer here, so they come at an auspicious time." It was possible for it to be hot and lovely during the summer in Arendelle, hence the Queen's light Summer dress. "In fact, it's a real heat spell this week! So your gifts are perfectly timed- I'd be flattered to try them on."
The large dark-skinned mercenary smiled. As one of the nobles in the crowd was about to step up and intervene, one of Malik's own men held him back. It seemed that the crowd wanted to see this Queen dressed like a proper whore for her amusement. Malik shot his men a few amused looks. He knew that they'd be looking to pick up some of the nobles and servants themselves. The dark-skinned foreigner smiled and clapped his hands together. "That sounds perfect - I'm certain my people's dresses will look stunning on you, girl…" Elsa nodded submissively- "I don't doubt it, Malik~! They seem like elegant garments, from an elegant people." The snowbunny ice-queen was about to get melted.
Standing this close to Malik, the Queen could just feel his presence bearing down on her. "It would be impolite not to!" Elsa nodded- "I quite agree. Well, I shall come to my chambers." Elsa frowned. There was the problem of wearing all of these in front of her court, however. Mybe that was best avoided. She added, in all sincerity- "Why don't you accompany so we can continue discussing, Malik?" She'd soon be calling him Master, much more polite. Her request was innocent in Elsa's mind, but everyone could see the MILF Queen was blown away by his manly black body.
She calmly drew back, still staring at Malik's chest... Her eyes dropping a little lower as she got further away. Elsa smiled to her people- "Dear Lords and Ladies, thank you for attending- I hope you'll make our guests feel at home. Those of you who have spare rooms in your palaces and mansions in the city, I hope you will provide food and board for these brave warriors defending our kingdom." With those casual remarks, Elsa ensured every noble wife in the city was going to become a slutty twerkthot snowbunny and have a black baby in her. And probably every maid too.
And with that, as the pair were about to leave, Malik's hand reached for the Queen's fat pawg ass. His black fingers dug into her pale cheeks, groping it without even a care in the world. He wanted these stupid retainers and bitches to see how you'd properly treated a whore like this snowbunny of a Queen. The Queen turned to walk to the door, and went red in the face as she felt that POWERFUL hand GRIP her quivering wobblemeat. "H-Hnh-" She opened her mouth to snap... And shut it. Best not to cause a scene in public. She knew these men had different customs. And so Elsa jiggled her fat MILFmeat towards the exit doors.
Two of his men followed for now, carrying the gifts with them. As they reached the edge of the hall, just before they left the room, Malik's hand raised up and SMACKED her fat ass. He felt it jiggle and wiggle under his touch, causing him to smile. Once they reached the Queen's chamber, Malik removed his hand from her ass and instead sat down on one of her chairs, his men putting the gifts down and leaving. Right as they were opened by the two pale retainer guards, who were blushing for their Queen, she gave an open girlish squeal as a black hand collided with her rump. "A-Anh~! F-" She stopped herself from swearing. "M-Mr Malik!" She objected haughtily as they left the room, to try and make it seem like she was going to give this mercenary a talking to. she did no such thing, instead obediently leading the mercenary to her chambers, with his hand gripping her PAWGmeat even harder than before. "M-Mr Malik, is it customary for large men like yourself to smack the rears of women? In my culture it is... F-Far from appropriate. I hope you understand my asking." Her breathing was raggedy from the arousal of having her ass squeezed, and her adorable little nose was twitching repeatedly, inhaling his powerful masculine scent. Elsa was breaking hilariously easily. Malik simply shrugged. "I see-, in my country, it is a mere show of appreciation for a woman! I shall try to remember your people do not enjoy it." Elsa stammered, simpering, playing with her hair as she spoke. "W-Well I of course appreciate your- your- Show of appreciation, Malik!" The melting Queen smiled apologetically for objection- "B-But, well... Women in my kingdom may not take kindly to it, necessarily." She couldn't even bring herself to tell the stud to stop.
Elsa thanked the men with the gifts, and turned. "A drink? Of course, Malik." She smiled politely. Now he'd dropped her title, it was time for him to request she use one with him. "A beautiful woman? Oh, Mr Malik, really, you musn't... I'm aging!" The Queen laughed, a little sadly. She was a total slutty beauty, but evidently her people didn't appreciate her fat titties and dumptruck rear. Maybe they wanted her to be more dainty and slight. All the more loss for them.
"Ah! But a woman is like a fine wine! The best get older with age!" Malik replied with another of his foreign sayings and charming smiles. He shook his head at the idiocy of the people of this land. Not only did they let such a whore of a woman rule over them, but they did not even appreciate her fine appearance. As he sat down, he mulled over her words about his 'unacceptable' behaviour, acting as if he took the matter seriously.
Elsa giggled- She rarely got compliments that seemed so sincere. "Oh, really?" She let herself mewl like a schoolgirl with this man.
"Ah, Elsa-" He didn't even care about using her title anymore. "I'm rather thirsty-, how about a drink? I enjoy it more when a beautiful woman pours it for me-, perhaps after you change outfits?" He was curious to see which of the slutty outfits this massive whore was going to pick.
"Oh, change first? Very good..." Elsa walked behind a screen to change... Quite casually hanging her clothes over the top, so he could imagine the process of her stripping down. "Oh~! I forgot to- Whoops-" Elsa leaned out of the screen, hiding her breasts with a scrunched up dress... And plucked a few things from the pile. As Elsa got to changing, Malik enjoyed the imaginary show in his head, flashing her a wide smile the moment she peeked out behind it to showcase her fine figure. Ah-, that woman was just asking for it. Despite this he tempered his patience, knowing well that you couldn't rush a slut like this without her trying to run off.
She emerged a few minutes later, blushing with shame. "I must say, this is... A provocative outfit- Or would be, in my culture~" Elsa giggled shyly. The Queen, simply put, looked like a massive slut. Her feet were snug in shiny white platform heels, and she had on a tight white dress, all see through, as it was a mixture of tight and loose fishnet in various ornamental patterns, totally showing off her whole cleavage, all her thighmeat, and not even managing to stretch over her whole ass, leaving the undercurve of her wobblemeat hanging out. She had some cute little gloves on also, and her white panties from earlier conviently matched the dress- They were very visible through it. No bra, naturally, the tight fabric keeping her fat titties supporting, nipples clear through the fabric. "Well- A-Ahem- It's very charming! Thank you very much." Elsa moved to her little kitchenette to start pouring a drink.
"Ah, but you see it is quite hot in my homeland." Malik replied. "So our clothing reveals much." He drank in the sight of the Snowbunny, his eyes carelessly shifting from her cunt, to her fat rear before settling on her nipples, looking straight at them without even a hint of worry.
Elsa nodded, smiling, as she stood politely before him, hands folded together. "I understand entirely~! As I said, it is a very hot time here- The winter snows have finally melted away, so we enjoy a brief period of heat and sun..." She tossed her bouncing waves of golden hair. Malik figured he might twist those into pigtail fuckhandles. Elsa felt his eyes roving over her, and just giggled like a retard.
As Elsa moved to pour him a drink, Malik leaned back in his chair and scratched at his cheek, seemingly debating what to ask next. "Ah, you look stunning Elsa! In my culture women offer drinks by kneeling next to their men-, it is ah, a gesture of respect for soldiers." -It also would show off her fat ass even more and give him an idea of what she looked like when giving a blowjob.
Without any real questioning, Elsa blushed, but obeyed- "Ahaha, I see~ What funny customs you have! You seem to treat women with real delicacy... In Arendelle, women are expected to do all the things men do." She mumbled. "And then some more, often. But I certainly MUST show respect for soldiers~!" Elsa laughed. This stressed out queen clearly needed someone to take over her duties and let enjoy being a BBC whore like she was clearly born to be, or she'd shorten her lifespan with all the stress! The pale beauty, in that slutty white dress, sank to her knees by the side of the powerful mercenary general, and turned her cute face up to him. With both hands, she raised a silver chalice for him to drink from, full of a hot and spiced wine. Her PAWGmeat was enormous, and almost hid her little feet as she kneeled.
Malik enjoyed the attention and admissions of the Queen. With one of his hands he accepted the cup of spiced wine and downed about half of it in a single motion, not even showing a reaction. His other hand, instead reached down and groped her fat pale ass as she sat there, kneeling. "Ah yes. Our women are VERY delicate. Very prized! It is a harsh land we come from, so the men take on the dangerous tasks!" That was a very creative interpretation of the dynamics back in Malik's homeland. The mercenary's fingers kneaded the queen's doughy ass, his fingers enjoying her softness under his touch. Slowly he reeled his hand back and SMACKED her cheek again, letting it wiggle despite her earlier complaints about it. The wobblemeat queen had elegant pink lips- Which would soon by fat sloppy dicksuckers, painted up to leave messy lipstick marks over Malik's fat breeding rod. And a cute little moan came through those lips as his powerful hand reached down and groped up her thick assmeat, shaking that PAWG behind.
"You said your women might not enjoy getting spanked," He grinned. "-But you never said you do not enjoy it, Elsa. You Arendelle women have such fat asses, obviously you're made for it." It seemed that he was going to make her beg to stop, knowing full well that this spankslut wouldn't dare to do so. He took another sip of the drink as her fat ass-cheeks swayed under his touch. He spread her cheeks, pushing them open and aside. His fingers fully explored her behind, claiming it like it was a common tavern wenches' ass.
The Queen squealed again, unable to restrain a lewd moan. "NhnANh~!" She gasped heavily, and her breathing only got more desperate as her arousal built. She could feel her womb throbbing, and she had such a scrunched up, eyes-crossed little hentai face, it was a miracle she wasn't begging to get fucked already. "W-Well you're a visiting soldier, and I need your support..." Elsa openly admitted he had an advantage over her. But she also refused to admit she was a horny little slut, which he'd eventually coax out of her too. "... So it wouldn't be proper not to- Sh-Show respect to your culture!"
He leaned back, spreading his legs wider, showing off his bulge. "Perhaps you should try on another dress? The underwear?"
Elsa's weak breathing resumed as his fingers casually spread her asscheeks open and apart, weighing each globe in his hand, squeezing and tugging and kneading. "Y-Yes Malik, a good idea... Hnfhn... We should check they fit, perhaps..." She stood up with wobbling knees, and staggered behind the curtain. "Please understand Malik, I am grateful for your gifts, and for your coming to my kingdom's aid. I-I apologise if I seem reserved... Our cultures are very different." She said all this while changing, her voice quavering with arousal she was trying to hide. "I would like us to be friends while you are here."
She stepped back out in a tight golden dress that hugged her curves- It was cut through all over, showing off almost all her ass with a few tiny strips over it, and the same with her tits, a nipple openly popped out. Tight golden fishnets laced up her legs and over her fat ass, the bottom half of whose swell was entirely unrestrained by the dress. Elsa had also fixed the collar around her neck, and she stepped shyly over to Malik. "Well this is- Certainly... A striking dress. My thanks, Malik." The collar had a noticeable loop on it for a leash.
Malik bounced to his feet as the Queen stepped out from behind the changing curtain. He inspected the slutty appearance of the Queen before hooking his finger through the loop of the collar and pulling her in. He didn't have a leash with him just yet, but he wouldn't be leaving this palace before getting this piggy to beg him to put one on her. "Ah yes, I too would like us to be close-" He leaned down. "Friends.." Elsa gave a tiny, breathless gasp... And allowed herself to be tugged in, stumbling into the wall of flesh, her pale tits squishing into his chest, until he firmly span her around and tucked her into his side. Eventually she'd be snotting and drooling and crying into a pillow, begging him to put hooks in her nose and leash her forever like an animal.
The way he spoke made her give a terrified smile. "Y-Yes, of cou-Rs~E~!" Her voice cracked again as his hand CRACKED against her ass, making it wobble, before he firmly gripped the fat PAWGmeat, and rolled it in his hand under her dress. She listened obediently.
Due to Malik's movement, the Queen had been pulled into his side, almost attached to his hip as mere arm-candy. She could feel his powerful and broad muscles, and smell the faint hint of sweat combined with his powerful domineering natural scent. The Queen could see their reflection in a nearby mirror, one where they looked just like master and slave. He once more groped her ass before spanking it, letting it jiggle once more. "Respect is very important! My men would appreciate if you remained ah-, dressed as a woman in our culture should when you come meet with me."
Elsa barely processed how outrageous the request was. He was to be obeyed, her body did the thinking for her. "H-Hnh- Very well Malik, I understand... I couldn't afford to have your troops take a disliking to me!" She haughtily coughed. "I-I am of course their employer now, so I need my subordinates to respect me. Any advice you have on winning their favour is appreciated- I will... Dress in the clothes you provide so they maintain their respect for both of us."
With that he finally removed himself from her hip and stepped over to the seat once more. He drained his cup of wine before moving towards the door-, knowing full well that you had to deny a slut like this to get her to break. Perhaps a cold night alone, while the rumours of his men's sexual prowess filled the capital, would make her more obedient. He'd edge the needy little ice-slut. "I shall be leaving then for the day-" He bowed, grinning again. "Unless you require me for something else?"
His drawing back made her gulp a little- She was already needy for him. "O-Oh- Going so soon? Well- Very well, I don't doubt you have duties to fulfil." Elsa panted softly. "No, I do not require you. I suppose we ought to meet for a strategy meeting." The idea was laughable. Malik wasn't going to work WITH her pitiful army, or listen to the babblings of her or her generals. He was paid to win the war, and he was going to. If that meant he had to assume total control of the kingdom, including its snowbunny queen's pussy, then he'd do so.
The three days before the first battle, Elsa had been unable to stop thinking about Malik. Much to her shame, he pervaded all her dreams, and she was thrilled by reports from the city that he effortlessly found a new woman to bring to bed every night- She couldn't admit it to herself, but it made her JEALOUS. The first battle against Arendelle's foes ended as a mess. While Malik's men fought bravely and fulfilled their obligations to the kingdom, the Queen's own incompetent and bumbling generals almost ruined the entire fight. They gave cowardly options, prioritizing their own safety to a comical degree and refusing to send out their troops to aid the mercenaries. As such, the Queen ended up finding a special letter penned to her, one written by Malik himself.
Elsa, Your men prove to be unredeemable curs. While you are a stunning woman, my duty is to my troops. I refuse to serve as a shield for your cowardly generals. My men demand a public apology. Wear this outfit and come to my room or we shall leave at sunrise. -Malik.
The outfit in question was a true whore's wet dream. Slutty high heels, a top made of fishnet that kept her breasts and nipples visible, stockings that held her fat thighs together and nothing to cover her ass, letting it dangle and jiggle right out. It also had a collar and leash with it, making it clear she'd be humiliating herself for this sin.
When she read the letter, she felt a thrill of shame, blushing to the ears. She summoned her generals, and upbraided them entirely publically, spitting at their feet in disgust. The men shuffled away, their pride knocked out of them, leaving them like ghosts. Elsa retired to her chambers, and licked her lips as she changed into her outfit. Elsa knew that if she went, she would be admitting she couldn't do without Malik. She was admitting she would do anything to keep him there. But then again... What was the use in denying it? It was TRUE she couldn't do without him, and everyone knew it. Elsa was just doing what she had to, she told herself. And really, she just wanted to get BLACKED!
Malik himself was feasting in his room, his most trusted captains with him. It was clear that whatever the Queen was about to be put through, it would be public, something for the men to admire and laugh at. With the pathetic display of her own military, if Malik and his men left the kingdom would be ruined, leaving the Queen no other choice - Although it was doubtful she minded it all too much.
Malik's feasting, that very same night, was interrupted by a knock at the door. When it was opened, Elsa was revealed. Her thick PAWG booty was stuffed into the outrageously slutty fishnet dress that framed the round swell of her asscheeks in fabric, but left it totally exposed. Likewise, there was a comically enormous boob window, and the mesh-dress left her tits and ass to wobble with every step it gave to little support. The blonde haired queen bowed her head. Her very first words were just what he wanted to hear. "I, Elsa, Queen of Arendelle, apologise to you, Malik, for my failure to control my generals adequately."
As Queen Elsa stepped into the feasting hall, she found that many of Malik's men and captains already had some entertainment for the night. She could recognize a few noblewomen and maids in the sea of faces, accompanied by commoners they'd most likely picked up for the feast. At the very least, Malik himself seemed to not have had a woman with him yet. "Ahhh-" Malik raised his hand. "It is the Queen of the cowards."
Elsa flinched, but she knew that it was true. She could only mumble, again. "I-I'm very sorry. My Generals are indeed cowards."
She had the a trim collar on, black like her fishnets and chunky heels, which had a nice little leash ring in again. She came with a small handbag, and holding a leash to be attached to the collar in another. Already, entering the hot and musky feasting chamber, the ice queen was blushing and sweating. Else added, hopefully. "I implore you not to depart."
His men jeered and laughed, hungry gazes settled on her ass. When she bowed her head and apologized, the commander of the mercenaries stood up from his seat. He drank greedily from his cup of wine as he approached the whore of a woman. While her head was still bent low, he groped her ass again, letting her finally feel that touch she'd been craving for so long again. Now, with no clothing to cover her, she could feel his callouses. The blonde beauty stayed bowed, almost waiting for him to come over and grope her- And she got her wish. His thick hand sank into her pale, dewed assflesh, already shining with sweat from the heat of the feasting hall. The fat of her rump parted round her fingers.
"It is good for your kingdom that you came-, but words are easy!" He SPANKED her ass, letting the pathetic sound fill the room. Without another word he snagged the leash out of her hands and inspected it. He slowly yanked on it, dragging the Queen a step forward. His hefty cock strained against his trousers, letting the Queen catch sight of that from the corner of her eyes.
"Anh~!" He forced a lewd moan from her lips as he smacked his hand upwards from the grope, sending her ass wobbling. Casually, Malik snatched the leash and clipped it to her collar, before deftly pulling her. Elsa staggered forwards on her chunky heels, eyes immediately on his bulge again.
Malik chuckled gruffly. "On your knees, crawl with me." He tugged on the leash and walked back to his seat. "There is a...ritual of my people that you can do for forgiveness." Elsa gulped nervously as she crawled towards the Black Stud looming over her, sitting down with his legs spread. What was she going to have to do to make up for the failure of her generals? How low would she go to preserve her kingdom?
[A/N: Hey everyone! Hope you enjoyed this little story - A second chapter is in the works, just thought it'd be nice to break it up into parts to see what people think. Anyways, if you'd like to checkout the second chapter in advance then you can join my patreon :)
Patreon: patreon.com/HolyPeak]