chapter 4 woke up

The blue haired girl worried holding the blond boy who fell unconscious not too long ago was scared, what happened to the boy?

What will happen to them? What is going to be their life now that they are captured as slaves? All the thoughts worried her scared her.


But suddenly the blond haired whisker mark boy opend his eyes.


- a few moments ago-

-inside sealed space-

"So you mean a masked man was...."

"I will answer all your questions but before that remember I told you we will train you to become a ninja"

" It's time for the first practical lesson. Most of the pireats are sleeping or drunk this is the best chance to get out of our pridicment."

" Alright, eh..but how do I get out " shing then freaking out because of lack of information as to how to get out of the seal.

Seeing her son's antics even after the heavy story Kushina giggling

"Silly boy this is your mind you can get in or out of hear whenever you want just focus."

"Oh" not even complaining Naruto directly start to focus on getting out of the seal.

Which brings us back to the current situation where a blue haired beauty is almost hugging him with his head on her lap resting.

Startled Naruto jumped up but before he cude make any noice the voice of minato came into mind

'dont make noise, remember a ninja must always keep calm in any situation, even if you are not calm do not show it on the outside.'

' Take a deep but even breath slowly. It is a basic way to calm down without alerting others that you lost your composure'

' now first thing handpick the lock on your hands and legs'

"Alright, thanks" facing the girl Naruto thanked her for protecting him while he was unconscious.

Moving his hands and feets Naruto strats using the ninja technique to remove the handcuffs from his body.

' that's not how you do it son, move your hands to increase sweat around your rist and then twist your hands a little, use the slipperyness of your sweat to take out your hands'

Following his mother's advice Naruto started twisting his rist creating friction increase sweat and slowly pull his hand out.

' yes, just like that, now use the pin on your jacket to open the lock'

'ok' determined to prove himself in front of his parents Naruto started to open the lock with the help of the pin holding the white spiral symbol on side of his jacket.

Meanwhile Ain the blue haired girl who Naruto had not yet known the of was dumbfounded.

What is this, hear she was worried about her life and what will happen in the future and now hear is boy who has not yet even introduced himself got in the cell unconscious then woke up then fainted again and now hear he is removing the cuffs like he has done it a dozen of times.

What is going on, where am I, who is this

Questions after questions came into her mind but as soon as those questions came they were thrown away because it doesn't matter she got a life strow, a way to get out of this cage, to not be sold as a slave and she will take the chance.

"Huff finally the locks are gone now to do..."

"Hay ummm..." U have finally mustered up the courage say something Ain.


Looking at the girl's nervous appearance Naruto was momentorly confused

"Oh you want me to open the lock for you as well"


" Ha I was going to do that anyway we need someone to control this ship to land on an iland as soon as possible."

"... what?...umm ..?" Want to ask what the blond was talking about but not knowing how to address him the girl started blushing

As if realising the same at the same time Naruto also blushed...



"Hahahahahah hahah"

Both minato and Kushina cude not keep calm and start laughing

"Oh it's so cute you to did not even know your names"

" It seems we don't need to worry about our son's future love life"

" Hay you guys really started to worry about my future love life" embrace Naruto started to complain to his parents.

" Don't worry I will take care of the pireats."

Confident about his effencency in dealing with pireats Naruto reassure the girl

"By the way my name is Naruto, Uzumaki Naruto" straching his hands out for the girl Naruto asked for her name.