
The colonel was well aware that Arthur now knew the situation at the scene. However, at this moment, Arthur's voice sounded calm, as if he wasn't angry or upset about the outcome.


But in reality,


Only those who had truly interacted with him and understood him knew that Arthur's current calmness was merely the calm before the storm!


The calmer he appeared, the more uneasy the colonel felt. Because more than anyone else, the colonel understood that this was how Arthur truly showed his anger and rage, only after he was genuinely furious!


The next moment, the colonel couldn't afford any delays and immediately responded, "Understood, I will arrange for personnel to thoroughly inspect the explosion site!"


As soon as he finished speaking,


Arthur on the other end of the phone did not say anything more and simply hung up.


Seeing this, the colonel's expression turned grim as he put away his phone. After a few seconds of silence, he turned to the special police officers beside him and shouted, "Now! Immediately! Get the water truck here! Put out the fire for me! I want to see his body for myself!"


"And, at the same time, dispatch additional personnel. Immediately conduct a carpet search of the surrounding residential areas!"


The special police officer nodded immediately and replied, "Yes sir!"


He then turned around and left to carry out the colonel's orders!


Clearly, the colonel was determined not to let Lu Ting escape under any circumstances. The current situation forced him to prepare for all possibilities!


The best-case scenario would be if Lu Ting had truly disappeared along with everything on the large truck in the explosion just now!


The worst-case scenario would be if he had created this chaos with the explosion but had already escaped!


In that case, finding him in the densely populated residential area would be as difficult as finding a needle in a haystack, something the colonel least wanted to face!


It's worth noting that Arthur had given him until nightfall today.


But now, after the tough chase battle with Lu Ting, it was already two o'clock in the afternoon, with only three or four hours left until nightfall.


Night provided natural shelter for Lu Ting and also increased the difficulty of their search!


Therefore, he had to make good use of the time and find Lu Ting in this area before nightfall!


On the other hand,


After jumping down from the large truck, Lu Ting rolled directly into a nearby pile of discarded cardboard boxes and garbage.


He had been hiding inside without coming out, waiting until the large truck exploded violently, and the police cars chasing behind him stopped under the overpass after the explosion's aftermath. Only then did Lu Ting crawl out of this pile of garbage.


To avoid attracting attention, he had already taken off his bulletproof tactical vest and wrapped a cloth around his head. At the same time, he dismantled the most conspicuous weapons and hid them back in his backpack.


At this moment, Lu Ting looked no different from the local residents of the Dakar. However, as he walked through the market under the overpass, blending into the crowd, he remained cautiously observant of his surroundings.


Fortunately, due to the massive explosion just now, everyone remained in a state of panic and fear, and no one noticed Lu Ting.


The temporary market under the overpass wasn't very long, and Lu Ting quickly reached its end.


As he left this area under the overpass, he glanced back at the explosion site where he saw all the special police officers still gathered. Without hesitation, he turned and walked into the nearby dilapidated and short residential area.


He knew that once the fire on the large truck was extinguished, the special police would soon realize he wasn't on the truck. After all, they would easily see the situation inside once the fire was out.


By then, the special police would understand that the chaos caused by the explosion was aimed at evading them, achieving the goal of slipping away from the Dakar unnoticed.


Therefore, Lu Ting had to seize every moment and hurry to find a way out of the Dakar.


At that moment, as if recalling something, Lu Ting suddenly stopped at a corner, took out his phone from his pocket, and without hesitation, turned it off. He then removed the SIM card, snapped it in half, and threw both pieces by the roadside.


Carrying this phone now was like carrying a real-time locator. With it, no matter where he went, he would be found.


Moreover, Lu Ting couldn't appear on the streets of the Dakar in his current attire. He had to change his appearance before venturing out to find a way to leave.


Soon, he gathered his thoughts and continued briskly towards the deeper parts of the residential area.


Several tens of minutes later,


Main road blocked off, first explosion site.


Since this explosion was caused by grenades and gasoline, the flames from the wreckage of the large truck were extremely difficult to extinguish.


Under the continuous watering from two water trucks, the raging fire from the wreckage of the large truck was finally completely extinguished!


As soon as the fire on the vehicle was extinguished, the colonel, who had been standing by, immediately waved his hand and ordered the nearby special police officers to enter the wreckage of the large truck and search for Lu Ting's remains.


Soon, the special police officers searching through the wreckage hurriedly ran over and reported to the colonel, "Colonel, we didn't find the target's body."


Upon hearing this, the colonel's face remained as dark as water, without any change in expression, only the look in his eyes becoming increasingly somber.


In fact, judging from the expressions of his special police officers when they ran over to report, the colonel had already anticipated the outcome.


Now, hearing the report from his subordinates, he felt no surprise.


Immediately, the colonel walked towards the police cars and loudly declared, "As I said earlier, immediately send out everyone to find him!!!"




With the colonel's command, all the special police officers and policemen who had arrived immediately dispersed into numerous small teams, rushing to their designated areas to search for and capture Lu Ting!


(End of the Chapter)