How is it him!

With Ethan Parker joining in, the remaining troublemakers were quickly taken care of. The last of the rowdy group, Duke, didn't escape either. Just as he was about to utter a few threatening words, Ethan Parker's foot landed squarely on his face, causing him to pass out instantly.

Ignoring the guy with the injured spine for the moment, Bull Sanli pointed at the unconscious Duke with his collapsed nose and exclaimed to Ethan Parker with admiration, "Brother, no, Ethan Parker, I respect you. You're truly ruthless! No wonder that guy Ji Shisheng got killed by you!"

It was only at this moment that Bull Sanli truly acknowledged Ethan Parker. This time, calling him "Ethan Parker" was far more sincere than the previous fake flattery!

Many of the prisoners present were people from the underworld. When they heard that Ethan Parker was responsible for Ji Shisheng's death, they were horrified. Their gazes towards Ethan Parker became filled with a mix of respect and fear.

"The guards are coming!" Someone shouted, and the crowd quickly lined up neatly, making way for the guards.

"What happened? Who was involved in the fight?" Officer Zhang came over with a baton, his face stern.

Ethan Parker, Bull Sanli, Qi Wenrui, and Zhai Lei stepped forward.

"What are your names?" Officer Zhang asked.

"Ethan Parker."

"Bull Sanli."

"Qi Wenrui."

"Zhai Lei."

Ethan Parker? Officer Zhang thought, so he's the one! Captain Ava Fei had asked me to take care of you, but it seems you don't need my help!

It turned out that Ava Fei thought highly of Ethan Parker and was worried he might be bullied in prison. She specifically asked her old classmate, Officer Zhang, to keep an eye on him.

"What happened?" Officer Zhang's tone softened a bit. If Ethan Parker had been the one getting beaten up, his old classmate would have certainly blamed him!

"Reporting, Yu Xiangde saw that Ethan Parker was new here and started causing trouble. Since we're all from the same cell, we got into a fight with them!" Bull Sanli explained.

Causing trouble? Ethan Parker was puzzled. It was clear that the fight had started between Yu Xiangde and Zhai Lei, and they had intervened to help. How did it turn into bullying him? Isn't this a blatant lie? With so many people around, wouldn't the guards find out the truth?

Just as Ethan Parker was about to speak, Bull Sanli gave him a wink. Ethan Parker had to hold his tongue.

Officer Zhang nodded, believing most of Bull Sanli's story. It was common for old prisoners to bully newcomers, and it usually didn't require much provocation. So, he didn't suspect much. "Is that what happened?" Officer Zhang asked the other prisoners.

"We're not sure, but it seems that way," the prisoners mumbled, shaking their heads.

Ethan Parker was baffled. No wonder Bull Sanli could lie so naturally. It turns out there was no chance of getting caught! He didn't realize that the prisoners here preferred to keep out of others' business. No one wanted to testify and risk retaliation, especially after witnessing Ethan Parker's ruthlessness.

Officer Zhang, aware that most witnesses were uncooperative, didn't press further. He instructed the other guards, "Check if any of them are seriously injured. Send those who need medical attention to the infirmary. The rest, put them in solitary confinement!"

Surprisingly, Ethan Parker and his group were sent back to their cell without any punishment.

"Brother Bull, why did you say that Yu Xiangde was bullying me?" Ethan Parker asked, puzzled.

"Heh, Ethan Parker, you're new here and don't know the rules. If I had said the fight was over a seat, both sides would be held responsible. But if it's about bullying a newcomer, the blame is entirely on them! Otherwise, we'd all be in solitary tonight!" Bull Sanli explained.

"Aren't you afraid they'll wake up and report us?" Ethan Parker asked.

"They won't. They'll swallow this bitter pill. In prison, conflicts are settled with strength. Anyone who reports will be despised by all the inmates! Unless Yu Xiangde doesn't want to stay here anymore, he won't do something so disgraceful!" Bull Sanli laughed.

Ethan Parker laughed too, realizing the unwritten rules of the place. Yu Xiangde was out of luck!

The next morning, on their way to the canteen for breakfast, people automatically made way for Ethan Parker wherever he went. He had become like the prison boss from a movie.

Previously, the prison had been divided between the factions led by Yu Xiangde and Bull Sanli, coexisting without interfering with each other. Who knew why Yu Xiangde had decided to provoke Bull Sanli's group yesterday. But this action disrupted the balance. Now, everyone knew that Bull Sanli's cell had a new ruthless member named Ethan Parker, instinctively making him the prison leader.

After yesterday's incident, Bull Sanli began calling Ethan Parker by his full name, as did Qi Wenrui and Zhai Lei.


Hua Sheng North Police Station.

"Officer Xia, I... I don't want to see that person again..." Eleanor shook her head.

"No, before we submit the case to the court, you must identify the suspect one last time," Officer Charlotte said.

"But even if I go, I can't recognize him. At the time, I was so scared I didn't dare open my eyes, and later I fainted..." Eleanor said.

"It's okay, it's just a procedure. Based on your case, the suspect was caught in the act, so even if you don't recognize him, the court can still convict him," Charlotte explained.

Thus, accompanied by Charlotte and Ava Fei, Eleanor arrived at Hua Sheng North Police Station.

"Ethan Parker! Come out!" Officer Zhang opened the cell door and called for Ethan Parker.

Ethan Parker was then taken to a room with a glass partition. The glass was one-way, allowing Eleanor to see Ethan Parker, but he couldn't see her.

Ethan Parker had heard from Bull Sanli that once you were taken out for identification, it meant the court date was approaching. Ethan Parker was actually looking forward to this day. He'd rather be in prison than in this place, where time didn't count towards his sentence.

"How is it him?" Eleanor exclaimed in shock upon seeing Ethan Parker through the glass.