Chapter 9: A Gun to the Head!


Moreover, in the corridor outside, there were definitely many bloodstains she had left as she walked. If those thugs noticed the blood traces when they reached this floor, they could easily follow them and find Lu Ting's room!


So, the longer he stayed in this hotel, the more troublesome the situation would become!


Without hesitation, after taking a deep breath, Lu Ting opened the door and walked out.


As soon as he stepped out, he headed straight towards the end of the corridor on the right.


When checking into the hotel yesterday, Lu Ting had already discovered that there was a back door in the kitchen that led to another street. The staircase at the end of the right-hand corridor was the closest route to the kitchen.


"Get out here! Bitch!!"


"Shut up! Stop screaming! If you keep yelling, I'll shoot your mouth off!!"


"Have you seen this woman?!"


As Lu Ting reached the stairway, the voices of the thugs became even clearer.


He could even see them, looking down from the edge of the stair railing, the armed thugs were roughing up innocent guests.


Seeing this, a slight change flickered in Lu Ting's eyes behind his sunglasses. Despite being mentally prepared, he couldn't help but feel a bit nervous.


After all this was his first time facing such a number of thugs alone since becoming a mercenary. It was impossible for him not to feel any anxiety!


But now Lu Ting could only stabilize his mindset, then casually continue down the stairs.


Unexpectedly, as soon as he reached the landing between two flights of stairs, he ran straight into the thugs who had just finished searching the second-floor rooms and were coming up!


Suddenly, they found themselves face-to-face!


Lu Ting's eyes, hidden behind his black sunglasses, accidentally met the eyes of one of the leading thugs!


Of course, with the sunglasses on, the thug couldn't really make eye contact with Lu Ting, but it felt like a direct gaze to Lu Ting.


However, in such a narrow stairway, the thugs naturally had no reason to let Lu Ting pass!


No matter how tall and imposing Lu Ting appeared, looking tough and not easy to mess with, the thugs didn't care.


After all, they had guns in their hands!


No matter how strong he was, could he be stronger than a gun?!


So, as Lu Ting lifted his foot to walk past the thugs, one of them suddenly raised his AK assault rifle, blocking his path, and signaled to the others to take out the woman's photo. He then asked in English, "Hey, have you seen this woman around here?!"


Upon hearing this, Lu Ting's gaze, hidden behind his sunglasses, shifted to the photo in the thug's hand.


Sure enough, the woman in the photo was his employer, and she was wearing a police uniform!


Lu Ting's previous guess about her identity was correct. The true identity she had concealed from the beginning was that of an international Chinese police officer!


In the next second he calmly shook his head and responded in English, "Sorry, haven't seen her."


After speaking Lu Ting moved again, intending to head down the stairs.


Seeing this, the thugs who had blocked his way didn't stop him further, thinking he genuinely had no clue about the woman.


If he hadn't seen the damned woman, there was no point wasting more time on him!


However, as Lu Ting passed by one of the thugs on the left side of the stairs, the thug unexpectedly caught a faint smell of blood from Lu Ting's body.


"Wait a minute!"


The thug decisively called out to Lu Ting, his eyes now filled with suspicion.


Lu Ting had mentioned before that the drug lords and dealers in Mont Jalada were smart, and their subordinates were trained to be suspicious. Any slight abnormality would arouse their suspicion!


This situation was no different.


The thug turned and walked closer to Lu Ting, scrutinizing him up and down. Then he leaned in, took a deep sniff of Lu Ting, and immediately his expression turned vicious. Showing yellowed, decayed teeth from drug use, he snarled, "You... you're lying!"


From his outward appearance, Lu Ting looked strong and uninjured. So, why did he carry the scent of blood?


A normal hotel guest shouldn't smell of blood!


As the thug finished speaking, the other three thugs immediately grew alert, their eyes scanning Lu Ting suspiciously.


Lu Ting hadn't expected to be sniffed out even after changing his blood-stained clothes.


Is this guy a bloodhound or something?!


One of the impatient thugs, seeing Lu Ting remain silent for two or three seconds, pressed his gun to Lu Ting's neck and threatened, "Damn it! I'll give you one last chance. Have you seen this woman or not?!"


According to their intel, the woman in the photo had indeed escaped into this hotel after leaving their hideout.


In reality, she hadn't escaped on her own; their boss had ordered her release!


The reason was simple.


First, an international police officer infiltrating one of their key bases meant there was a traitor among them, undoubtedly.


Secondly, their boss suspected that this female officer wasn't alone. She might have companions hidden nearby, waiting to assist her!


With this in mind, their boss had allowed her to escape. If she had companions, she would try to pass on whatever information she had to them, especially since she was severely injured.


And sure enough, their intel had seen her entering this hotel looking for someone!


Under orders from their boss, the thugs gathered quickly without alarming her, planning to capture her and her accomplices in one fell swoop.


They knew she was severely injured, bleeding profusely.


So, if this man carried the scent of blood, he must have recently been in close contact with someone who was bleeding heavily!


It was clear who that person was.




Seeing Lu Ting still stubbornly silent, the thug pressed the gun against his neck harder, the threat clear.


Feeling the cold muzzle against his neck, Lu Ting's eyebrows furrowed slightly, a cold killing intent flickering in his eyes behind the sunglasses. His right hand, gripping the Colt 10mm handgun in his pocket, tightened instinctively.


No one likes having a gun pressed to their neck, and Lu Ting was no exception. But given the situation, he chose to bide his time.


Though there were only four thugs here, and Lu Ting was confident he could take them down in ten seconds, the commotion would attract others, trapping him in a more dangerous situation.


So, it was better to avoid unnecessary trouble and resolve this quietly.


As Lu Ting quickly thought through his response, another thug standing beside him, suddenly demanded, "Hey! Take off your sunglasses!"


(End of the Chapter)