The Little Girl in the Glass Display Case

And underground auctions like this are not only found here. In countries like Myanmar, Thailand and China, the trafficking of people is also countless.


Events like today's underground auction at Cangsheng Casino are hailed as 'auctions' because the quality of the 'auction items' is high and the quantity is scarce.


However, in these countries, human trafficking in underground black markets is more prevalent!


In the underground black market, there are no requirements for appearance. Both men and women are sold, ranging in age from newborns to thirty or forty years old.


They are like vegetables in a market, locked in various specially made iron cages for customers in need to select and purchase.


Some are bought to be used as slaves, and others are bought purely for their organs and blood.


In the underground black market of human trafficking, there is nothing but darkness and cruelty that ordinary people can hardly imagine!


What's even more outrageous is that in certain places in these countries, the GDP is entirely based on the existence of such black industrial chains, ensuring steady growth year after year!


However, although Lu Ting now knows the true 'auction items' of this auction, he still maintains an appearance of calm and normalcy on the surface.


After all, he is not Lu Ting now, but Zhao Ting.


As a rich second-generation son from Chinese visiting here for leisure and pleasure, he obviously wouldn't deliberately investigate these background materials.


Soon after,


Under the expectant gaze of the audience participating in the auction below, the auction platform once again raised a platform and presented an object covered with black cloth in a rectangular shape.


When such an item appeared on the auction platform, there was a slight stir in the crowd around Lu Ting. Obviously, they were all very eager to see what was on the auction platform!


And standing on the auction platform, Xingyue was also quite satisfied with the reaction of the crowd below. After all, it had been a long time since Cangsheng Casino had held such an auction.


During this time, many old friends had asked when they would have a supply, and now they had finally come through with a 'boutique'!


I believe that today's 'auction item' will definitely satisfy everyone, and I believe that this 'auction item' will surely fetch a very high price!


Immediately, Xingyue came to the side of the auction platform and addressed the crowd below, saying, "I believe everyone has been looking forward to this day for a long time, and we at Cangsheng Casino will not disappoint you!"


"Today, this 'auction item' of ours is an unprecedented boutique quality!"


As she said this, Xingyue's hand had already grabbed a corner of the black velvet cloth covering the display case, smiling as she continued, "More words are useless. Whether it's worth the 'boutique' label, please enjoy it yourselves!"


With that, Xingyue grabbed the corner of the black velvet cloth and pulled it down hard!


Suddenly, the black velvet cloth, which had been lightly covering it, was pulled down.


Inside the rectangular glass display case that appeared before everyone's eyes, there was a little girl whose neck was locked with a black chain. Judging from her facial features, it was clear she was not from Southeast Asia.


The girl appeared to be around thirteen or fourteen years old, with skin as white as snow. Under a soft, radiant light, she looked incredibly dreamlike.


And most importantly, her long hair, cascading like a waterfall, as well as her eyelashes and eyebrows, are all white!


Coupled with her very delicate and beautiful face,


All of this makes her, even though she is locked in the rectangular glass display case, look as beautiful as a little angel fallen into the world!


Perhaps because the black velvet covering blocked the light all along, when the beam of light shone into the glass display case, the little girl unconsciously raised her hand to shield her eyes from the light.


But when she put her hand down, Lu Ting did not see any signs of fear on her face. She seemed to have known all this was happening for a long time, or perhaps understood her fate that lay ahead.


In her beautiful eyes staring at the crowd below the auction display, there was only numbness,


No vitality or life!


And when she, enclosed in the rectangular glass display case, appeared in the eagerly anticipated sight of the public at the auction, the entire auction scene erupted in bursts of admiration without any surprises.


In the eyes of everyone looking at the auction display, there was only overwhelming admiration and a desire to possess her!


But Lu Ting felt nothing but disgust in his heart for these digusting behaviors of the people!


He was not some pervert. Even if she was extraordinarily beautiful, in Lu Ting's eyes, she was just a child.


With such thoughts, he was probably the only normal person in the entire auction venue.


Standing beside Lu Ting, Roach and Yuri, although wearing sunglasses to cover most of their expressions, could still be seen to harbor strong suspicions about this auction.


But since the auction was not over yet, they couldn't turn away.


At this moment, Xingyue on the auction platform had already begun a brief introduction to this 'auction item'.


"I'm sure everyone can see that she doesn't look like someone from Asia. Her name is Alya, fourteen years old, and she has albinism from birth."


Upon hearing Xingyue's last words, the various participants in the auction scene did not show any surprised expressions. After all, from her appearance, it was clear that this little girl had albinism.


However, although albinism is a condition, it does not significantly affect normal life expectancy. At most, it causes some visual problems and fragile skin.


As for the little girl locked in the rectangular glass display case at this moment, her lack of any special discomfort towards the surrounding light sources indicates that she may be a particularly lucky albino, unaffected even by the most basic aspects!


Sure enough,


Just as Lu Ting was thinking this, Xingyue on the auction display continued, "But please rest assured, after multiple examinations, we have confirmed that she has no diseases whatsoever, and all her indicators are normal."


(End of the Chapter)