Chapter 51


Two hands had pressed down on either of Ishar's shoulders in an effort to make him kneel. He hadn't given in, he didn't feel like bending the knee. Finally, with a grunt the person gave up their failed attempt at making Ishar comply and resorted to using another tactic, what followed was a hard hit to the back of Ishar's knees with something that felt like a club. It did nothing more than annoy Ishar that someone would seek to hit him while his face was in a bag, he wanted to see who had done the deed so he reached up with his hands to remove the black bag hindering his sight.


He'd been compliant as they had dragged him around. His feet had trod on hardwood floors, stone floors and marble floors without him resisting or being taxing. He'd been stopped several times by the white clad Inquisitors as they exchanged words with people they came across on their journey to King Vayin Vigon.


"Is he the one?" Ishar would hear. "He does not look capable."


"It appears the events of the Ganidan plain might have been greatly exaggerated. Either way we've judged him as a level one." The reply would come.


And it went on like that throughout the walk with people asking if Ishar was responsible for the Prince's current state and the Inquisitors demeaning him as a response. It reached a point when Ishar grew bored with the routine and when a question was posed he replied. "Ah, get on with it man! The events of the Ganidan plain were greatly exaggerated and I'm judged to be a level one threat, basically as harmless as an overgrown rodent. Now, let's get on with it!" His answer had been met with silence though if he could see through the bag he'd not have been surprised to find all eyes were on him.


The sound of large doors opening met Ishar's ears and soon the ground he trod upon morphed from the cold hard marble to a soft warm texture. He walked on a carpet. He was brought to a halt after walking some distance on the soft carpet that brought with it a pleasant sensation to the soles of his bare feet, a sensation he'd never known before. It was then that they'd gotten to the task of making him kneel, something he did not feel like doing.


He reached to take off the bag over his face and hands abruptly grabbed his arms in a solid grip. Ishar chuckled, he fought back the strain of the hands trying to pin his arms to the side and managed to grab the hem of the bag and yank it off. He stood in the largest room he'd ever been in and his mouth dropped as he marveled at the size of the room. Gold drapes lined large windows adorning the walls. The whole floor was covered in a thick red carpet and the white walls reflected the light from the windows and made the room shimmer in natural light.


The high ceiling was covered in murals and one particular painting of a man riding a rhino caught Ishar's attention. It reminded him of the vision Ishar had had when Ovek had placed his hand over his heart and left a mark. Ishar's mouth hung open as his head tilted far back to take in the ceiling's murals, he wondered whether the painters had painted the stones before setting them or if they'd climbed to that height to paint. He was suddenly very interested in art and its various means of application.


"This is the thing that did that to Desan?" Ishar heard a voice, a voice that carried with it something that was oddly familiar to him but he couldn't quite point out why. Ishar turned his gaze in the direction of the voice to see a man dressed in a red doublet and white undershirt with crimson breeches. The man sat on a large red throne and beside him on a smaller golden throne sat Princess Dahli dressed in the same red armor he'd seen her in before. The man looked at Ishar with grey eyes the color of storm clouds set in his pale face. His grey hair dangled on either side of his face in wavy streaks and a gold crown with a ruby set in its midst adorned his head.


King Vayin Vigon regarded Ishar from atop his throne with the same attitude a man would have inspecting dog shit he'd stepped on and had stuck to the sole of his shoe. "He is quite formidable in combat, he handled Desan without armor or a sword. He has the heart of a warrior despite his outward appearance which makes him worthy enough to participate in the Nula Anyl just like the Remu spy." Dahli said, her sing song voice carrying over the whole throne room.


Ishar had forgotten the hands latched onto his arms. He turned his attention to them and found them to be of the two Inquisitors who'd brought him in. Their blue eyes were on the King sitting on a throne at the top of the stairs. At the foot of the stairs stood the Commander of the Legions in his black cape and red armor. His head was bowed and there was a look on his face that gave him the same appearance as a child who'd just received a scolding. On either side of the staircase stood two men dressed in black leather armor with their hands clasped behind their backs.


"Inquisitors, what is your judgment regarding this Kolotian scum who's been gifted to us?" Vayin Vigon's voice still did something to Ishar, there was something behind it, a second underlying tone that did not come from the same throat. And that tone held a familiarity to it though he was certain he'd never heard it before.


"By our assessment the boy is as harmless as the mbengo insect. His only weapon being the stench he'll leave once he is crushed." One of the pale bald Inquisitors said.


"He'd be unfit for the Nula Anyl. The Goddess will be offended for sending Her someone as low as him." The other said.


Vigon observed Ishar with his grey eyes and for a split second Ishar could see the eyes flicker red. That crimson shade the eyes turned to before going back to grey were even more familiar to Ishar than the voice, it was like looking into the depths of a lover long lost but returned.


"Rehny, is this honestly how you see fit to honor Binoria as Commander of the Legions? By failing to protect Desan from a Talisi ambush and deluding my daughter into bringing this insane mbengo as an excuse for your failure?" Vayin Vigon asked. Rehny lifted his eyes to observe the King then he lowered his head back down again. Vayin turned to the Inquisitors. "Kill the Kolotian." He said.



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