Chapter 24

The road running from the palace gate to the outer ring of Binoria was lined by thousands of Binorians. There were women dancing in red robes with the Centala flower braided to their hair, moving their limbs sensually to the strings of hundreds of lutes. There were men sending dust up into the air with the thumping of their feet to the beat of the drums. Children ran around carrying Centala flowers and tossing them at the feet of the passing Thirty Seventh legion. Rehny hated the whole shebang and found himself wishing he was the lowest of Binorians safely tucked away in a gutter somewhere other than the Bronze path his horse trod upon.


The Bronze path, the name of the road leading from the palace to outside the city carried with it significance. The name served as a reminder of the time Talisi had failed to meet their annual quota and instead chose to offer bronze gorents instead of gold vigons. The King of Binoria refused the gift and decided he would have another gift more fitting to his status, on the way back to the palace the King of Binoria rode ahead of his cavalry with the King of Talisi's head sticking at the tip of his outstretched blade.


Desan rode ahead of the legion with his drawn sword held out to his right in an attempted imitation of what his father usually did when he led a legion to a Gift giving at the Ganidan plain. His imitation fell short of the actual glory King Vayin portrayed and instead he looked like a boy playing pretend but that didn't stop the gathered crowd of Binorians from chanting "Lavifan!" He was a symbol of the future, of leadership to come and the people accepted him as such, calling him the Great one. Rehny found himself wishing Desan's horse would throw him off the saddle and that he would land on his arse. That would be a great display from the Lavifan. Rehny thought and smiled.


"You're smiling, that's a rare sight." Dahli said from beside Rehny's steed. Rehny's smile vanished as he turned his head to meet the grey eyes of the princess. Dahli was dressed in Red armor specifically designed for her bust and curves and dawned a gold cape that marked her as royalty. She rode a white horse that looked too majestic and entitled beside Rehny's brown steed that had a tendency to tilt its head to the left at random for absolutely no reason. Rehny didn't mind his horse, sure, Rehny had once tried to see if it could track a stick with its eyes and the result had been inconclusive but the steed could match the pace of the King's own royal horses and that was enough for Rehny.


"Look at him." Dahli said, pointing with her chin at her brother who rode before them. "He actually believes that he is the one destined to receive the Jojoh Meena. What if he didn't? Won't this spectacle he is putting on serve only to embarrass him in future?" Rehny noticed that she spoke between the clenched teeth of a fixed smile, her voice meant only for his ears. He wanted to tell her that he saw no difference between the pompous cunt ahead of him who was dawned in gold plated armor marking him the senior most official on the expedition or the entitled brat beside him.


"I doubt Leba would inherit it, he is too soft and avoids matters of war entirely." Rehny replied, it was a subtle hint at the fact that a woman has never inherited the Jojoh Meena and it was an obvious dig at Dahli.


Dahli laughed, "Careful how you underestimate Leba, a lot of people seem to do so but beneath his surface I assure you there is nothing gentle about him."


"Leba is a coward." Came a voice from ahead of Rehny. Apparently Desan's ears were as sharp as the blade he carried. Rehny found himself thanking the Gods that the young man hadn't received the Jojoh Meena yet, he shivered at the thought of what might occur if Desan ever had the ability to peek into his mind. "Leba hides it behind his acts of generosity and charity but it's all a mask to conceal what a coward he is." Desan continued, "He can't carry a sword to save his life and he knows it. The Jojoh Meena is mine, dear sister, lnot his."


Desan turned subtly on his steed to glare at his sister with grey eyes similar to her own. "The only embarrassment here is you sister, striving to be something you were never meant to be, you should look for a suitable mate preferably one among the sons of the Highlords and resort to a life of breeding and birthing." Desan's glare turned to Rehny and the Commander immediately seemed extremely interested in the black cape that adorned his red armour. He tagged at it and avoided Desan's gaze. Desan snorted and turned his attention back to the stretch of road before him, his horse swaying him gently upon the saddle. Pompous cunt. Rehny thought and by the look on Dahli's face it appeared they had a thought in common.


The trio rode in silence before the Thirty Seventh legion whose even march sounded behind them together with the clanking of armour. The Thirty Seventh legion consisted of 4200 men with each man as capable as the next in matters of war, but Rehny knew that if war broke out against the Talisi they would be crushed. Only the King could lead an attack on Talisi with only 4200 men, his presence alone tipped the odds in their favor so it came as a shock when Desan spoke. "Four thousand men and not a single cavalry, I wonder how father expects me to deliver the head of King Gans on the tip of my blade upon my return."


"Prince Desan, your father means this to be a simple gift exchange with no blood shed, we can't risk war against the Talisi without the King. It would be suicide." Rehny replied putting in as much reason as he could into the weight of his words. Desan was driven by bloodlust and a need to prove himself on the battlefield and such attributes could lead to the death of every person marching to the Ganidan plain under his command.


"Nonsense!" Desan retorted. "We don't need the King for I am here! I will lead this men to victory against the weak and cowardly Talisi and my name shall be composed in ballads. Men shall wish to be me and women shall think of me with their lovers inside them." Rehny rubbed at his face with the palm of his hand in frustration. The Prince was a deluded fool, he needed no further proof of this.


"Desan, the Talisi Green Army always come to the Ganidan plain outnumbering us ten to one since their former King's death. Without father it would be best to maintain a peaceful gift giving for they cannot strike us for fear of incurring our father's wra-" Dahli started.


"Shut up Dahli or by the Gods you shall turn your steed and head back to the palace on my command!" Desan interrupted, his sword trembling slightly in his grasp. Rehny took note of the common symptom of one who often indulged in the form of Rage. "I shall have no more of this statistical nonsense. I will return with King Gans's head." Rehny wondered whether the 'Mad King comes!' prophecy might be referring to Desan. "As my father did to his father so shall I do to the son." Desan concluded.


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