No Bottom Line! The Lion Roars with a High Price!

For this operation, the Chinese International Police Force had invested tremendous manpower and resources. If the item had indeed been taken back by the enemy, all their efforts would have been in vain.


Chen Yaoguang certainly didn't want to see the situation develop towards the worst-case scenario she had imagined. However, the continued lack of response from Lu Ting only deepened her unease.


Just as she was lost in thought, suddenly, a detective sitting beside her noticed a small line of English text on the email page they had sent to Lu Ting, indicating 'Read!'


At that moment, not only he but also the other detectives in the hall noticed the change on the email interface.


Instantly, their eyes widened in surprise and disbelief, their gazes fixed on the large screen.


"Captain Chen!"


The next second, a detective stood up abruptly, pointing at the massive screen in front of everyone and exclaimed, "The email shows 'Read'!"


Upon hearing this, Chen Yaoguang, who had been contemplating with lowered eyes, immediately looked up at the email page on the screen. Even she, usually calm and composed, showed a hint of surprise in her eyes.


Immediately after, Chen Yaoguang quickly turned to the detectives beside her and ordered, "Inform Director Hong and the others about this news, quickly!"




"I'll go right away!"


The detective ordered by Chen Yaoguang didn't dare to delay. After responding, he immediately turned and hurried towards the director's office.


It was precisely at this moment that Lu Ting, who had been silent for three days and nights, replied to the email!


Seeing this, Chen Yaoguang, who held the highest command authority in this operation, nodded solemnly and gestured, "Open it, see what he says!"


Upon hearing her command, the detective in front of the computer immediately followed Chen Yaoguang's instructions and opened the email that Lu Ting had just replied to.


"The item is in my possession. If you want it back, bring compensation."


Seeing this short reply, Chen Yaoguang's expression remained grave, her brows furrowing even deeper.


At this moment, footsteps hurried from the corridor outside the screen hall.


Two men entered, both members of the Chinese International Police, dressed in white shirts. The older man walking ahead appeared to be in his forties or fifties, bearing the insignia of a Third-Level Police Supervisor—a laurel branch and a flower.


This middle-aged man was unmistakably a Third-Level Police Supervisor!


Walking slightly behind him was another man, younger than the former but also a member of the Chinese International Police. His insignia showed two bars and three flowers, indicating he was a First-Level Police Inspector.


Anyone familiar with police ranks knew that within the Chinese International Police Headquarters, only the Director and Deputy Director were entitled to wear the insignias of Third-Level Police Supervisor and First-Level Police Inspector, respectively.


Sure enough,


As soon as these two figures stepped into the hall from the corridor, all the detectives who had been scattered around, either standing or sitting, swiftly stood up and quickly straightened their appearances.


"Director Hong, Director Luo!"


All the detectives respectfully saluted the two.


Even Chen Yaoguang, the leader among the detectives, maintained a serious and earnest demeanor as she saluted the two directors.


Facing the salutes and greetings from her subordinates, Director Hong, standing at the forefront, raised his hand to signal everyone to relax.


"Put your hands down, no need for formalities."


Immediately, he turned his attention to the large screen in front of everyone. After seeing Lu Ting's reply on the email, Director Hong furrowed his brows slightly and turned to Chen Yaoguang beside him, asking, "Have you verified it? Is it him in person? Is the item correct?"


Facing the Director's series of questions, Chen Yaoguang's expression remained serious and aloof. She truthfully replied, "Not yet. The email has just come in; we haven't had time to confirm."


As if anticipating their response, just as Chen Yaoguang finished speaking, a new email appeared on the email page of the large screen.


The detective operating the computer immediately clicked on the new email. This time, it was a video file sent by Lu Ting.


"Open it."


Director Hong didn't hesitate for a moment and immediately ordered.


Deep down, Director Hong had a premonition. If things went as expected, this video file should serve as proof from Lu Ting, proving his identity and confirming that he indeed possessed the item!


Sure enough,


Once the video file was opened, Lu Ting's face appeared in front of the camera, matching the information displayed on the mercenary dark web.


Following that, Lu Ting in the video displayed a small storage card, about the size of a fingernail, in front of the camera for a few seconds. Then, he inserted the storage card into a computer. As soon as he opened the file plugin, dozens, even hundreds of video files appeared on the computer screen.


Randomly selecting one of the video files, they all showed pages filled with local script from a camera's perspective.


Soon after, the video ended.


Now, Lu Ting's identity and the item he possessed had all been confirmed.


The atmosphere in the hall became somewhat tense. Before Directors Hong and Luo spoke, everyone held their breath.


"Has he mentioned the commission?"


Finally, after a few seconds of silence, Director Hong turned to Chen Yaoguang beside him and asked.


"Not yet."


Chen Yaoguang shook her head truthfully, then continued, "But I estimate that even if we negotiate the commission with him, the amount he asks for won't be small!"


Initially, when they hired Lu Ting on the dark web, it was merely for a simple bodyguard task.


After this incident unfolded, the item had been temporarily handed over to Lu Ting.


At that time, their people hadn't had a chance to discuss the commission details with Lu Ting. They had only promised a hefty reward once the mission was successful.


And now, after risking his life to retrieve the item from the encirclement of the enemies, it was only fair that Lu Ting would name his price.


As for the commission,


He might just.


Roar with a high price!


(End of the Chapter)