Dark Web Announcement, This is a Perfect Opportunity!

However, the white car didn't stay long either. After just one or two minutes, it silently departed.

Nevertheless, this scene made Lu Ting clear that his 'performance' at the Splendor Club last night was a complete success!

The fish have now noticed the bait, but when they will take the bait depends on whether Lu Ting continues to lure them effectively in the coming days!

After the white car left, Lu Ting returned to bed from the window and immediately took out a satellite phone dedicated to contacting members of Squad 141, sending them separate messages.

[Price's Team, Sandman, Soap, Nikolai, Ghost, continue to standby at the hotel.]

[Yuri and Roach, wake up in the afternoon and come with me to the casino.]

Squad 141: [Received!]

Seeing the replies on his phone, Lu Ting quickly closed the satellite phone, turned around, and went to take a thorough shower in the bathroom.

Over the course of the night, besides the smell of alcohol, his body also carried the perfume scents of those women. The combination was extremely unpleasant after a while!

After showering in the bathroom, Lu Ting returned to bed to rest and sleep, preparing to recuperate for the new round of battles after waking up in the afternoon.

Time flew by,

Soon, Lu Ting opened his eyes again, and it was already 4:30 in the afternoon.

After getting up and getting ready, Yuri and Roach had been waiting at his room door since five o'clock.

"Let's go, let's continue playing!"

Wearing a brand new expensive suit, Lu Ting glanced at the time on his luxury wristwatch, waved his hand to Yuri and Roach, and left the hotel, driving a luxury car towards today's destination of spending!

In this way, Lu Ting, Roach, and Yuri, except for the first night they arrived, spent most of their time sleeping in the hotel during the day. After waking up in the afternoon, they went straight to the casino. After gambling for a few hours, they moved to various nightclubs and bars at night, staying up until the early morning hours before returning to the hotel.

However, in these short two nights and three days, Lu Ting had almost spent half of the money he exchanged for Tai Zhu!

As for why, you ask?

That's because he practically won nine out of ten in these casinos!

The money he spent in the nightclub bars at night was almost entirely recovered after spending a few hours in the casino!

No matter how big the bet, Lu Ting rarely lost!

After a few trips to the casino, he had won until he was tired of it!

And Lu Ting was well aware that he had no gambling skills whatsoever, and luck was unlikely to be a factor.

Obviously, this must be the operation of the network behind these nightclubs and casinos, after he was marked as a 'hunting target'!

All of this seemed like a carefully arranged trap, just to let you taste the sweetness!

Perhaps Wang Tianyu was blinded by such sweetness before being kidnapped!

However, it was only because of his and Wang Tianyu's status as super-rich second-generation figures that made these fraudsters and kidnappers go to such lengths in their design.

Otherwise, for an ordinary wealthy person, they probably wouldn't receive such 'treatment'.

However, somewhat unexpectedly for Lu Ting, the patience of these fraudsters and kidnappers seemed to exceed what he had imagined!

It had been such a long time, and besides arranging some minor actions that made Lu Ting incredibly lucky in the casino, they hadn't made any other moves.

"Has there been any contact from Wang Fujun's side?"

Just after returning to the hotel with Roach and Yuri, Lu Ting opened his personal satellite computer for the first time and conducted the first video conference in days with Price's Team And others stationed at the base.

Upon hearing Lu Ting's inquiry, Price's Team on the video immediately began reporting, "Well, according to him, the fraudsters and kidnappers haven't been pressing for ransom as urgently in these past few days."

"When he used excuses to delay reducing the ransom, it seems the fraudsters and kidnappers were somewhat accepting."

"Besides that, Commander, those large nightclubs, bars, and casinos you've visited recently haven't shown any major movements."

Upon hearing Price's Team's report, Lu Ting, sitting on the bed, wore a pensive expression.

If the people targeting him and those who kidnapped Wang Tianyu were the same group of fraudsters and kidnappers, then Wang Fujun's easing of the ransom issue should have a lot to do with focusing on him.

However, Lu Ting couldn't quite figure out why these fraudsters and kidnappers suddenly became so patient.

Could it be that the international law enforcement agencies, particularly the Chinese International Criminal Police, had become more resolute in their enforcement actions, making them wary?

Thinking this through, Lu Ting stopped his wandering thoughts.

Regardless, he would continue with his original plan. However, he needed to find a way to increase his spending intensity!

Otherwise, the fish wouldn't bite the hook!

Just then, Nikolai suddenly leaned into the camera of the video conference, holding up his phone screen in front of Lu Ting, speaking with a slightly excited tone, "Commander, the 'Cangsheng' Casino where Wang Tianyu visited before his disappearance has posted an announcement on the dark web!"

"They are introducing new items at their underground auction tomorrow night in the casino! They invite all interested parties to attend!"

Upon hearing Nikolai's words, Lu Ting's gaze immediately shifted to the screen of Nikolai's phone in the video.

The announcement was not widely circulated, only covering areas bordering Myanmar, Laos, Thailand, and Chinese, as well as places like Vietnam and the Philippines.

Since it was labeled as an underground auction, the 'items' displayed there certainly wouldn't be anything legal or regulated.

After pondering for a few seconds, Lu Ting didn't hesitate to speak directly to Nikolai, "Nikolai, register me for participation under Zhao Ting's identity!"

Since such a perfect opportunity to completely attract the attention of the fraudsters and kidnappers was now directly presented to Lu Ting, he naturally had no reason to waste it.

"No problem, Commander."

Upon receiving Lu Ting's instructions, Nikolai acted immediately without hesitation.

Next, Lu Ting looked at Roach and Yuri and continued, "Get ready. Tomorrow, we'll depart for Pattani Province. Come with me to attend this underground auction in the evening!"


(End of the Chapter)