Members of 141 Assemble!

Translator: Cinder Translations



The first person to step out of the mysterious light gate was Captain John Price, the bearded leader and commander of Task Force 141, known as Captain Price.


Emerging from the light gate, Captain Price was dressed in the same gear as his in-game character, adorned with various high-tech combat equipment. Although he wasn't holding a weapon, he had everything else on him.


As soon as he stepped out, Captain Price's battle-hardened, sharp eyes immediately fixed on Lu Ting, who was standing near the gate.


He then raised his hand in a very serious and respectful salute to Lu Ting, saying with full respect, "Commander, Captain John Price reporting for duty!"


Lu Ting did not return the salute but instead stepped forward, patted Captain Price on the shoulder, and smiled slightly, saying, "No need to be so formal, Captain Price."


After all, they were mercenaries, not special forces, and didn't need to adhere to military protocol.


Hearing Lu Ting's words, the previously tense Captain Price visibly relaxed a bit.


At this moment, Lu Ting began to scrutinize the man before him, the top-tier special operations strategist, Captain Price.


Compared to Captain Price, Lu Ting, who had only undertaken two or three mercenary missions and had just one real encounter with the enemy, was severely lacking in special operations experience.


He thought that if the opportunity arose, he could gain practical experience while learning from this seasoned military veteran.


It's important to understand that every second on a real battlefield is full of rapid changes, and unexpected situations can arise at any moment.


Lu Ting had fully realized this not long ago, during his battle with those drug dealers and thugs, alongside the SWAT team.


He clearly wasn't the type to be blindly arrogant. Despite having learned a lot about tactical command from his father over the past year or two, much of it was theoretical and had yet to be tested in actual combat.


An incompetent commander on the battlefield could potentially endanger the entire squad, even costing the lives of everyone in the team if things went awry!


The 141 Task Force members materialized by the System's Special Forces Summon Card were all 100% loyal to him—individuals who would never betray him and whom he could entrust his back to without hesitation. Lu Ting naturally didn't want to see any harm come to any of them!


Therefore, Lu Ting felt that having Price join them at this moment was beneficial, both for himself and for any mercenary within his group in the future.


With Price's inclusion, Lu Ting now had someone to discuss tactics with if they encountered situations requiring combat against enemies during future mercenary missions.


"Hahaha! Price!"


Just as Lu Ting was contemplating Price's presence, a teasing and playful voice suddenly emanated from within the mysterious light portal.


Hearing this familiar voice, Lu Ting's eyes lit up, and he immediately turned his gaze towards the mysterious portal.


Thereupon, a tall and robust figure with a crew cut, known as Soap, emerged with a playful smile from the light portal. After standing beside Captain Price, Soap immediately straightened up and saluted Lu Ting, saying, "Good afternoon, Commander! Captain John MacTavish reporting to you!"


In Call of Duty: Modern Warfare 3, Soap was already deceased, but now, thanks to the System's Special Forces Summon Card, Soap reappeared before Lu Ting, naturally stirring his emotions.


"You old immortal."


After exchanging greetings with Lu Ting, Soap, in a familiar manner, raised his hand and draped it over Captain Price's shoulder. While tugging at the beard on Price's chin, he joked, "Why do you keep getting younger? Are you sneaking around using some skincare products behind our backs?"


Accustomed to Soap's antics, Captain Price swatted away his hand but responded with a speechless expression, "Would you like me to recommend some to you?"


"No need, no need!"


Upon hearing this, Soap immediately withdrew his hand, displaying a hint of disdain. "That's girly stuff. A man like me doesn't need it!"


Tap, tap, tap, tap, tap.


At that moment, the mysterious light portal once again emitted the rhythmic sound of two footsteps, so uniform that if not listened to carefully, it would be impossible to tell that two people were making the noise.


Hearing this, Soap glanced backward for a moment, instantly retracting and turning his gaze towards Lu Ting to quip, "Commander, just by their footsteps alone, I could tell who they are even with my eyes closed!"


Lu Ting: "..."


If you can hear clearly, can't you also discern it with your eyes closed?


Ignoring Soap's verbose antics, Lu Ting's gaze remained fixed on the mysterious light portal.


Soon after,


With each step drawing nearer, Lieutenant Simon "Ghost" Riley and Sergeant Gary "Roach" Sanderson, both of whom were exceedingly composed and steadfast, stepped out from the light portal in perfect synchronization.


Their personalities were equally steady and solemn. As their initial reaction upon seeing Lu Ting, they saluted without hesitation and spoke in unison, "Lieutenant Simon Riley, Sergeant Gary Sanderson, reporting to you punctually!"


Following closely behind were Sergeant Sandman, Yuri, and Nikolai, who also stepped out from the portal. They conscientiously positioned themselves at the rear of the formation and greeted Lu Ting in an orderly manner.


In response to everyone's salutes and greetings, Lu Ting naturally smiled and returned each one, seeing these characters from the game now standing vividly before him. His emotions at this moment needed no further elaboration.


As the leader, Lu Ting warmly welcomed the assembled members standing opposite him, saying, "Welcome, everyone! From now on, we fight side by side, brothers in life and death!"


He disliked the superior-subordinate relationship when dealing with the mercenaries in his armed group. Moreover, from the time he played Modern Warfare, Lu Ting had already considered them as brothers!


Therefore, speaking in such a familiar and friendly manner was not out of place.


This approach and tone of Lu Ting's also brought faint smiles to the faces of all Task Force 141 members, except for Ghost whose face was covered with his iconic mask. However, in their unwavering gaze fixed on Lu Ting, there was an undeniable firmness.


(End of the Chapter)